Fast read. This was the first in the series that I have read and now I want to go back and read the others. There were a team of people with special talents working to keep several girls safe from a secret past.
Fast read. This was the first in the series that I have read and now I want to go back and read the others. There were a team of people with special talents working to keep several girls safe from a secret past.
Imagine reading a book like 50 Shades but having only the dirty parts to tell the story. That‘s what this book is. When I picked it up, I didn‘t make the connection but a couple pages in, it becomes obvious that extraneous details are left unwritten. I‘m actually impressed with how the author could tell this story. Oh and it‘s written by the author of the Series of Unfortunate Events, just under a different name.
Oh, I‘m going to have a book hangover after reading this one! It was so suspenseful and I absolutely couldn‘t put it down. Read it over the course of one day and was enthralled by the murder plot line of a victim of a murder from 7 years ago possibly being seen alive. It was excellent all the through to the last line of the book. Wow!
Very suspenseful and enjoyable to listen to. The whereabouts of a baby are unknown and a ransom is set. It kept me guessing about if the baby was still alive and if she would ever be returned to her parents.
This book wasn‘t as suspenseful as “The Girl in Cabin 10” also by Ruth Ware. The author does a nice job creating questions throughout the story though.
Wow! This book takes a look at a future where babies are hard to come by and women and forced into roles with procreation as the only duty. It's a scary look at what could be. Great read! Now I might binge watch the show.
Fantastic book about a boy growing up in South Africa amidst apartheid. This writer takes a comical stance on some difficult and tragic events in his life.
This would be a great book to share with a preteen girl that is just learning who she is. It did have some very clinical terms but still was easy to read.
This book is so suspenseful!! It kept me guessing right up until the end about who was the real villain and who was the victim. Even the house became a questionable suspect. So good!!
Excellent book that kept me guessing the entire time. So many people with so many lies. A guy impersonating a teacher in a high school and at first you don't know why. A death. A divorce. An affair. All leading to an exciting ending.
Wow does this book spark interesting conversations about how to parent children!! While taking in this the material, my husband and I debated many issues in lauding can our 7 year old walk two blocks to school alone. I loved having the societal norms challenged throughout this book.
Teacher friends- I've been reading this book described as a "love letter about teaching" and while some might appreciate the authors pop culture language and "honest" depictions of the classroom, it left me wanting. I couldn't help second guessing his responses to things that happened in his classroom. I felt like he lacked what I consider to be common educational sense in most cases. I shouldn't have read it at the start of a new year.
The beginning started out very exciting, but then failed to hold my attention. The narration felt like it kept changing tense but that might have been because my mind would start wandering during several scenes.
I usually love listening to books read by the author and because of my love of Wicked, I was so excited to listen to this book by Kristin Chenoweth. Unfortunately, her charisma did not transfer into her written words or even her voice inflection while she read. She almost sounded bored at times while reading her own book. That's not good!
This is a book about surviving traumatic events of the past. The narrator is socially impaired and has never truly felt the love of another person. There are some hilarious moments (like her first bikini wax) and some difficult parts (like her description of abuse). Still very engaging.
Holy cow! This book kept my blood pressure elevated all the way through it!! It was incredibly intense and suspenseful until the last page. If you enjoyed Girl on a Train or Gone Girl, this book is perfect for you. I will say that I listened to it on a road trip, and the narrator's accents were a little hokey but still an incredible book.
Excellent for anyone dealing with grief. This gives a variety of new perspectives from someone who has/is actually dealing with an unexpected loss. Written by someone that is high up in the Facebook chain, there were several name drops throughout the book, but that didn't distract from the message.
Wow! Just wow!! This book was so suspenseful and engaging that I blazed through it. Fantastic summer read and now I can't wait to talk about it with other people that have read it!
I love listening to books that are read by the author and this one did not disappointment. Ellen's dry humor made me giggle on multiple occasions. I would recommend it to anyone that needs a laugh. Even my 7-year old son laughed at some of the parts.
I usually love all of Sophie Kinsella books but I just couldn't get into this one. It was ok but just not like her Shopaholic series.
One of the funniest books that I have listened to in a while. When she describes how her dad mistakenly ate his hearing aids and they spent the day talking to his stomach or ass, I was crying from laughing so hard.
Oh wow!! This book was written like none other that I have ever read. It tells a story of two girls that disappear, but reveals the events in a backwards order. It definitely was suspenseful and interesting. Highly recommend it to anyone that liked Gone Girl or Girl on a Train. I immediately wanted to read it again and that NEVER happens to me.
I love the way that this book had alternating perspectives. This story details that kidnapping of a baby from an IKEA store. I enjoyed the way that it was told in past tense and gave everyone's perspective. Interesting.
I loved listening to this book because of the narrator's Irish accent. In fact, for days after, I kept finding myself pronouncing some words with the same accent.
This book shines a light on racism and even though I enjoyed listening to the entire story, I especially enjoyed reading the author's comments at the back of the book. I didn't cry like I normally do with Jodi Picoult books but it was still a very thought-provoking read.
Very interesting to read. The origins of some many different terms related to class was surprising and thought-provoking.
I really enjoyed listening to this book. There were unexpected moments throughout that kept me guessing as to what would happen. Yes, there was a little romance and it little too much dialog at times, but still a good read.
Parts of this book reminded me of the movie "Up". Very good read.
Excellent guiding principles for leaderships. I have referred back to this several times this year. If you are in a position to lead people within your organization, check this out.
It was like gossiping with a friend about a bunch of celebrities. Frankly, I'm surprised she doesn't get more hate mail for sone of the tales she tells. Lots of dishing about famous people and I love that she read her own book for the audio version.
Lula, with gas, in an episode of "Naked and Afraid"?? Yep, it that funny. A dead guy covered in chocolate and nuts...Evanovich knows how to write light and funny stories.
I enjoy Anna Kendrick movies and I liked listening to this audio book because she read it herself. It seemed, however, that she was trying to convince the reader that she was not a spoiled celebrity. She does seem smart in the words she chooses and I found myself wondering if she chose those words or her editor. Now I'm going to listen to a Kathy Griffin book about celebrities...wonder if Anna will be in there?
Aside from the very weird song at the end of the audio book, this was a pretty good book to listen to. The narrator shifts quickly and often and worked to keep you guessing until the end. Not bad.
Changing narrators and switches between times throughout the book reminded me of Gone Girl or Girl on a train. This book is a mystery that kept you guessing throughout.
Very informational! Now my shopping is I'm going to look quite different for awhile.
A very short, very tragic read. Wow! This story is going to stick with me for awhile. An 8th grade boy, with a 3 month old daughter is placed in foster care after attempting to kill a teacher. Well-written.
This book kept me wondering the entire time. I listened to it and the reader's voice inflection and excitement brought the story to life. The book takes place over one night with lots of reflections to different times in the narrator's life. The time switches were a little confusing but in the end, it was quite interesting.
I rarely do this, but I had to stop reading halfway through this one. The storyline just never developed for me. There were so many characters and lots of sex and there didn't seem to be a direction that it was heading. I wanted it to be good but I just didn't like it.
Good guy doing bad things. This mystery keeps you guessing and was enjoyable to listen to.
Have you binge watched "The Crown" on Netflix yet? This extraordinary series takes a look at how the Queen of England came to be in that role. It is very well cast and produced and now my interest is sparked about the English royalty. Does anyone have any suggestions of books that are interesting and engaging about English royalty?
One of the weirdest books that I have read in a while. A woman with amnesia that causes her to wake up every day with no memory of the 20 previous years is the main character throughout. She discovers things about her life and is constantly questioning what was real or fiction. Completely bizarre read for fans of Gone Girl or Girl on the Train.
This author is CRAZY and so fun to read. Her constant stream of thought does not disappoint. The eccentric taxidermist father adds to the crazy life of this author and there were many times that I laughed to the point of tears.
This book explores the lives of several woman and what it takes to have a baby. A very easy quick read that is a bit predictable at times. The wrap-up is quick and tidy.
Shocking surprises throughout this entire book! Very graphic abuse similar to "A child called it". Very fast read and keeps you guessing all the way through. It is set in the 1950s.
This book had some very funny moments that rang true to life if you have ever raised an infant. However, I felt like the voice changed from 1st person to 3rd person at times and it became a little distracting. The funny parts were VERY funny though (like when the main character describes her first Brazilian wax).