I'm not sure what to make of this. It was very strange, which I was expecting, but very different to what I thought it would be. I didn't love it.
I'm not sure what to make of this. It was very strange, which I was expecting, but very different to what I thought it would be. I didn't love it.
There is so much amazing stuff going on in this book that I can't even begin to write about it. I'll just say it was amazing. Neil Gaiman can do no wrong.
I don't love this series as much as some people, but I do enjoy it and this second instalment was good.
I loved this book! Part dystopian, part sci-fi, it is a look into the very dark heart of a society living on Mars, and at the rebels plotting to overthrow it. This is one of those books that is so intense that you can't stop reading until you realise you've missed your train stop. Definite 5* read.
I thought this was a good ending to the trilogy. Probably not my favourite out of the three - I preferred the outdoor setting of the first book -but still good. I was a little disappointed with her decision on Rafe vs Daniel though.
This is a review for both The Gathering and The Calling, because I read them back to back. I enjoyed these. I loved the forest setting, liked Maya as a strong female lead and like the supernatural powers that developed. These were easy, enjoyable reads.
This was a readable book, but I can't say I particularly enjoyed it. I didn't like any of the characters, but maybe that was the point. If I had empathised with Evie then I'm not sure I would have believed her involvement with Russell and The Girls. And I was disappointed with the ending.
This started out slow for me, and I thought I was going to struggle. But once it got going, and more characters were introduced (maybe slightly too many?), I really enjoyed it. And the relationship between Wull and his dad was beautiful.
I loved this and loved being back in this world. Obviously as a play script there wasn't the detail of a book, but it was still great. REALLY want to see the play now.
I absolutely loved this book. I thought it was a little bit like Harry Potter crossed with Game of Thrones, but also just an amazing book in its own right. It's set in a wonderful dark world with magic, revenge and loads of action, and the best assassin ever in Mia Corvere.
This was a random book I picked up at the library, having never heard of it before. It's a post-apocalyptic book that the cover says will make you feel glad to be alive. It did. A quiet, wonderful book.
Finding Audrey deals with the serious issue of social anxiety, but manages to be funny and heartwarming at the same time. Good summer read.
This was a book club read for me, so not my choice. I thought it was ok. Quick and easy to read, but not much depth. I liked the idea of the story and it could have been spooky, but it didn't really work for me.
I thought I'd combine my review for Blue Lily, Lily Blue and The Raven King. I loved these books - the humour, the friendships and the magic. The Raven King got much darker, but was a completely satisfying end to the series. Not quite sure what to do with myself now.
I struggled with this book and how it was written. I tried to read it in my head as if I was reading it out loud which helped, but it's hard to maintain the necessary focus for this with children in the house! The last 30 pages or so were very emotional, but this wasn't a book I enjoyed.
I love books about the joys of reading, but I was a bit disappointed by this one. I kept waiting for it to really grab me but it never happened. Love the cover, though!
Sarah Dessen is great! This book made me feel sad in places and happy in others, and made me think of the days I've felt invisible, like Sydney. Brilliant book.
I really wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this book. I found it a bit slow to start with, but then suddenly discovered I was totally immersed in it. It may not be a literary masterpiece, but books don't have to be. For me, reading is about enjoyment, and I definitely enjoyed this.