"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion!"
“Hell is the absence of the people you long for.”
LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! It has it all--future dystopia, virtual reality, geek culture galore, video games, 80s nostalgia. I can't recommend this enough!
Would have preferred to read rather than listen, but I drive A LOT for work. Enjoyable.
Started this gem today. Already hooked! Love that it's a crew of all ladies.
Delightfully disturbing and violent with a truly vile yet likable protagonist. The art is fun and colorful.
Great ending to the series! I felt the writing improved as the series continued. All of the characters are great and unique--Ronan is a particular favorite. The relationships are well fleshed out and a lot of loose ends expertly tied up.
I enjoy the characters quite a bit. It's really nice to see a YA story focus on both male & female characters with a romance taking a back seat to overall plot. However, the writing wasn't my favorite. Not enough world building. I felt dropped in the story. Liked it enough to read the entire series!
I really enjoyed this book right from the first pages. The protagonist is a bit different then you may expect from a post apocalyptic tale. Book 1 of a trilogy, but enjoyable on its own.
Apparently I'm the last to find out you can check out eBooks and audiobooks from the library! I'm making up for lost time!! This is just an hour of browsing titles.
An amazing look inside how we are enticed and addicted to processed foods! Some of the practices are downright criminal. I cannot recommend this enough of you have any interest in nutrition or our eating habits.
Because Jim Dale is the BEST!
Got so hooked with the first book, I raced through both in 2 days! Great series so far.
Book exchange with a long distance friend. Here's what she sent me. I sent Catch-22 and Wool.
Atmospheric and frightening. Had me gripped from page 1.