This was an okay read, but possibly the least favourite of the books i have read by Adrian McKinty, although that said it did grow on me the further on that I read. Although won‘t be one to live in my memory.
Book 1 finished for #MarvellousMay
This was an okay read, but possibly the least favourite of the books i have read by Adrian McKinty, although that said it did grow on me the further on that I read. Although won‘t be one to live in my memory.
Book 1 finished for #MarvellousMay
Book 24
A well-written, disappointing novel, set in the 1950s, featuring an Irish boy Traveller (similar to a gypsy) who's lived without his mom his whole life and is coming-of-age, trying to find his path. It wasn't a compelling read, especially in the middle.
3.5 stars
This is one of the best books I‘ve read in a very long time. The writing is excellent, not only in its form but also in what in conveys about the world and the human experience. The story is engaging and romantic and will stay with me for a very long time.
"And as the ax bites into the wood be comforted in the fact that the ache in your heart and the confusion in your soul means that you are still alive, still human, and still open to the beauty of the world, even though you have done nothing to deserve it. And when you resent the ache in your heart, remember: You will be dead and buried soon enough."
#bookquote #PaulHarding #Tinkers #human #recommend #pain #lifeanddeath #family #memory
“The sat nav was all Catherine Zeta-Jones in the nineties. “You are approaching your destination, you are approaching your destination.”” Lol! #audiobook
I LOVED this book. This was a re-read for my book club and it seems everyone else loved it too. We'll have plenty to discuss. Again, there is a selkie theme running throughout (I can't pass up a selkie story 😊), and family, identity, history are central. The descriptive language was beautiful, and I connected to characters even when they made baffling decisions. Love, love, loved it!! ❤️❤️❤️
Last month, #june, I read by colors (blues and greens)! From left to right:
♡ #talesofthepeculiar by #ransomriggs
♡ #wytches by #scottsnyder ( #graphicnovel )
♡ #waitingforgodot by #samuelbeckett ( #play )
♡ #neverwhere by #neilgaiman
♡ #thebearandthenightingale by #katherinearden
♡ #weareokay by #ninalacour
♡ #sleepinggiants by #sylvainneuvel
♡ #tinkers by #paulharding
♡ #catscradle by #kurtvonnegut
♡ #theburiedgiant by #kazuoishiguro