Her books take me to a part of Scotland that I love and count as my second home. I‘ve read a few books in this series and enjoy following the characters. Getting fond of DI Clare Mackay. Another book that would make a good plane read.
Her books take me to a part of Scotland that I love and count as my second home. I‘ve read a few books in this series and enjoy following the characters. Getting fond of DI Clare Mackay. Another book that would make a good plane read.
Another short trip to the part of Scotland that I love.Her latest book and I'm enjoying each one a little more. The mystery in this was well done. A quick enjoyable read. Would be perfect for a plane read.
Todays mail. Another trip to Scotland .
Getting better. The plot much improved. Loving the development of the characters and of course I‘m continuing to enjoy my visits to Scotland on the page.
I always hover between pick and so so with these books. The appeal to me is mainly the setting. Fife in Scotland which I know so well. I am also a bit invested in finding out what happens to the main characters.
Another light quick read . Another great distraction for me right now. I‘m warming to her books. A couple more in the series to read. I like the female detective. Best of all she writes about a part of Scotland I know really well. Fife.
Loved this! Book 3 in the Clare Mackay series was another great one. Having just been to Edinburgh it was nice to be able to picture some of the scenes like the Royal Mile and St Giles Cathedral, made it even more enjoyable 😊
I think I‘ll read more of these!!
Easing into the week in fine fashion, with a great breakfast at Bibi‘s Cafe, St Andrews, and a marvellous book, with an extra savour of serendipity as I chose it at random from @dauntbooks. This is a chilling medical thriller, with a great plot and characters I feel I already know. #book #books #bookstagram #currentlyreading #peteradamson #thekennedymoment #coffee #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #bibiscafe #standrews #scotland #fife #i💙scotland
#landmarksofmycity @Clwojick
St Andrews Castle, in my former city