When your book matches your booksleeve!! And that‘s the interior color, too. #thelittlethings
(It‘s actually a perfect match irl.)
Sending love to you all. Thank god for this supportive community!!! 🥰💖💕💜😘🥰
When your book matches your booksleeve!! And that‘s the interior color, too. #thelittlethings
(It‘s actually a perfect match irl.)
Sending love to you all. Thank god for this supportive community!!! 🥰💖💕💜😘🥰
Had a really frustrating day today and I was dreading the rest of the night but I got my order from Powell‘s Books. I had ordered the physical copy of one of my favorite books this year because it was on sale and surprisingly, it was signed!!!!
#thelittlethings #signed #surprise
Since I will be moving out of state soon, I am trying to remember and document all of the little things I will miss when I'm gone. This smurf stamped onto the sidewalk will be one of those things.
PS - still enjoying the tagged book
It‘s time for basketball practice. But I discovered something tonight. My new purse fits a graphic novel! And it will zip and not be all distorted. How friggin cool is that!? also yes there are 2 books and a crossword book in there. #booknerdexcitment #thelittlethings
Embracing the moment = Reading Time... Happy Sunday 😊
#anabsolutelyremarkablething #hankgreen #almostfinished #okbook #different #embracethemoment #lovesayings #inspireyou #thelittlethings #happyreading #readingismagical
So on one side, I really resent that my life is such a crazy $*@+ show that I collapse exhausted most nights without the energy to even pick up a book. On the other side, I'm really grateful tonight is different - loving my cinnamon tea and the chance to really get started on this book. #thelittlethings 🍵📖
Poppers, some wine and a book! #thelittlethings #sunday #books
No, I don't live on the north shore in the famed Gold Coast but I have achieved my area code in #litfluence!!! #thelittlethings #simplemindssimplepleasures #DorkusMajorcus
The things you find when your job is to sort through people's old books. This book was deeply dog-eared and when I opened to unfold it, I found a sticky note that simply said, "I miss you." I really hope the message reached its intended. #lovenotes #booklove #thelittlethings #romantic #book #books #badbitchbookreview