💛💛💛💛 This was very much the novel equivalent of the TV series Lost. I really enjoyed the narrative of the two sisters and enjoyed the twist at the end, would recommend!
💛💛💛 An enjoyable but predictable rom com. It was a nice bit of escapism in a time where we can‘t go on holiday, and has made me seriously consider a honeymoon in Australia!
💛💛💛💛 An unexpected very good read! I loved how the book was written from the perspective of letters to the solicitor to explain the story! Only short fall for me was that I felt that the twist was quite obvious.
💛💛💛💛 I feel like most people know the story of Carrie without reading the book necessarily, and I enjoyed reading King‘s first novel! I would say it‘s a bit of a moralistic story aside from the horror in the sense of how we treat other people and the consequences (although pretty drastic in terms of this story!) of being unkind.
💛💛💛 I read this in one sitting so it‘s good if you want a quick read. Certainly very romantic to the point of being a bit cringey at times but 100% expected that. I struggled to fully invest in Noah and Allies relationship in the book whereas in the film I feel like this works much better. One of the few occasions where I prefer a film to the book!
💛💛💛💛💛 Absolutely no doubt that this is a 5 star read. Beautifully written and deeply emotive. It really made me alter my perceptions and, if I‘m honest, stereotyped ideas of Nazi Germany. A must read.
💛💛💛💛💛 ‘Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies‘
💛💛💛💛 Very different to my usual genre of choice. I‘ve always found the stories of witchcraft and the accused women in the Middle Ages fascinating and it was interesting to read a fictional story loosely based around real people from the period. I would have preferred if there has been a bit more in depth about the witches. Would read further books by the author!
💛💛💛 I'm really undecided whether I liked this book or not. It relied on the husband being a massive moron to approach the situation as he did and just seemed all far fetched and ridiculous. On the other hand it was fast paced and did keep my interest in how it would all play out.
💛💛💛 An enjoyable read about a not so 'perfect marriage'. I felt like it gave up the secrets of the plot very quickly and then progressed to a fairly predictable ending
💛💛💛 I think I had big expectations because I really enjoyed whisperman, but unfortunately it just didnt quite deliver for me. I found the plot quite weak, and a bit all over the place.
💛💛💛💛 I love Stephen King. It did start a bit slow for the first 200 pages, but was atmospheric and honestly chilling in parts. I did get to the stage where I felt it got a bit repetitive (like how many times can a vampire kill someone) but overall a classic Stephen King and a good read.
💛💛💛💛 A fast paced thriller about an American intelligence agent hunting a terrorist in the Middle East. An interesting read with lots of interwoven plots. If the covid pandemic has been an anxiety trigger, I would avoid this book, as there is a lot of focus on biological weoponary of pandemic viruses which is very unsettling. I didn't enjoy the use of heavily stereotyping towards religions/cultures, it made uncomfortable reading at times.
💛💛💛 I found this quite an enjoyable read in parts and boring/predictable for the rest. It was lighthearted and the character of Don was endearing. I did however feel the author was using difficulties of having autistic spectrum disorder to try and generate comedy which just felt awkward. Not sure if I'll be reading the rest of the trilogy...
💛💛💛💛💛 Very dark and disturbing, but equally unputdownable. The book confronts the uncomfortable subject of a teenager and teacher having a relationship, whereby the manipulation of vanessa both as a child and into her adult years can be quite difficult to read.
????? " Whatever you do won't be enough, I heard their voices say. Try anyway"
Absolutely fascinating memoir from President Obama that I think probably only just scratches the surface in giving some perspective on what it is like juggling the politics of the USA. I think what struck me most is what a genuinely good man he seems to be, the challenges and opposition faced with even the best intentions and just how supportive Michelle was.
💛💛💛💛 I love a good crime read and although I found the twists fairly predictable, I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed the use of the disguise of 'she' to hear from the murderers perspective. Not as good as Thirteen but a strong plot and well written!
💛💛💛💛 A witty and heartfelt depiction about the life of a young woman who is struggling with loneliness, and coming to terms with a tragic past. Would recommend but I found myself often frustrated by the character of Eleanor but loved the dynamics with Raymond and Sammy.
💛💛💛 A collection of memoirs from a GP working in the British prison system. It was interesting, however as a British GP myself, I found it lacked much substance and depth. These prisoners/patients have experienced horrific hardships in life whether it be domestic violence, child abuse, drugs, sex trafficking, or homelessness, but I didn't feel the book delivered the emotional rawness of these subjects to the reader.
💛💛💛💛💛 Green Mile has always been one of my favourite films (helped by my love of the absolute legend that is Tom Hanks) so was so hopeful this book would be as good as the film and it did not disappoint. It was brilliantly written, dark at some points and not too much of a supernatural element. Loved it, I am now a Stephen King fan!
💛💛💛💛 This was a brilliant read, completely not what I was expecting but you are so drawn into the character of Evelyn, you forget shes fictional! I felt like the take home from the book was how important it is to love fully and to live your life as your true self always.
💛💛💛💛 I did enjoy this read, it was spooky and atmospheric and the plot does keep you very engaged. I did sometimes find the cross over and links between characters a bit much and kept having to try remind myself what the links were. Not sure how sold I was on the supernatural elements either. Otherwise would recommend!
????? " It's these small moments that make life worth living. The moments you take for granted. The ones you always think will be in plentiful supply. But if this past year has shown me anything, it's the need to cherish each and every moment, whether good or bad, whether joyful or painful, as the precious fleeting gifts that they are"
Such a moving book that made me laugh and cry. An emotional depiction of family connection, love, and loss.
💛💛💛 I picked this one up after reading Gone Girl and absolutely loving it. Gillian Flynn does have a talent for creating disturbed and interesting characters. This book is 'dark in places', with lots of satanic rituals, blood and murder. It was a good read but I found Libby quite aggravating and the end was a disappointment.
💛💛 Have to say, I wasn't a fan of this book. I didn't like the take on mental health issues and I found the storyline unrealistic and the ending was equally disappointing.
💛💛💛💛 Absolutely fascinating read. Although I couldn't get my head around a good portion of the book, I feel I have a better understanding about the big questions. It makes you realise just how small and insignificant we really are in the grade scale of the universe.
💛💛💛💛💛 This book is literally everywhere at the moment so had to give it a go, and I can see why everyone is raving about it. Took me about 100 pages to get in to, but was very dark, lots of unpredictable twists and kept you guessing all the way through. Would recommend!
💛💛💛💛💛 Probably one of the best thriller books I've ever read. Very creepy, loved the father-son dynamics and the pace kept you wanting more. Very mildly disappointed with the ending but still a solid 5 from me!
💛💛💛💛💛 Really wish I had read the book before seeing the film version as the book has so much more depth. So unique as a concept and genuinely believable with how well written it is. Loved it
💛💛💛💛💛 I loved this book. Full of unpredictable twists, it kept me really interested throughout. I think planning my own wedding at the moment made it all the more interesting to me!
💛💛💛💛 Really enjoyable read with lots of twists and turns. I personally found the dynamic between the 3 main characters a bit too creepy. Good for a cosy weekend sofa-boating with the kitties ❤
💛💛💛💛💛 I loved this book. So intelligently written, very thought provoking and genuinely does make you re-evaluate your own perception of the 'what ifs' in life.
💛💛💛💛 I had read a lot of good reviews so thought id give this one a try. I found the pace quite slow initially but enjoyed the interview style writing as it made the characters seem very real. Would recommend
Interesting read, I enjoyed reading from different perspectives, but equally found some of the characters quite aggravating and self deprecating. Will be reading more from Liane Moriarty though