Like much of everything else, WE MADE IT UP!
#josteingaarder #sophiesworld #kant #time #space #humanideas #wemadeitup #makingitupaswegoalong #philosophy #adventuresinphilosophy #westernphilosophy #deadphilosopherssociety #whereitallstarted
Like much of everything else, WE MADE IT UP!
#josteingaarder #sophiesworld #kant #time #space #humanideas #wemadeitup #makingitupaswegoalong #philosophy #adventuresinphilosophy #westernphilosophy #deadphilosopherssociety #whereitallstarted
What a trip. This book has some really strange parts to the plot, but it‘s still well worth the read. It will definitely get you thinking in different ways. This is a book that certainly harbours open mindedness and free thinking, even rejection of parents‘ ideas and beliefs without proper examination, so I can certainly see why this book has been banned and challenged by some groups.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Do you feel like this book encompasses that many cultures, or are we seeing one path, or just a few paths, through history?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Who are the wisest characters in the book?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Astronomy as philosophy. What did you think?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll