Book 76 Audio
Another fun story! It kinda bogs down in the details every now and then, and the ending was very "happily ever after" which always makes me roll my eyes a bit but still a Pick.
Book 76 Audio
Another fun story! It kinda bogs down in the details every now and then, and the ending was very "happily ever after" which always makes me roll my eyes a bit but still a Pick.
I‘ve been craving all of the science fiction this year, I‘m not sure why, but I‘m not complaining. And this book certainly itched that scratch for me. I wasn‘t looking for anything too overly complicated. I mostly wanted a fun listen, and that‘s exactly what I got.
I loved this. It was so so fun. It was interesting and nonstop action. It kept me interested. The characters were what I needed them to be. Gotta love enemies to friends to lovers :)
Melissa Landers has just become a must read author for me. Outlaws, enemies to friends to lovers, intrigue, mayhem, and space pirates. What's not to love?!
Finished my first O.W.L with Astronomy (book with star in the title). Starflight by Melissa Landers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a reread for me, but it‘s been nearly 3 years and I didn‘t remember much. Such a fun story filled with romance, adventure, space pirates and conspiracies! Planning to pick up book 2 for my Potions final. #OWLsReadathon2018
A task from my public library's 2019 reading list was to read a book that takes place in space. I honestly didn't have any prospects for completing it until meeting author Melissa Landers at Rosie Con in March. I sped through the pages, fast paced and enjoyable. Looks to be part of a trilogy, with the title coming out this summer, but could be read as a stand alone as all plots are tied up.
"I am more than the sum of my mistakes."
I so need to do this and it fits in with everything else so I‘m in. #seriesread. For more info check out @TheSpineView
You ever get into those reading slumps where you want to read, but don't want to read? That was me until I picked this book up. It's not the greatest story, but its fun and has a cheesy love story, and it was exactly what i needed. Just a reminder that the books that don't get the best reviews are sometimes the ones that can cheer you up and get you back up on your feet.
What a fun read! This book grabs you at the start and never slows down. Kind of a Pride & Prejudice with a Cinder-esque flavor.
3.5🌟 This is between a pick and so-so for me. While I enjoyed the pace of the story, some additional “world building” details would have helped. In a previous post I wrote that I felt I was reading a Firefly-esque story. That sentiment rang true through the entire novel, but I‘m not sure the story was good enough to encourage me to read the sequel. We shall see.
My read on this lazy, about to thunderstorm day. Definite #Firefly vibes which I TOTALLY dig. Let‘s see if it holds my interest for another 200 pages.
One of my friends who came to help me move tried to kidnap this book. She started it last night and I saw it in her bag. I wouldn't have minded except it's signed! I swapped it out with the extra that came in the most recent PageHabit YA Quarterly. Don't mess with my books! 😂 (To be clear, I wasn't mad. After all, she helped me move!)
Cute idea and fun characters. The storyline wasn‘t the greatest, but I enjoyed it.
One of the characters is two faced but for a very good reason. And I can't tell you. #twofacedtuesday #spookyoctober
As soon as someone compared this book to Firefly I bought it. It has sat unread on my iPad ever since. #spaceoddity #septembowie #mytbrissoridiculousishouldbeembarrassed
I tried y'all but I couldn't. I just couldn't. This book was so slow and boring I bailed. I'm disappointed in myself. 😔
#YALSA #2017TTT #TeenTopTen #fantasy #scifi #DisneyHyperion #fluke
This was fun! Space opera-y and light. For some reason, I was distracted throughout the book by whether this was YA or not. I suppose that speaks to the inconsistent tone?
Not sure I'll be picking-up the next book despite enjoying the ride.
Geeking out over the eclipse tonight!! Starting this spacey book and then finding a #surprisesignature feels like my reading this was written in the stars ✨
Solara Brooks is a very #independentwoman. She seeks life on the outer reaches of the galaxy so that she can live and die by her own merit. Loved this book and need to read the sequel. #augustgrrrl
This was completely and totally #unputdownable and amazing and hysterical and it made me cry.
I enjoyed the humor and camaraderie and friendship and heartbreak and action. I loved the characters and the world in which they live and the fact that, although the end is a bit open, it makes sense.
And i loved that.
Not everything needs to wrap up neatly and pretty. It was rough and perfect and I couldn't get enough.
i'm loving this book so far 😂
Sometimes, even the simple quotes stir something in us.
#StarFlight #MelissaLanders #SpacePirates #CurrentlyReading #SummerReading #YoungAdult
"Hey, slow breaths,” Cassia said.
Solara hadn‘t realized she was gasping. “Right. Sorry.”
“If you faint among pirates, don‘t bother waking up.”
Oh god. That was not helpful."
This book made me laugh so much (4 stars)
#starflight #melissalanders #scifi #space #yabook #ya #universe
Super amazing cover and a pretty good and entertaining story. Although I'm quite annoyed by Lovestories emerging in like every genre of fiction it was amusing and a rather short read.
"She had no idea what the future would hold for any of them, beyond possibilities as infinite as the stars.
And really, that was enough."
the cover of 'starflight' is so, so stunning! some other books that i adore the covers of are 'passenger' by alexandra bracken and 'the weight of zero' by karen fortunati.
what are some of your favorite book covers?
So Lara is a major #wannabe. She wants to be a mechanic in the outer realm, she wants to be independent, and she wants to be better than Doran. Loved this book. I have the sequel, I just need to read it. #characters2017
Ok so this one technically doesn't take place in a galaxy far far away because some people still live on earth (honestly that part of the set-up of the universe confused me). This is the story of a rough-and-tumble but lovable space crew, always seconds away from stumbling into danger. The plot twists aren‘t surprising, but the story is still energetic, with plenty of action. Space pirates! Who doesn‘t love space pirates?
Okay, so they are fake #siblings but they get away with it for a while. #aprilshowers
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I can't believe it took me so long to pick this book up! I loved it! The story was full of action, emotion, and memorable characters. It definitely gave me Firefly vibes...with a little Pirates of the Caribbean thrown in for good measure! No big cliffhanger endings, but I still can't wait to pick up Starfall for more adventures with this ragtag family of fugitives!
Well, that was fun!!! I'm pretty sure I read this book with a goofy grin on my face the whole time!
This adventure book was fun but predictable. I found myself almost yelling at the characters not to do things. Still, the characters were detailed and flawed and changed in a satisfying way.
A mechanically-minded orphan looking to start a new life and the rich heir of a fuel empire find their lives (rather miserably) intertwined as they journey across the galaxy. After change in fortune, they find themselves on a ship with a small, quirky crew, whose actions may not be *entirely* on the up and up.
Solid character development helped win me over after an iffy start, and I was totally ready to be a crew member on Banshee by the end.
So glad I married a fellow reader! Also, Starflight is giving me all the Firefly feels!
Oh man. I've always been such a huge fan of Joss Whedon's Firefly, and this felt like it was set in that same universe. I loved the whole premise of a ragtag team on board a junky spaceship, making their way through one adventure after another. But what I really enjoyed was the chemistry between the two main characters. So well written!
I loved Starflight and can't wait to read Starfall - by an author that shares my name - Melissa. #RiotGrams
I really enjoyed this one.
Futuristic, space travel, space pirates, bounty hunters, science, and friendship.
Looking forward to the companion novel that comes out in a couple of days 😀
Next on my reading list! I wanted to read something about the space and universe! I hope this is good! Have you read it? Did you you like it?
Lying in bed reading this morning. I think I'll just read all day. 😀
I am so happy that space novels seem to be back in vogue. If you are a fan of Firefly then you need to pick up this book. I can not wait for book 2.
#beatthebacklist #Knightbus #characterthatrunsaway #LitsyAtoZ #S #mountTBR FULL REVIEW on Goodreads.
It may not be as funny when it's not in context but this has me chuckling at work and all those in the lunch room looking at me like I'm crazy.
Is it bad that I love to find mistakes in books. You can not see it here, but "retinas." End the page before.
The book I'm reading and a fav snack. #readjanuary #bookandsnack
#page24 #readjanuary In between all the graphic novels and kids books I'm reading Starflight. It's one of my #litsyatoz books to boot.
I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would - lots of action, fast-paced and fun. I appreciated that the sci-fi stuff wasn't too heavy handed, too, as that's not my thing. But being that it's sci-fi, some of it was a little eye-rolly and also required some real suspension of disbelief. Plus, trying to avoid spoilers but there is a verrrrry typical YA trope that I really wish had been avoided. But still, fun and funny. 3/5 ⭐
I got this in my second Uppercase Box like...a year ago. Still hadn't read it. Oops 😬 But now I am! #nowreading