I awoke to a fresh blanketing of snow this morning 🙄 so this seemed like an appropriate title to finally pick up and start.
This 1933 novel was the first book to be (re)published as a Virago Modern Classic. 🍎
I awoke to a fresh blanketing of snow this morning 🙄 so this seemed like an appropriate title to finally pick up and start.
This 1933 novel was the first book to be (re)published as a Virago Modern Classic. 🍎
Reminder that sign ups are still open for the Tea Lover's Postal Book Club! (Special shout out to any Canadian Littens interested in joining, we're a little light on the Canadian contingent. Join us! 🇨🇦)
Share your love of books and tea with like-minded Littens 😁
Sign ups are open until March 1st. Info and sign up at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/bvlCiS9qZxVBLXff1
@SkeletonKey and I are available for any questions 😁