I‘m reading the Kiss Quotient, not Why Kill the Innocent. I just got to the parking lot scene at the gala and I realize my book print got screwed up!!!!! 😭 This is not ok!
#sad #misprint #dead #whyme #mpls #twincities
I‘m reading the Kiss Quotient, not Why Kill the Innocent. I just got to the parking lot scene at the gala and I realize my book print got screwed up!!!!! 😭 This is not ok!
#sad #misprint #dead #whyme #mpls #twincities
Literally me today. I went to lunch at Barnes and Noble with my friend Sarayu. Because I‘m on a book buying ban, I only looked at the fandom merch. Needless to say, she literally dragged me away from buying the miniature quidditch set that I did not know they sold. The sales clerk congratulated her on being such a good friend.
#addicted #bookbuyingban #ban #friendshipgoals #ineedhelp #whyme #bn #barnesandnoble #mpls #twincities
So your girl stopped by at the dollar store and bought books. Again. My only issue is everytime I go I never find the first book of the series. It's ALWAYS the second or third.
And that, as always, didn't stop your girl from buying. Thus will be added to my tbr list and now I'm off to hunt the first books.
I'm waiting for four packages and they are in some kind of Christmas season USPS black hole.
The one that was returned to sender had my #secretSantagoespostal books in it
That moment when you have to go to bed right as your fave character decides to depose a Faerie Queen. #ugh #whyme #idontwanttogotowork
Started this one on audio this morning! I find that I'm much more productive if I have an audiobook to listen to. I got all excited about this one and decided to clean my kitchen and bathroom. I finished the kitchen, but halfway through the bathroom my Bluetooth headphones DIED. I can't listen without headphones because my baby is sleeping AND NOW I DON'T WANNA CLEAN ANYMORE. #whyme #melodramatic #dontcare
PLEASE NOBODY SPOIL THE MOVIE OR THE SCREENPLAY FOR ME PLZ PLZ MARK YOUR POSTS IF THERE WILL BE ANY SHRED OF SPOILERS IN THEM. THANK U #willbesufferingatrelativeshouse #insteadofseeingthefilmorreadingthescreenplay #whyme #jesuskillmenow #tbhicantaffordtobuyanynewbooksanyways #illhavetowaitforxmas #canbarelyaffordusedbooks