Tea and classics as I read up for our monthly horror and sci-fi themed book club at the #SantafeSpringsLibrary ;) #frightclub #keylimegingertea
Tea and classics as I read up for our monthly horror and sci-fi themed book club at the #SantafeSpringsLibrary ;) #frightclub #keylimegingertea
"...you fundamentally cannot shame someone who is proud of what they are doing." Quinn talking about Breitbart's "reporters" and their attacks on her. A great way to explain what's going on in the US lately in politics.
It wasn't bad though it did have an unnecessary sex scene that really didn't add to the story at all. The characters were interesting although a bit flat, but I'd be interested to check out book two and see where this goes. Fun little thriller.
So glad I'm finally getting to this, I loved the first book and am just as happy with this one so far! #Expanse #SciFiSeries #funinspace
About half way through and can't help but feel like some of the dialog and details are a bit... Lost in translation.
Our next books for #feministbookclub are Crash Override and Geek Feminist Revolution... Getting my feminist nerd on with some coffee this morning. Have a Kick Ass Saturday everyone!!
Today's haul from the big Friends of the Library book sale from Newport Beach Library ($2 a bag...this was 2 bags). Soooo excited about all of this wonderfulness.
Guess I should get going on this since the bookclub for it is in a week ;)
First off....YAY my Litsy is working again. Second, I'm finally getting around to Final Girls!
Not even sure which of my recommendation lists this one came from, but giving it a go :)
Just starting part 3 and really liking it. A bit more tech speak but not too much, and the story has very interesting so far. If you liked the Girl with all the GiftS you'll likely dig this one, too.
When you have me this hooked in your first few lines... I know I'm in for the whole book :) Yay for that!
I just finished this one and wow.... Just.... Wow. It's a great read and keeps you on edge. It leaves you with questions but they're the right questions to be left with after a book. Amazing read.
The book was good... The story well told and edge of your seat for parts. The ending was something of a letdown really. It made sense but was just.... Arrrg... I think the situation itself just made me angry, really. Buy still a good read.
Catching back up on the series...which is technically a new series. :) it's just so much fun reading anything by @GailCarriger. If you're in need of some action and only the best of fashion then I recommend these books!!
What?? I'm between book club readings and have some free time?!? Sweet. Checking out this one after hearing about it on the #myfavoritemurder podcast.
Super excited to finally get around to this...I love the movies so this should be super fun. #bookclubread #crimejunkies
"When you look at internet usage...women in western countries use the internet 17% more than their male counterparts...the majority of technology users are women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s."....... Well fuck yes! #downwiththetechpatriarchy
New read I picked up from The Ripped Bodice :)
It's nice to finally sit down and read a book that's been on my shelf for a while. It was good, very entertaining, informative, and it seemed so real I was a bit disappointed to learn it was fictional.
It had this weird vibe to it... I didn't hate it but i didn't love it... It was this mellow in between 'yeah it was cool' kind of level.