Revisiting one of my favorite existential classics. truly deserving of the acclaim it had won over time. Camus is a dark and straight forward genius. If you're at all interested in nihilism, well worth the read.
Revisiting one of my favorite existential classics. truly deserving of the acclaim it had won over time. Camus is a dark and straight forward genius. If you're at all interested in nihilism, well worth the read.
You know, I'm just not crazy about 1984. Animal Farm was a better book from Orwell, and A Brave New World Trump's this as far as depressing dystopias go. I'd say this is the darkest book I've ever read.
"In spite of their love, they had made each other's life a hell. The fact that they loved each other was merely proof that the fault lay not in themselves, in their behavior and consistency of feeling, but rather in their incompatibility: he was strong and she was weak... But when the strong were too weak to hurt the weak the weak had to be strong enough to leave."
Allie Bridge is the voice of our generation. hey screwy MS Paint drawing style is everything my childhood was, and some things my adulthood has been too. full of stories of modern angst, the daily existential struggles of young adults, coping with depression, and recalling chaotically beautiful childhood memories, I recommend this comic and book to everyone who likes to laugh.
I highly encourage all fan girls out there to, at some point, go write your own #bookboyfriend. It is the best thing ever. #Jay #theneverlandwars #romance #love #nationalbookboyfriendday #stillinlovewiththisstory
Snarky but loving biracial protagonist. i know so many people who I'm going to recommend VERMILION too. #ya #biracial #snark#mother #daughter #historical #fantasy #sanfrancisco #chinatown #asianamerican
So glad I found this series in college. I only needed volunteers four and five, but it feels great to have the complete set and constantly be able to go back through so many short and sweet classics 💙💚💛💜 #Hardcore #EnglishNerd
They asked me where I‘d choose to run, which favored? Ups? or Downs?
Where robot mice and men, I said, run round in robot towns.
But is that wise? for tin‘s a fool and iron has no thought!
Computer mice can find me facts and teach me what I‘m not.
But robot all inhuman is, all‘s sin with cog and mesh.
Before I post anymore of the books I'm enjoying, I have to show The Neverland Wars some love! so grateful to be joining Litsy not just as a reader, but as an author too.
If you love fairytale retellings, Peter Pan, or modern fantasy, this YA adventure is calling to you!
one of my favorite moony books! full of facets, traditions, science, poetry, and Riddles from around the world! Thought of you, @radishandhare
Youth is a terrible thing: it is a stage trod by children in buskins and fancy costumes mouthing speeches they've memorized and fanatically believe but only half understand.
I need to dive back into this amazing story. I set it down for a minute...weeks ago! I've been scared to start again because I'm certain I'll finish it in a single night... whether I want to or not! XD
Absolutely the best in children's horror. Not too scary, and yet it thoroughly explores the idea of the "uncanny." I would recommend it to any young reader... or adult! Neil's wit shines through and plays fantastically on the canvas of his imagination.