These rejected titles are not quite #Spankle worthy, but once again I‘m grateful for whatever burst of inspiration made it possible for me to be reading Bleak House and not Tom-all-Alone‘s blah-blah-blah, etc.
These rejected titles are not quite #Spankle worthy, but once again I‘m grateful for whatever burst of inspiration made it possible for me to be reading Bleak House and not Tom-all-Alone‘s blah-blah-blah, etc.
“Erastus V. Joice would have simply gone down in history as a notary with a Dickensian name...”
This one‘s for you @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
It‘s been a while since I came across a name that made me think of #Spankle 😂😂😂
As we become MORE aware of huge systemic issues of mass incarceration, this book reminds us to look at young women, and not just focus our whole attention on young black men. Girls face racial issues, but also gendered issues, stemming from slavery through today where they are considered more mouthy, more sexualized, and more nonconforming just be being themselves. All of which puts them at a greater danger of being punished as “willful” ⤵️
One of the joys of reading #DickensInSeptember is discovering the seriously odd names in his books.
Last year in Barnaby Rudge the winner of the Weird Name Contest was Simon Tappertit.
Dick Swiveller takes the cake.
The introduction of my edition has this to say about Dickens struggle in choosing his title character‘s surname: “Forster gives a list, which includes such atrocities as Sweezlebag, Chubblewig, and Chuzzletoe...” #Spankle #DickensianDecember #MartinChuzzlewit @jenniferw88 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
This one took some Googley detective work, but it appears #TheGameChicken is a pugilistic sort of character in the novel Dombey and Son. Another one that‘s still TBR for me but I am intrigued by the great character name, definitely worthy of #Spankle #DickensianDecember @jenniferw88 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
What now!?!?😳😂🤣😂🤣
Sorry, but every once and awhile something jumps out as so jarring you just have to share!