book 3 in Laura Kaye‘s Raven Riders series. Slider & Cora go from single dad & Nanny to more. Two broken people find each other & help heal old wounds. Biker Romance
book 3 in Laura Kaye‘s Raven Riders series. Slider & Cora go from single dad & Nanny to more. Two broken people find each other & help heal old wounds. Biker Romance
Deborah Bladon‘s world expands to add Nicholas & Sophia. Seriously this world has a family tree/relationship diagram that needs to be seen to be believed. Whenever I go to NYC, I always expect to see these characters on the streets as the sense of place is so strong. However pro/con with these books is you know exactly what you‘re getting. #romantsy
Does anyone else find that, the longer you read an author, the more predictable the books become?
First book in a new duet by T M Frazier set in the familiar territory of swampy Florida. Heroine is escaping from a strict conservative, religious community after the death of her mother. Hero has abandoned society after the death of a close friend. Ends on a cliff hanger, but that‘s to be expected in a duet. Currently in KU. Just felt like this is a repetition of her previous books. Won‘t be reading pt 2 #romantsy
rampaged my way through books 1-6 at the end of Oct into Nov. Heroine Cop, Hero Politican. They do get married, but their love story carries on throughout the books. It does get a little “Angela Lansbury”, In that, there is somehow a personal connection to every murder victim that our heroine, Sam, works on. I also love that the secondary characters continue to be fleshed out. #romantsy
rampaged my way through books 1-6 at the end of Oct into Nov. Heroine Cop, Hero Politican. They do get married, but their love story carries on throughout the books. It does get a little “Angela Lansbury”, In that, there is somehow a personal connection to every murder victim that our heroine, Sam, works on. I also love that the secondary characters continue to be fleshed out.
The last of the Cross Brothers gets his book. Last in LH Cosway's "hearts" series but the first in a spinoff series with the rest of the parkour crew and their reality TV show. More shenanigans ahead
Classic Jodi Ellen Malpas book. If you liked the "This Man" series you'll enjoy this novella. Includes a glimmer se of the next heroine in her upcoming book "Forbidden".
Swoony hero from Suzanne Brockmann: Navy SEAL goes undercover & impersonates a royal prince to foil an assassination plot. First of the currently 19 "Tall, Dark & Dangerous" series. There's references to faxes & other 90's tech which was endearing
My first in the "Romancing the Clarksons" series. Loved it. One of my catnips is when the hero wants the romance more than heroine, and this delivered. I have the next two in the series in paperback, can't wait to dive in. #romantsy
I'd been waiting for Michael's story since book one. We find out why he's so curmudgeonly. Loved it. Hope there's more in the series #romantsy
new series by Ann Marie Walker. Trope Soup and I liked it. Enemies to Lovers, Marriage of Convenience, Opposites attract, Socio-economic differences. #romantsy
Even though it's the second in the series, there was enough world building for me to figure out what was going on without needing to have read the first book in the series. Plenty of twists and turns and each of the women portrayed is a bad ass. Not sure if I'll go back to the first book in the series as I don't feel I missed out, although it would cure some curiosity about some of the other characters
Favourite of the series!! I love a great Single Parent romance and this was perfect. Lola was truly a Mama Bear and Jack was a walled off man looking for a home. Plus, so freaking funny!! I wish Inspiration was real so I could visit everyone there.
ll Hail the Competence Porn!!! CLo really capture the misogyny present in a lot of business environments. Carter was used as the backdrop to discuss and expose this. Without him there would have been no reason to bring it to light. The secondary characters were a delight as well.
This one felt a little more KA-esque than The Deep End, probably because the Hero was more of a traditional KA Hero; Broody, conflicted, broken, isolationist. I loved it and this series so far. Can't wait to see who the next couple are!
Day 1 #riotgrams pseduo #shelfie. My first pull from the books I brought back from #RT17. On the left are ones I've already finished. On the right are the to read queue. Loved them all. Can't wait to start the pile on the right.
Current read. First book in June. Liked the first one in the series. Pictured are book 2 & 3 'cause who doesn't read the whole series in order!?
Welp, first shifter book and I'm all in. Maybe it's just Shelly Laurenston, cause I love her urban fantasy series too.
shockingly my first @EloisaJames book but definitely not my last. I'm looking forward to meeting Eloisa on 2/28. I love this spunky heroine and the hero who was just trying to do the right thing.
I truly appreciated the synopsis of book one at the beginning two. When a series is spaced out the recap is useful, I wish more authors would do this. We begin to discover Emily secrets are and dive deeper into the issues friends family has created. I'm expecting the 2 to clash in a mighty way in book 3
I foolishly assumed I knew what this book was going to be about based on previous books in the series. I was delighted when I was wrong. Helena took a well travelled storyline and flipped it on its head. Most impressively was the way she handled consent within a relationship. I honestly think that all teens should use a similar practice when engaging in intimate relationships.
MMF Novella in the Trident Security Series by Samantha A Cole. Received an ARC as a prize. Enjoyed Mitch's story as he figures out what and who he wants. What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas. Pretty 🌶
It was nice to see two characters who had seemed so light weight, flawed and unlikeable previously in this series come into their own and redeem themselves. The push-pull throughout their relationship stemmed from places of insecurity and a lack of understanding about who they really were or were becoming, as befalls a lot of college aged kids. It was a good wrap up to this series and I always enjoy KA Linde's writing.
A reworking of Jane Austen's persuasion is a tough bar to set, especially as it's one of my favourite classics. This was a decent attempt; hit the pertinent plot points and characterizations.
There wasn't the level of angst I was anticipating, due to the societal constraints of Regency England aren't available to a modern day retelling set in middle class America. do like Staci Hart's writing and characters, so I'll continue to be a fan of hers.
I don't read many M/M books, but when I do, they're by HelenKay Dimon. The perfect blend of sexy-romantic-suspense. I liked that the Characters internal issues were nothing to do with their sexuality, but with their pasts. Lots of witty banter and as a Brit, I loved the use of sarcasm as a defence and a love language. I'm hoping there's more in this series! #romantsy
Picked this book up at Goodwill on a whim based solely on the cover & the blurb. This was a delight. Probably one of the slowest books in terms of storyline for a romantic suspense, but the pacing made sense in regards to Khat (the heroine) figuring out her issues. At first I was pissed that men around her were making decisions for her but it was the right thing & rather than removing her agency, it was recognition of all she'd achieved. #romantsy
Exactly the quality book I expect from Penny Reid and LH Cosway's partnership. A clever blend of a secret baby, a Smidge of Angst, a dash of miscommunication, plus a sprinkle of despicable family history and you get this delight.
I did fall in love with Sean Cassidy from The Player and The Pixie a little more, he's the most beta Alpha male ever. P.s the covers for this series are beautiful. #romantsy
So much going on here, too much really. it's pretty apparent that it's a spin off as secondary characters backstories are repeatedly explained. Main storyline was fine, assassin after the h, family member hires H as bodyguard (sorry Protector) they have feelings which leads to sexy times. You later have 2 more sub plots of people wanting to hurt the h, which felt unnecessary. Sequel bait was totally obvious, expect at least 2 more in the series.
Amazing book. Twisty, intense, nail biting page turner. Flips between past and present with multiple POVs. Horror thriller. Really liked it but definitely not a genre I'll revisit often. #scaredycat
8th #februarybook #Wilder by @rebeccayarros. Enjoyed this new adult adventure romp. What goes better together than adrenaline and love? Classic poor nerd girl and rich adventure junkie meet in unusual circumstances with plenty o'secrets to be discovered. Like the set up for the next book and I assume there'll be at least two more to have the whole Renegade team happily matched up. P.s loved this cover. #romantsy
Book 3 in the scandalous series by @Caro_Linden Loved the verbal interplay between the two main characters. The scandal set up was good and the results never felt forced. I haven't read the first two in the series, feel like this but can definitely stand alone. I'll definitely be tracking the books in the series to pick up the rest in the future. This book was also part of my #utcroundaboutchallenge # #romantsy
So today's #WithLoveBerkley is #badassheroines and I was gonna chose Carla Anderson from MLBuchman's "target engaged" but the cover was of the Hero. instead I chose a real live badass heroine author. #shepersisted
my 1st by #jayneannkrentz really enjoyed this thriller/whodunnit. Also fulfilled my self imposed physical book challenge. #romantsy
#riotgrams my local library Somerville West branch. I only recently joined so I hope to take full advantage of it soon.
I don't really do a monthly TBR but I do track my preorders to make sure I don't forget to read them. #WithLoveBerkley day 7 #februarytbr looking forward to all of these.
#WithLoveBerkley #bromance Jameson Kane aka Satan and his man at arms Sanders. Sanders is my favourite secondary character ever (followed closely by Christina Lauren's Not-Joe). I've admired every book Stylo Fantome has put out and hope she never stops.
Absolutely adoring this series by shelly laurenston. Smart, witty, hilarious urban fantasy based on Scandinavian mythology. Just brilliant. Also fits day 6 #riotgrams #currentread and another book checked of a book challenge I'm doing.
#Riotgrams #bookishgoods these are two that I use the most. A kindle stand from Colleen Hoover's The Bookworm Box and a bookmark from The Ripped Bodice @bookriot
#WithLoveBerkley day 5 #sportsromances. I have a goodreads shelf for sports romances. It's one of my favs #romantsy
#WithLoveBerkley #redpinkcovers from one of the many piles of unread books around the house. I think i'm going to challenge myself to read a minimum of two physical books for every one e-book this month.
I love Pepper Winters' books. She writes so lyrically. It ends on a cliffhanger, so be prepared! Next book comes out later this month so the wait isn't too long. #romantsy
Love this Rom-Com by Vi Keeland. it was fun to see the heroin chip away at the hard veneer Drew had placed around himself. Lighthearted, well paced and exactly what I needed. #romantsy also fits day three of #riotgrams one word book titles.
#riotgrams #whereiread. Mostly on the couch, mostly using amazon's cloud reader. My TBR is nutso
Given that the US premiere is tonight and this beauty popped up on my kindle. #withloveberkley I read this in one day. In fact until January I regularly read a book a day, but I'm so overwhelmed with all the news and views that my reading has slowed down as I try to keep up with everything else.
I loved this. So much tension, so much rage in both Joan/Olivia and Max. I've said before I have a weakness for books about broken people and this fell deliciously into that niche. If you want a Heroine who is holding up two middle fingers at the world, this is your book. I know this is book three in a series of standalones and it really did stand alone. I haven't read the other two, but don't feel like anything was spoiled.
Quality author time with Kristan Higgins and Saundra Mackay. Hosted by Caroline Linden (photo credit belongs to her too). Held at Porter Sq Books in Cambridge, MA.
This book from 2002 was awesome. There were times when you have to remember it was it 2002 because cellphones are scarce, GPS was not a thing so that added a cute layer to the book. Really good political thriller with a romance element to it. #romantsy
First book in the Turning Series felt more erotic thriller than romantic suspense. The thing I love about J A Huss books is that the plot always unfurls slowly, so you never quite know what's coming next. I love how she took this complicated set of people and revealed them and their complexities slowly, in the same way you will get to know someone in real life. A four person POV it's hard to pull off, but each person had their own distinct voice.
#Shelfie for @BerkleyPub right hand bookshelf is al romance. Top two shelves are signed and read, third shelf is read but unsigned. Of course I have several piles of unread books around the house. I'm doing a minimising February too so, this will all get organised before the end of the month as well. #riotgrams