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Not the tagged book, but Khemiri‘s latest novel is not in the database

Wow! Just WOW! This book is amazing. About 3 sisters, Ina, Evelyn and Anastasia. The book starts as the world is heading into a new millennium and the sisters are in their 20s and we follow them until after the pandemic.

Three‘s also a storyteller, telling us about the sisters in the 90s and how he came in contact with them.

A book about family, absent parents and kids

AnneCecilie who take on too much responsibility too soon, about mental illness and how that affects the family. Khemiri is part Swedish and part Tunisian, and all the main characters in this novel is that as well, so it‘s about how that effect you. We watch them as life change and change again. (edited) 3mo
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Aprilheks | Majgull Axelsson
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Not me, thinking I was ahead of the game and had already posted my #BookSpin list only to realize I‘m a month behind…🙄😂💀 Sheesh. April already!? Well, the list is the same anyway, so no harm no foul! I‘m excited to pick the books to fit the spins!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Emigrants | Vilhelm Moberg
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Amiable Loved this series! It provided so much insight into the lives and emigration journey of my Swedish great-grandparents. 8mo
Eggs Beautiful post 👏🏻👏🏻 8mo
Blueberry @Amiable I felt the same about the Giants in the Earth series by O. E. Rølvaag. 8mo
TheSpineView Well done! 8mo
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Barabbas | Par Lagerkvist
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Pontius Pilate offered the people a choice (to keep his own hands clean): The Messiah or Barabbas. Pilate was sure no one wanted to free Barabbas, but he was wrong. No one talks about how this substitution affected Barabbas. What made him worth this 2nd chance? What if he just can‘t make himself believe? I love this short search for identity. Excellent read. 239/1,001 #1001Books December‘s #TBRTarot: author whose last name begins w/ “L”

CBee Awesome 👏🏻 9mo
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The Invoice: A Novel | Jonas Karlsson
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Final #BookSpin wrap up for the year. I completed 9/12 picks. Not my greatest year but as always I enjoy making my monthly list and I enjoy seeing the titles coming off my tbr pile. Thanks for hosting another great year of reading @TheAromaofBooks now off to complete the google doc.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic progress!! 9mo
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Saga of Gosta Berling | Selma Lagerlof
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Black Ice | Carin Gerhardsen
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
