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Funny Story
Funny Story | Emily Henry
A shimmering, joyful new novel about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry. Daphne always loved the way her fianc Peter told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together. He really was good at telling it...right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra. Which is how Daphne begins her new story: Stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children's librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra's ex, Miles Nowak. Scruffy and chaotic--with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads --Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she's either FBI or in witness protection. The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan. If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them? But it's all just for show, of course, because there's no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fianc's new fiance's ex...right?
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Finally going on the Emily Henry train, so to speak. I've a new job that will, I think, require me to read more contemporary and recent things.

willaful sounds intriguing... 18h
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Funny Story | Emily Henry

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 the audiobook I highly recommend

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Another home run for Henry… the perfect love story that reminds you that even when things go to crap, your happily ever after might just be around the corner!

Cheshirecat913 I just finished this one and totally agree. I enjoyed it. 2w
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Here I am again Reading an Emily Henry on a plane to India ! Overall I think it‘s a good one, a return to form - easy to read, saccharine in places but decently well rounded characters (who do not seem to quite have the maturity I‘d expect for their age but maybe a sign I am getting old!) and a slow burn love story that includes a healthy dose of self awareness and personal growth outside of the relationship.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🧡💛💙 2w
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Funny Story | Emily Henry

Another win for Emily Henry! I loved the personal growth journeys and their chemistry. They both had really relatable (almost called me out a few times 👀) dilemmas, and it was nice to see them work through them! Wasn‘t perfect, but it was v good + fluffy

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Listened to this one and loved the narration. Another cute relationship story from Henry.

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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Book 128 of the year.

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Up next on audio! 🎧


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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Daphne and Miles meet cute and that‘s about it for 384 pages which is about 100 pages too long. Almost bailed multiple times as not much happens in this best seller. Predictable, not very funny, and too long.

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Got the new kobo color a while ago just forgot to post as I have been busy with starting my new career at my new job! Yayy me this was my gift to myself for all my hard work! #kobo#kobocolor

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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This was a super cute story with a fun premise. Could maybe be a little shorter but otherwise it has all the things that make a great Emily Henry book. 🤓

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Another winner from Emily Henry! This one was so fun and now I want to go to Michigan for a girls trip!

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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This is the second Emily Henry I‘ve tried, and they just don‘t stick for me. I‘m an outlier; people LOVEEEE her, but she doesn‘t do it for me. There were some funny parts in the first 100 pages that I read, but there were also too many unnecessary details and I got bored. I‘m sure it‘s a me problem. Moving on…

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
SheReadsAndWrites I like her books but have to take breaks in between. Ya know? And I liked these characters but the story moved slooooowww. 4w
Erinreadsthebooks @SheReadsAndWrites Yes, I think you‘re exactly right about the slowness! I don‘t mind slow books when it‘s not romance/rom com. Maybe I should try her again after I take a good break from the genre 🤔 4w
SheReadsAndWrites Book Lovers was my favorite of hers so far. I read it a long time ago and don't recall it being slow. I recently read People You Meet On Vacation and LOVED the characters but felt the story was about 100 pages too long. So... slow. 😬😂 I'm finding myself feeling that more and more lately. I LOVE romance and rom-coms but the rom-coms are stretching out too long. My two cents. 😊 4w
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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What can I say that hasn‘t already been said about Funny Story. As always, Henry‘s story was funny, heartfelt, occasionally chaotic (as relationships tend to be), eyebrow raising, and ultimately, pleasing as everything came together. A fast, entertaining read.

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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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It was an enjoyable read that was not too hard to focus on during the last weeks of pregnancy & first weeks of caring for my baby boy 🙏🩵

Amor4Libros Congrats on your new baby! ❤️ 1mo
Clwojick Congrats from a fellow newbie mama. Hope you‘re enjoying your first few weeks with your little one as much as I did. Mine is officially just out of the “newborn stage” and I miss it already. They‘re just so precious when they‘re teeny tiny. ☺️ 2w
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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14-5 June 24 (audiobook)
Light, fluffy and lovely. I enjoy the predictability of Emily Henry‘s books, although sometimes it does feel that she throws a lot of obstacles in the way of two grown, consenting and obviously willing adults having sex. But Miles and Daphne were lovely and thoroughly deserving of a happy ending after finally disposing of their despicable ex partners. For any regular reader of such books, that is obviously not a spoiler.

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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4/5⭐ Emily Henry's books just make me happy, not least because of the humor and lack of toxic masculinity. I like the way she weaves the romance and friendships with the characters' personal hangups. The ending could have lasted a little longer to give more space for some of the issues (like with Daphne's father), but overall the tension was well paced. I read the book in two sittings because I didn't want to put it down. #bookspin

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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Cor blimey can‘t go wrong with a sweet rom-com and a bit of steamy make-out time. A charming reprieve (complete with chortles) from some of the historical fiction I‘ve been reading of late. Nicely rounded off by not only sealing the deal (no spoiler alerts here) but also addressing the point that women don‘t need a partner to make them complete. ❣️

Funny Story | Emily Henry

I loved how the ending connected to the beginning so perfectly, making perfect sense with the title. I like how it is a book that teaches you about life and relationships, and being imperfect humans. I saw my life reflected in the father relationship and it was comforting to see I am not alone on it. It was beautiful to witness the relationship with her mom and how they, although no present in space, are truly always there. 🫶

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Emily Henry is pretty much the only romance author i will read. It‘s not usually my thing. I love her characters and the banter between them. And that there is always much more to the story than the romance aspect.

Daphne + Miles= ❤️

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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The Romance Book Club I host at my local bookstore just read Funny Story and we LOVED it! It was hands-down the club favorite and also brought in the largest crowd for our meeting! We all stan Miles 💛

Funny Story | Emily Henry

June 4, 2024 YUP. ATE THAT BOOK UP!!! I was in love with how Emily Henry wrote this one. She had a lot of banter between Daphne and Miles and Daphne and Peter but the story just jept going and continuing from where it left off. The book was easy to read and easy to follow. The ending was a little sad (happy tears) because Daphne and Miles still loved each other despite their miscommunication. I give it 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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June 4, 2024 The last paragraph is so true to reality.

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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June 4, 2024 Summer vacation has arrived! The weather is wonderful to be able to sit and not worry about how cold or wet it is. Anyway, almost done with the book. Review of the book will be in the next post

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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This was delightful! I liked how, as always, the romance was realistic and hott, but it was also a story about friendship and family. Emily Henry doesn‘t disappoint!

Funny Story | Emily Henry

June 3, 2024 Believe it or not, I started Funny Story two days ago and I am more than halfway done with it. Daphne likes Miles and can't get enough of him. He starts to show his real side and is worried about his younger sister Julia. He was not close with his parents and acted as a parent to his sister. Julia is twenty three years old but is having trouble finding a place to stay so she is moving in with Miles until she finds one.

Funny Story | Emily Henry

June 3, 2024 I am now on page 134 and finally Peter appears in the book. He meets up with Daphne but talks behind Miles' back and says to Daphne that Miles is a loser and doesn't even have a close relationship with his parents. To get revenge, Daphne pulls away and walks back towards Miles; giving him a kiss. The kiss is very warm and sends chills down her back. The kiss is mesmerizing that Daphne cannot stop thinking about it

Funny Story | Emily Henry

June 3, 2024 I have reached page 100. This book is probably my most favorite of Emily Henry's. It has a lot of banter between Daphne and Miles. Daphne and Miles were each dumped by their ex. Daphne was originally with Peter. Miles was originally with Petra. But now Peter likes Petra and there is no possibility that Daphe and Miles will reunite with their exes. Knowing that Miles (who enjoys smoking weed) has feelings is cute and Daphne does too!

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Really enjoyed this book. Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors (with the exception of Happy Place), and Miles + Daphne are characters who don‘t disappoint. I loved their story, could not put the book down once I started reading.
“I think you‘re the first person who‘s really seen me. Past what I want people to see. You make the people you care about feel like… Like you want all of them. Not just the good parts.”

Funny Story | Emily Henry

Right away, you love the characters in this story & that grows more as the story goes on. Love, heartbreak, relationships… and unknowing what comes next.

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Favorite read of May is Throne of the Fallen. I added the tagged book as a bonus, but it‘s not better to me than The Bone Shard Daughter.


Funny Story | Emily Henry
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May 30, 2024 Peep Miss Piggy. She is going to make more appearances so be ready! My next TBR is *drumroll* Funny Story by Emily Henry. I am not sure what to think of it yet. Kind of hard to tell at the moment. Will let you know my thoughts when I start it tmrrw

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Back in one of my favorite lil corners of the world on a random Thursday off of work. A loved one is in surgery a thousand miles away, and this is how I'm coping with the anxiety and concern. ✨️

Soubhiville Sending calming deep breaths. I hope all goes well. 2mo
CaliforniaCay 💙🙏🏾💙 2mo
Bookwormjillk Hope it goes well. 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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My library hold came in!

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Emily Henry is starting to grow on me…This was cute and fun! (Also heartbreaking at times and made me tear up)…LOVED!


NikkiCureton This is next up on my TBR! 2mo
Amor4Libros @NikkiCureton I hope you enjoy it! I loved it on audio 😊 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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I love Emily Henry books, definitely make me feel ready for summer. I‘m on a kick of romance books. Fun, easy, quick read, which has been my speed lately. I saw someone that said they re-read all of Henry‘s books before the next one came out. I definitely need to have a lazy summer & do this (probably not this summer). As always I love the sarcasm & banter between the characters. #bookspin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'm looking forward to this one. 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Need a break from the non-fiction audiobook…

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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⭐️⭐️⭐️½ maybe
First of all, this type of book is not my cup of tea. So many eyerolling moments. Too much cliché. But I did mostly enjoy it. Would I have read it if I didn't need to for work? No, absolutely not. Will I read another Emily Henry? Eh, maybe.

There was one continuity error that caused me to reread a handful of pages THREE times. I was convinced I had missed something. Turns out I didn't miss anything, but her editors did!

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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The best EH since Beach Read! Even though the premise and tropes seem a bit unrealistic at first glance, I thought that Henry somehow made the forced proximity, opposites attract, fake dating romance really work. I was rooting for the unlikely relationship between Daphne and Miles. The side characters are all so unique and add a lot of color to the story, and I even got a bit teary eyed towards the end!

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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Sometimes at night, from the other room, he texts me live updates as he listens to the audiobook of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, things like i want to live w the beavers and wat is turkish delight and edmund needs 2 chill.

ClairesReads This is actually so fantastic 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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A fun and swoony romance and two #ISpyBingo spaces filled, could life get any better? 😂 My full review on my blog: https://willaful.wordpress.com/2024/05/22/funny-story-by-emily-henry/

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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💙💗as usual, very much enjoyed this one!!! Loved the typical sweet small town setting, insert fun and definitely relatable characters. This time a librarian and her beau that came about from a funny story. Story lines may be similar, but I will choose her every time!!! Hoping for my reading time to be back up soon!!!!

Funny Story | Emily Henry

Cute quick read!

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Funny Story was a fun story. As with all Emily Henry books it demanded nothing of my brain, but provided some light-hearted, and sometimes serious, romance, without too much cheese or smut. The perfect kind of popcorn read which relies heavily on banter as a mode of storytelling. You know what you‘re getting and you know if it‘s for you or not.

Funny Story | Emily Henry
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Not so funny Funny Story :) It is a good, descent read, but I wouldn't call it rom-com.

willaful The publishing industry really pushes the “rom-com“ image lately; it does a disservice to a lot of authors. 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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I‘m not a fan of the romance genre. But I picked up “Book Lovers” on a whim —and loved it. So I thought, maybe I like romance if it‘s written by Emily Henry? Alas, every other book by her has been just a soft pick for me. I guess it‘s difficult to repeatedly capture lightning in a bottle. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A quick, predictable read. I won‘t remember the plot in a few months, but it was frothy fun while it lasted.

Aims42 I‘m a fellow “some but not all romance is for me” member 😁 They‘re a good palate cleanser for sure! 2mo
Amiable @Aims42 I‘m mostly “meh” about romance, to be honest. I don‘t ever seek it out on its own. Usually I end up with it because I‘m reading something that‘s in the realm of “chick lit” and it‘s cross-tagged as romance. 2mo
Aims42 @Amiable Totally get that 👍 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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As usual Emily Henry is the best. It truly is a funny story. It‘s a cute small town with lots of great characters. Plenty of messy situations to make the characters feel like real people & not like they‘ve stepped straight out of a hallmark movie, but also plenty of hallmark movie level beautiful romantic scenes.

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