Welp, I guess I‘m ready for he movie 😝 (though now I‘ll be disappointed when the plot massively derails from the book. Oh well)
Welp, I guess I‘m ready for he movie 😝 (though now I‘ll be disappointed when the plot massively derails from the book. Oh well)
“Once words and thoughts are poured to them, books are no longer just paper and ink and glue: They take on a kind of human vitality.”
Some light reading for the week. 😎 The end was a bit anticlimactic in my opinion, but quite a wild ride to get there.
Probably the best thing I‘ve ever wasted money on. 😂
Overall, this was a very heartwarming story that deserves more attention. While the prose itself isn‘t too difficult, the character and story were more than enough to keep me turning those pages! ❤️❤️
Happy belated birthday to me! 🎂
My professor let it slip we‘re reading The Hobbit in Fantasy and Lit next semester!!! Time to brush up on my Tolkien.
My plan initially wasn‘t to finish the entire thing in one sitting (especially with homework that needs finished) but look what happened. 😬 Worth the read, though. ❤️❤️❤️ #stephenking
“It was the most important discovery of his whole life. He could read. He possessed the antidote to the deadly poison of old age. He could read. But he had nothing to read.”
Honestly, I wasn‘t impressed with the movie. It wasn‘t the scariest horror film I‘ve ever seen, and they completely ruined the original story. Still, it was a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
While I couldn‘t put the time into that I wanted (since it was for a class), this was an amazing read! Though it‘s not something I‘d usually read, I really enjoyed it. Kingsolver has such a way with words and images I was encaptued from page one. Would recommend! 💖
“Unearthly beauty had appeared to her, a vision of glory to stop her in the road. For her alone these orange boughs lifted, these long shadows became a brightness rising. It looked like the inside of joy, if a person could see that. A valley of lights, an ethereal wind. It had to mean something.”
Haven‘t bought myself a book I wanted in months. Sometimes you gotta treat yourself (and with an employee discount I can feel less guilty about it!)
“Legends: The Gunslinger”. Artwork by Michael Whelan.
This finally came in the mail, and I feel like it‘s way too nice to write in. 😂 (but it‘s not gonna write itself)
“He is my grandfather,” has become the dead man who was my grandfather. He was, and is no more. And this is a part of the great mystery we call time. But the past is the present also. And this, I think, is part of the greater mystery we call eternity.”
A love story to be shared on Valentine‘s day! 💖💖 Any Hamilton fans out there??
Plowed through the last 300 or so pages this weekend because I couldn‘t stop myself! 😬 I highly recommend this to anyone willing to take the 1076 page journey. 🔥🔥🔥
So the official trailer for Pet Sematary just dropped and I can‘t handle my feelings right now. #stephenking
The only good thing about being sick is having an excuse to do nothing but lie down and read. ⭐️
I‘m shooketh. One of the most frustrating cliff hangers I‘ve ever experienced. I‘m so mad (but in a good way). I definitely foresee myself reading the next two books in this series, and would definitely recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This beauty came in the mail the same day we started a poetry until in class! 🤣 (and yes I gave myself a paper cut on it, but it‘s all part of the experience)
Reading this for class, and I have to say it‘s amazing so far!!
Finally done with this emotional journey. While it wasn‘t a difficult read (in terms of writing style) I ended up blowing though half the book in one sitting! I found myself struggling a lot with these types of issues in 2018, so it almost seems fitting for “Dear Evan Hansen” to be my first book of 2019. (Here‘s to a better year!)
Do I know the entire musical by heart? Of course. Am I still going to read the entire book? Definitely. Am I fully emotionally/mentally prepared? No. Absolutely not.
The hardest thing about this book is deciding what I want to make first. 😜
Vacation in Mexico well spent; exotic animals, scuba diving and some really great literature. 👍🏻
I didn't think I would spend a solid hour plowing through the last hundred or so pages of this book, but look what happened. 😬
Couldn't have asked for better weather to read about supposed satanism! #stephenking
"You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. There's still a lot of good in the world."
"The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Louis. A man grows what he can, and he tends it. 'Cause what you buy, is what you own. And what you own... always comes home to you."
#stephenking #petsematary