#currentlyreading #septrelease2018🇦🇺 #preview #rso #usaya #schoolshootings #kodykeplinger
This was fun, but also thoughtful, even though I wished Kennedy‘s parallel lives both had good and bad Points. One life was clearly presented as the ‘worst‘ one. But I read it quickly and enjoyed Kennedy‘s clever voice, but also her swoony love interest and her very adorable younger brother. #preview #rso #septrelease2018🇦🇺 #contemporaryya #digital
Just finished this #yathriller as a #preview #rso #septrelease2018🇦🇺 I found it hard going, using a device with which I really struggle—mentally unhinged characters manipulating the MCs, leaving them helpless & powerless. So urgh. Didn‘t really enjoy it even though it does everything (else) right. Tight plot lines, rising tension and suspense, twists and reveals, and strong characterisation.
It‘s two week school holiday time here in Qld, 🇦🇺, and I am not saying I HAVE to read ALL the books 📚 in these piles, but... maybe I should read most of them?? Which would be cool, if that‘s all I had to do, however, as we all know, life does sometimes throw in a few reminders... but yeah, I am going to have a good run at this #tbrpile #currentlyreading #qlajudging #rso #septrelease2018🇦🇺 #overwhelming #oneatatime #stepbystep #justbreathe
My last book took soooo long to finish due to end of term shenanigans. Hoping this one gets more attention. #currentlyreading #preview #rso #septrelease2018🇦🇺 #scifi #yaliterature
#currentlyreading #rso #preview #septrelease2018🇦🇺 #loveozya just started and I am already intrigued.