Beginning my Feminist reading education and strictly because I want to be Emma Watson when I grow up! #books #feminist #readfeministbooks #wednesday #bookblogger
Beginning my Feminist reading education and strictly because I want to be Emma Watson when I grow up! #books #feminist #readfeministbooks #wednesday #bookblogger
Book of the Month, you win again!! So excited for this! #noaplogoies #sorrynotsorry #newbook #botm #books
Blogging and reading this gripping novel today under overcast skies! Winter in California is fantastic!! #blogging #bookblog #writer #orphanstale
Hello Litsy! Glad to be back! A friend recommended this book and Im so excited to read it! Happy Hump Day! #books #bookblog #travelmemoir
A little reading before bed... Good night world!
I don't read Romance that often but I am a sucker for Regency romance and Sarah Maclean never fails to keep me engrossed in her novels. A lovely break from all the other reading I am doing, just diving into a " I hate you but I want you" novel. *sigh* I love the dynamic of strong female characters that fight for their freedom while trying not to be seduced by Mr. Sexy Trousers. It's fantastic, heart beating treat of a novel.
Because reading about rich people problems is the best! Happy Hump day everyone!! #books #humpday #wednesday
Needing a bit of graphic novel lightness since all my current reads are a bit heavy. Btw... Under ground Railroad is so good! Super intense but so good!! #graphicnovel #currentlyreading #books
I had so many feels for this book! Between the sorrow over reading these two women and their stories or being homesick for Paris, I couldn't handle it. Great contemporary addition to any library. Between a third and first person prospective, I loved the originality of Eleanor's writing and story telling. Such a delightful treat getting lost in her novel.
This is finally happening!!! My history nerdish heart is so excited! Who needs sleep? Not me! 😍😍😍 #fiction #books #reading #undergroundrailroad #newbook
Ooooo another fictional book taken place in Paris?? Don't mind if I do... 😍 📚 if you need me, I'll be reading #currentlyreading #newbook #bookworm #paris
Great summer read about how one dress changed the lives of so many different women from all ages, and stages in life. An adult version of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants except everyone gets their own dress. You get a LBD! You get a LBD! You get s LBD! Super girly, I loved it! 💜💜
After listening to Liberty talk endless about this book, I caved and got myself a copy! If you need me... I'll be reading 😍📚
This is the only short story collection that I like! I've read a few other collections but nothing has grabbed me like this collection! Kiss ass ladies with historical influence?! Yes please!!!So good! Go get it right meow!
A little sad this series is over 😭 but not what expected! Well done Kiera!!
A fun little read for a rainy day! Only half way through and loving it!