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Barringer House by Barbara Riefe
The Witch Hunter | Max Seeck
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Finished the first book after reading the second book first. Opps! A lot about the second book is easier to understand now. I enjoyed this book but wished they had gotten to the ending a bit sooner so there was more time to go into the details. I felt like the book was filled with too much “fluff” and could have gotten to the good stuff a lot faster or into greater detail. On to the third book now.

The Ice Coven | Max Seeck
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So I read this and really liked it but didn‘t quite understand the ending. I did have higher hopes for the case they were trying to solving and it ended up being a very stereotypical suspect behind the murders. I didn‘t realize this book was a sequel so I just ordered the first and third book and pre-ordered the fourth book. Hopefully the rest of the series is just as good.

Malorie | Josh Malerman
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I‘m actually disappointed in this sequel. The first book was amazing, thrilling, and I couldn‘t put it down. The second book I had a really hard time getting through but I was committed to finishing it. I did not like the change in writing style from the first to the second book. This one seemed to drag on for awhile and the ending was less interesting than I had hoped. There was some really great parts but overall wasn‘t well put together.

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I read one book previously by this author and wasn‘t in love with her writing but decided to give her another shot. I was much happier with this book compared to the last so I‘ll probably give more of her books a try. I actually really enjoyed this suspenseful thriller. The “who did it” really shocked me but made perfect sense and I really enjoyed the ending. Well written and methodical. This book will remain in my little library. 📚

The Harbinger | Jonathan Cahn
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I should have given this book more of a chance but it just isn‘t my speed. I kept dazing off and having to reread the page and that doesn‘t happen when I‘m really into a book. I thought I might like it more because of the mystery of America and history part but I‘m not a very religious person so I kept getting left behind on the religious bits of the story.

Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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WOW!! I highly recommend this book. It completely blows the movie out of the water. This book seriously terrified me and I could not put it down! Complete suspense and terror and such a great ending to a tragic and terrifying story. LOVED IT!!! I‘m ordering the sequel right now 👏👏

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I really enjoyed this book. It really made me think a lot about the world we live in today and what the world could become. This book was likely mind blowing 10 years ago when it was released so it‘s kind of crazy to think about how when you read it today, that the idea of this kind of “transparent” world is really not too far off from what our world is like what we live in today. There is so many pros and cons to the world created by “the circle”

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I did enjoy the story and I read it pretty quickly but mostly because I just wanted to know what was going to happen. The story did draw me in but I felt like it took a really long time to go somewhere exciting. It was not scary and it was kind of came off as a cliche typical lifetime movie. I probably would like this better as a movie which is never the case! Definitely not a keeper to stay on the bookshelf but worth the one time read.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was a thrilling and exciting journey through the ages of witches. I enjoyed the cultural details mixed into the story to make it feel more real and tragic.

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I am so saddened to have finished this series but what an excellent heart warming end to a truly action packed peculiar story. I absolutely loved this series. These books will definitely remain in my collection. 📚

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This book out of the series so far was my favorite‘ the most thrilling and action packed one yet. I finished this one is less than a week and it ends with such a cliffhanger! Seriously, just when you think the peculiars are safe and things should start shaping up… ransom Riggs really knows how to keep the action going! I am counting down until the next book is delivered. I‘ll be pretty bummed when I‘ve finished this series.

CBee I loved this series 😊💚 1y
Lacey.shanel @CBee it was soo good, I‘m so sad to be finishing it. 🥲 14mo
CBee @Lacey.shanel I was sad when it ended too ❤️ 14mo
Lacey.shanel @CBee after so many books it was hard to think the story was over 13mo
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I finally took some time to myself this weekend to enjoy relaxation and diving into a new book. Im already half way through after two days. It was a much needed mental and physical break from everything else going on in my life right now.

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This book was a long one but so good. The middle of the boom drug on a little bit but the last half of the book I could barely put it down. This series is really great if you love unusual stories with a little b it of excitement. On to the fifth book!

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Absolutely loving this series! 🥸 I have to purchase the sixth book yet but time to start the fourth book of miss peregrines home for peculiar children series, map of days. Library of souls was good but the ending was the most capturing and attention grabbing part of that book. The ending had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I could NOT put the book down, kept reading past 2 in the morning until I finished the book.

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Love love love!! I can‘t wait to read the next book. I‘m dying because my order with the next book doesn‘t come until the end of this week. This series is seriously thrilling and just when you think you know what direction the story is going … bam there‘s a twist you didn‘t expect!

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Really such an excellent novel! If you love strange and extraordinary stories then this one is for you! I loved the movie and finally got my hands on the novel and loved it even more. Time for the sequel 👏

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I bailed on this one… I tried to give it a chance because it seemed like an interesting look into the history and our knowledge of dogs. Also, I love dogs. I gave it two chapters worth and It just couldn‘t keep my attention. 😵‍💫

The Future of Us | Jay Asher, Carolyn Mackler
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This book was an excellent feel good story and a really good reminder of how important it is to live in the present, enjoy the live we have and strive for what we want in life. I only wish it would have been more obvious that Emma realized that her future is miserable because she is unhappy in the present. I also really thought the concept for the book was creative and different than your typical young adult “love story” and drama book.

The Murder Farm | Andrea Maria Schenkel
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Hard to say much of anything about this book. I am surprised it won awards. The ending wasn‘t shocking but I didn‘t guess it either. I am not sure I liked the style of the writing either. The cover and description are better than the actual book. If you are looking for a quick mysterious read then this is a good book for that.

180 Seconds | Jessica Park
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I personally really loved this book. I thought at first, in the beginning chapters this was a really odd story so far. How could staring at someone for 180 seconds create a story line? Well I was wrong, once I got a few chapters passed the main event, I literally could not put this book down. The emotions this author was able to capture in words was incredible. Truly a feel good story. Reminds you to live in the moment. Well done, Jessica Park.

Killer Instinct | S.E. Green
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I finished this book in two days even though it‘s not very long and the print is big. I barely could put it down. It had some dexter vibes in the beginning for sure but the ending took its own story to a different angle and such a twist! I would definitely recommend this book.

Lucid | Adrienne Stoltz, Ron Bass
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This was definitely an interesting book! Worth a read if you like intriguing and mind bending concepts. Most books are better than movies but I think this book would actually be better as a movie. It could be difficult to keep up sometimes with all the back and forth between characters especially at the end when the characters lives became intertwined.

Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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I am surprised this book was a bestseller. Don‘t get me wrong, I wouldn‘t say it was a bad book. I would recommend it to thriller fans as worth reading. It is definitely a unique concept but as I continued reading, the story just felt stretched and “try hard”. It took me a long time to get through this book as I didn‘t feel compelled to pick it up most nights. The story didn‘t captivate me until 3/4 of the way in. I was happy with the ending

Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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How does one describe the sensation and the overwhelming feeling when you turn the final page of a really good book? Time for the next book…

The Cellar | Natasha Preston
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Definitely a must read if you enjoy YA and suspense books. Another great book from this author. I really liked that the story continues even after summer is rescued. The author taps into the real life struggles of what a survivor of such crimes would face. From start to finish, this book is suspenseful and you fall right into the pages.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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This book was definitely worth reading. Again, another good story from this author. The ending definitely leaves you wanting more and wishing you could jump into the pages and do something for the main character yourself. If you like suspense and feeling like youre drawn into the story and can‘t put it down then you should read some of Natasha prestons books.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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On to the next book… I really liked this author when I read “the lost” but looks like the reviews aren‘t that great on “the twin” but will give it a shot. 📚🤓

Crooked | Laura McNeal, Tom McNeal
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This book starts out slow and after a few chapters you might start considering to bail because it seems like the story is going nowhere. The text can be confusing and sentence structuring seemed poor. However, you‘ll get about half way in and you start to think alright, maybe this story is going somewhere finally. The ending half of the book was intense, suspenseful, and definitely poked at your emotions and I could not put the book down. #YA

Are You Still There | Sarah Lynn Scheerger
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This book was good but I wouldn‘t read it again or necessarily suggest it. It seemed to have drug on forever and felt the story could have been more captivating. It wasn‘t a waste of time or a bad story line by any means just a little bland. The ending however was riveting and suspenseful and got my heart racing. The ending was the best and only exciting part of the story that really draws you in. #review #ontothenextbook #YA

The Lost | Natasha Preston
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Loved loved loved this book. I could not put it down! What a complete twist. The book is an easy read but definitely not lacking in mystery and suspense. Definitely going to look for more books by this author. #review #suspense #newtopauthor #highlyrecommend #mustread #YA

Before I Fall | Lauren Oliver
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It was a captivating story. I could not put the book down because I just wanted to know what was next. The end of the story, makes you feel something. The book is emotional but by the end you will feel a satisfaction and a new appreciation for your own life. This is a great read. The movie doesn‘t compare to the book, but do they ever? 🧐 #review #worthreading #emotional #appreciatelife #riveting #mustread #booksarebetterthanmovies #YA