I did not drink the Kool-Aid. Would you? Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#under-the-influence
I did not drink the Kool-Aid. Would you? Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#under-the-influence
I laughed (a lot). I cried (sad, angry, happy). I would do it all again. Read my review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#under-the-whispering-door
#UndertheWhisperingDoor #NetGalley #MacmillanAudio #TorBooks
“There‘s no freedom quite like the freedom of being constantly underestimated.”
#QuotsyJan20 | 26: #Under
📷: Made with Typorama
“Don‘t be afraid,” the voice said. “You can come out.” There was no point in hiding now. Dottie crawled out from #under the blanket, clutching her book. She looked at the visitor, and then at the objects on the floor. #QuotsyJan20
#QuotsyJan20 #under
There are quotes for “under” that are deeper but who doesn‘t hate things that scuttle out from under shower curtains?! 🐜🕷🦗🦂😱😆
Motel showers were always a crapshoot. The temperature always seemed to hover between “weakly warm” and “human lobster.” And there was always the chance that you could find new friends with more legs than you, scuttling out from under the shower curtain. I really hated that.