This edition is the prettiest!
The final book in the Last Policeman series. Henry tries to find his sister before the end of the world. She believes her friends can stop the asteroid. Henry is skeptical. A very interesting conclusion.
The book is getting weird. (Also Wuthering Heights reference hidden in here)
This started out okay but went off the rails halfway through. The end felt like it could have been anyone of the previous chapters. I thought there should have been more of an ending.
If you listen to Lore Podcast, you'll have heard the story of Esther Cox today. I read her story here in Haunted Girl by Laurie Glenn Norris, Nimbus Publishing.
I wanted to read this one but it's not available as an ebook. Only a paperback- $20 CDN for 87 pages. 😧 I would love to read more translated fiction but I ain't a millionaire!
Really good! A crime story where the protagonist is a 38 year old mom of teens during WW2.
This book is giving me anxiety. It's stressful enough being a mom but add covering up an accidental murder takes it to a whole 'nother level. #readathon
Started this one on audio. It's different. Not sure what to make of it yet.
My Sunday after a snowstorm includes cross stitching, Chai lattes, and Lolly Willowes.
I bought myself another Jane Eyre. This is my fourth. I couldn't resist this edition!
Was old timey aspirin laced with opiates or something? This is the second mention of it being used for something other than headaches. Also, don't drug your wife, William. You think you're being helpful but it makes you a creep!
Reading about hygge while in bed seems appropriate.
I ended up really liking this book! It was a bumpy start. The heroine is a spoiled 1%er. But I found myself rooting for her.
Weird little fairy tale about a half human, half raven girl.
Some witchy short stories for the #readathon
Having coffee is important during the #Readathon I can relate to Behemoth here.
Getting ready for a spooky #Readathon! It's dark and dreary here so the atmosphere is just right. Hope you can join us for @DeweysReadathon
Work that Bitch Face, Margarita! #yesallwomen
The story was good. The heroine was annoying.
From my blog: Although I thought The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena was an entertaining read, it requires some suspension of disbelief. The characters do some dumbfoundingly ridiculous things. At one point, I said aloud, "What a dumbass!" Like, come on!
From my blog: The events leading up to Bliss's disappearance, her parents' search, and how Violet came to be left alone all summer are revealed piece by piece throughout the novel. There were questions that kept creeping into my mind that were eventually answered. It's a slow journey, but one that's worth it. This is definitely a novel that sneaks up on you.
Story of the Cameroon immigrant experience in NYC just before the 2009 recession. Great audio! (Nothing to do with flowers. Just like them.)
My book pile for RIP XI Challenge. Where we read creepy books for fall! This pic is just the books I have on my shelves. More to come...
Omg, a man named Foster who lives in the woods is reading The Blue Castle.😏
Think I'm finally getting to the interesting part of this book.
Georgette Heyer's birthday and Sourcebooks ebook sale of her books. Stock up! I had to stop myself from buying too many!
Junk science props up totalitarian regimes.
I caved and bought this for the Girl. I sent my husband in to get it. He said, "What's it called?" And I said, "Just get it off the table there with a thousand of the same Harry Potter book!"
A late summer read. Just got this from Goose Lane.
"Woman should be considered superior to man..." I always thought Adam was a dope.
Just started this and it already makes me ragey at men. Misandry!
A tiny book (100 pages) but so pretty inside!
...it's not easy for the child of a writer to become a writer. I don't see why; it just isn't.
A weird tale. Cults, con men. Orphans, mothers. A love story too.
One in my collection of Persephone Books.
Someday, perhaps, we will all see people just as people, regardless of how they are born.