Found this little book hidden behind some others on the shelf one day at work. I know it's written to a younger crowd but I wanted to see what I could learn from it. So today I'm perusing while I eat my lunch. 😊
#writingmagic #writingbook #writer
Found this little book hidden behind some others on the shelf one day at work. I know it's written to a younger crowd but I wanted to see what I could learn from it. So today I'm perusing while I eat my lunch. 😊
#writingmagic #writingbook #writer
This book is obviously written for kids. I think Apple Books marked it as 3rd grade. It‘s still a great, straightforward book about writing that doesn‘t try to impose any ideas on you. It‘s encouraging and the whole point is to get you writing. It doesn‘t matter how old you are, if you don‘t have fun with this book you need to check your pulse because you might be dead.
#creativewriting #gailcarsonlevine #writingmagic
No idea why I resist using “said.” I guess I do think it‘s boring. I keep meaning to pay attention to what my favourite authors use, but I always forget. I tend to put movement information there that also identifies the speaker. Maybe I need to take “said” for a spin.
#creativewriting #writingmagic #gailcarsonlevine #nanowrimo #litsynano #writersoflitsy #speechtags
Sometimes you just need to skim over something that is less important to get to something that‘s important to the narrative.
#creativewriting #gailcarsonlevine #writingmagic #tell #show #both #writersoflitsy #litsynano #nanowrimo
I feel like this was written just for me. I know this exact person, I never shower her my writing again, and I‘m still writing today (after a bit of a hiatus because what did I know as a kid, I did actually believe her for a while).
#creativewriting #writingmagic #gailcarsonlevine
My writing philosophy, summed up for me.
#creativewriting #writingmagic #gailcarsonlevine #nanowrimo #alwayslearning #alwayswriting #writersoflitsy #litsynano #practicemakesprogress
Perfectionists beware!!!
Almost curious to know how many writers are perfectionists. I‘ve heard a lot of my favourite authors say they‘re perfectionists, so I‘m wondering if this is a common trait among writers.
#writingmagic #gailcarsonlevine #creativewriting #perfectionist #nosuchthingasperfect
I think I‘ve tagged all of my #writersoflitsy friends. Let me know if I‘ve missed anyone. #litsynano #nanowrimo #writeon
I absolutely HATE writing in third person omniscient. It's ridiculous. Who the hell does this willingly? It's madness. Just because I have ADHD doesn't mean my story has to.
#creativewriting #gailcarsonlevine #writingmagic #nanowrimo #litsynano #writersoflitsy #pov
Maybe this is my problem...I‘m just too nice to people...I can be evil to my characters.
Yeah, but I love them.
#writer #writingproblems #nanowrimo #nano2018 #writersoflitsy #litsynano #gailcarsonlevine #writingmagic #itson
Interesting. Author‘s get to explore their inner evil.
#writer #nanowrimo #nano2018 #writingmagic #gailcarsonlevine #litsynano #writersoflitsy