My current book club pick took me by surprise. I enjoyed it so much that I sat and read it in one setting. I loved the stories and how they all worked together. I loved the happily ever endings. The romance made me smile.
My current book club pick took me by surprise. I enjoyed it so much that I sat and read it in one setting. I loved the stories and how they all worked together. I loved the happily ever endings. The romance made me smile.
This was a story about 1 little black dress and how it changed/affected 9 different women who wore it. I really enjoyed it
A book of serendipitous events, all somehow influenced by one fabulous dress.
Like most girls my age, the sum total of my knowledge of what to do in a Manhattan bar came from watching reruns of Sex in the City 👗👠🌃
I loved this book . It is a story about a little black dress from the runway show. It is told through the women who come in contact with the dress. It was a quick read but very good.
The Dress of the Season affects a motley crew of women and men in sometimes-interconnecting stories. Some I really enjoyed; others not so much. My favorite might have been the young Jewish doctor toward the end of the book.
Too cute 👗 I loved this book. I usually go for “deeper” (whatever that means) books or classics, but my aunt suggested this and it was so sweet I couldn‘t help but love it ❤️
A delightful book about THE dress of the season and the nine women who come to wear the dress. Much in the vein of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but, with a dress and strangers instead of pants and girls who are best friends. A bit magical indeed, the women who wear this dress all have happy and magical endings 😊 Two women in the book who were meant to wear it and didn't, did not experience such magical endings 😮 Fun read!
😄👌🏻It reminded me of Where'd You Go, Bernadette, how the numerous POVs combine to tell 1 story but bring so many tangential stories to make it that much more interesting. Liked it so much listened to the whole thing in 1 day!
This season's dress is a much coveted piece. Unbeknownst to many, this one Max Hammer LBD (size S) from Bloomingdale's is about to throw a wrench into the lives some, changing some for the better. Such sweet serendipity!
book rating: 4/5
one beautiful dress and nine different women! does a little black dress really have the power to change lives?
in one word, this book is ADORABLE 💕
I am inspired by all the monthly wrap up posts I see. Here are my February reads. After an all time high of 10 books read in January, I am back to my ‘regular‘ pace of 6 books a month. Favorite was Nine Women, One Dress 👗. This was a much needed light and fun read after In Cold Blood.
Ugh. This is the second book this month I‘ve picked for #litsyatoz that I just could not get into. I loved this book‘s concept in theory, but it really was all over the place with characters I just could not care for as a result. Guess I‘ll have to pick something new for letter N!
In the meantime, I‘ll just choose another letter. #litsyatoz #lettern
I finished this one in the wee hours of the morning. Such a cute story about how this one dress changes lives and brings people together. My one wish is that we could find out what happened with all the characters -- some of the secondary people didn't get their fair share. It's a funny, sweet, and cute little read overall.
#TBRtemptation post 6! 9 women in Manhattan are connected by the same little black dress that everyone is after and just has to have: a Bloomingdale's salesgirl; an exec assistant in love with her widowed boss; a private detective who exposes cheating husbands; a young model from Georgia; a Hollywood star making her Broadway debut; a Brown grad faking success on social media; etc. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
Thanks for the tag @GypsyKat for #bookcolortag. I indulged in a little guerrilla tag by rearranging a couple of book shelves in alternating pink/orange covers ( don't worry I put them back 😉) . If you are interested @BookishGirl06 @readinginthedark I tag you with a your choice of colour
First book of vacation complete. Perfect beach read. Rotated from perspective to perspective of individuals who come into contact with the perfect little black dress and the magic that happens when you find something just right to wear. #beachreads #vacation #chicklit #nofilter
I know summer is coming to a close, but I'm still sneaking some beachy type reads into my TBR. I remember buying my first little black dress and am looking forward to reading this!
So I just finished "Nine women, one dress" & wanted to give you a quick review on it:
I must confess I had sort of a rough start with this one, as it contains multiple stories told by multiple characters, changing every chapter. Once I got further into the book, I started to really liked the different stories that all have one thing in common: A very beautiful, black dress by Max Hammer.
You'll be able to find a full review on my blog tomorrow!
"A beautiful dress holds a little bit of magic in it."
This dress is one of my favorites as I love the full skirt plus it has pockets (which is akin to magic)! ?❤️
⭐️⭐️⭐️👗Three Stars for this cute book about the seasons Little Black Dress. From the designer to the model who debuts it on the runway and all the women who come in contact with the dress follow the dress from its birth to its demise. Full review at http://whatchatreadin.blogspot.com
#TBRtemptation post! Almost 4 stars on GR with 3,400 ratings! 1 dress, the season's must-have, touches 9 NYC women's lives. Natalie's a Bloomingdale's salesgirl, her ex got engaged 2 months after their break-up. Felicia's been in love with her boss for 20 years, & his wife recently passed. Andrea is a PI specializing in cheating husbands. A young GA model. A Hollywood star on Broadway. An unemployed Brown grad. Etc. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
I loved this book! The different characters' perspectives were unique but the author blended them excellently together.
The power one dress has on nine women to change their lives made for a fun read. This was a quick read that I believe has successfully taken me out of my reading slump. It was just what I needed. Sweet, light, fun, and entertaining. 4 ⭐️
Successfully read in one sitting! This was a fun read about how one black dress impacted many different women, with some wise words at the end about what a dress can really mean to a woman. A good Saturday night book to take my mind off the very looong day of work!
Ended up choosing this one. I'm about 40 pages in and really liking it so far. Very excited to spend the rest of my night right here, and will probably (hopefully) end up finishing it too!
Help!!!! I was trying to figure out what book to snuggle with this afternoon and I ended up pulling all of these off the shelves!!! Which do you like best??
Thank goodness for Litsy! I'm at Universal Studios, sitting outside rollercoasters, carrying 4 sets of glasses, 4 cells, etc for young relatives. Finished my book and downloaded this one immediately! #litsymademedoit #romantsy
4⭐️ First time I've finished a book in a day in awhile- such a cute read! I loved how it jumped from person to person but still came back around to the original stories. I may have quietly cheered out loud in a cafe for one happy ending, may have teared up at another a quick read with so much heart and a dress I wish actually existed!
In lieu of my own search for my brother in law's wedding ?Seems like a great, fast read so I can get one more "scary" book in before Halloween.
This was a fun, quick read. If you're looking for a deep, meaningful novel, you won't find it here. This was basically several different stories, told from different pints of view, with a single dress in common. Loved it!
This story is told chapter by chapter from different character perspectives. The story is fast-paced and fun. It was really easy to flow from POV to POV. It's a little bit of magic. 💘
This is a Littens question, actually. Am hosting first-ever book club next week. Please share your top "Dos and Donts" with me. Any advice appreciated!