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The Testaments
The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I enjoyed my second reading of The Testaments much more than the first. I‘m not sure if that‘s because I first read it when it was initially released and the collective expectations around it were so high but this time I had no expectations, or if it‘s because I listened to the audio this time and that worked way better for me than the print version, or because I‘ve really been enjoying the Hulu version and comparing them is interesting…

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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This is hard to review! I went in with very low expectations and it was much better than I thought. I liked the 3 story strands: Aunt Lydia, Agnes (a young girl growing up in Gilead) and Daisy (a young girl in Canada). It was fast paced and I loved Agnes, but Daisy felt like a stereotypical YA heroine (born to save the world!!!!). The story was predictable, the ending left me feeling unsatisfied but overall I still enjoyed it?! 🤷‍♀️

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #thetestaments #margaretatwood #doubleday #booklove #bookbeast
What are you reading?😊

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood

It was exciting to get this just as it was picked for my May #bookspin! Really interesting and apropos (and I loved recognizing the #Toronto spots!) I couldn't get as deeply into the characters as I would have liked, and the shifting among three narrators made it a bit hard to follow on audio, but I got drawn in. A graphic and intelligent feminist portrayal of what a fascist-dominated future could look like. Bonus: Atwood's voice in the intros.

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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#JamminJune Day 24: I am clearly not a #WineAndRoses kind of girl - moscato and margarita are more my speed, clearly.

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood

I like the way the the handmaids take was expanded upon and how you got a better idea of the lives of the aunts.

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I enjoyed The Handmaid's Tale, but the ending left me wondering for months. And although this book doesn't follow Offred, I still feel like I got the resolution I was looking for. I can't imagine having read The Handmaid's Tale 35 YEARS ago when it came out, and having to wait and wonder all this time.

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood

I read The Handmaid's Tale ~20 years ago; it's safe to say I needed a refresher before diving into this long-awaited follow up. I was not disappointed. The narratives pulled me in from the first page, and I devoured the novel, wanting to see if/how the three narratives ultimately converged. Read during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, there were many moments in the novel that had me pausing to think, “Yep...that strikes a little too close to home.“

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Severnmeadows A very beautiful cat! 4y
Wildly_Bookish Thanks! I think so too! 4y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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It's been a little while since I read The Handmaid's Tale but with an ending like that one had, it's not easily forgettable. I'm hoping this book leaves me feeling as though the story is complete.

ShyBookOwl I really enjoyed this one 4y
Wildly_Bookish I'm glad! 4y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Currently reading this gem. So far I think it's a great addition to the original story.

#books #margaretatwood #thetestaments #booknerd #currentlyreading

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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This is one of the best ways to describe passive suicidal ideation that I‘ve ever seen. Will save this one for future reference.

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Great timing to get this one back from library purgatory

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I loved this book. I've read it twice in the past month (that's a record for me). The Handmaid's Tale has meant so much to me since I read it in high school and I was so happy to be able to dip back into Gilead and learn how it came apart. I went back and re-read the Handmaid's Tale after finishing this one and it gave me a new perspective on it! Then I had to read the Testaments again. 😍📚

charl08 Love the lamp! 4y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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“I groped around in the dusk, found the bed slab, sat down on it. I can do this, I thought. I can get through.
I was right, but only just. You'd be surprised how quickly the mind goes soggy in the absence of other people. One person alone is not a full person: we exist in relation to others. I was one person: I risked becoming no person“ (Aunt Lydia, The Testaments, by Margaret Atwood, 148).

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Finally reading it!

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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My #januarywrapup! 14 books!

2 audiobooks
6 library books
2 buddy reads
and some great success tackling #mounttbr

#januaryfinale #auldlangreads

AmyG Wow 14 books! Good job. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!! How was The Testaments? Did you like The Dollohouse? 4y
OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved The Testaments! The Dollhouse was okay but I wasn‘t bowled over. 4y
valeriegeary 🙌🏻 4y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Each of these was a #pageturner for me!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I was going to choose No Exit also!!! 5y
Nute I almost picked up another edition of Little Women today. It‘s actually the movie tie-in edition which I really like, but I didn‘t get it because I would really like to have a hardback edition. I should have kept my BOTM subscription!😕 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Ok. .let's see how this goes

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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My crossword got literary this morning. 3-down was THE TESTAMENTS, while 8-down was a book I‘ve never heard of called LIFE BEFORE MAN. Apparently I have only a sketchy knowledge of Atwood‘s extensive bibliography.

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Loved it! The Handmaid‘s Tale is one of my favorite books, so I was both excited and nervous to read this. Though this one is done differently than the first book, I thought it perfectly tied up some loose ends, mainly Offred‘s fate. And if we had to revisit Gilead, I‘m glad this ended the way it did! 😉🙌🏻
#popsugar2020 - book I meant to read in 2019 and book that won an award in 2019

NeedsMoreBooks Enjoyed this one but it could have been better in some sections. 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Read both books in Atwood‘s best-selling series over the break! “The Testaments” ties several loose ends up from “the Handmaid‘s Tale” and really highlights the strength of female empowerment. I loved the first book so much so the second had a lot to live up to - and at times I felt that it did not deliver the same punchliness that Atwood is known for! A must read even though I liked the first better!

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Library haul! Next up = Atwood ❤️

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I was very curious to see how this book was going to be written out. After reading the first book which I loved and watching all the season on Hulu this book did a great job at tying everything together. I was thoroughly interested and invested in this book. I loved hearing from the three points of views. Just sad to see it end.

NeedsMoreBooks Just completed this ❤️ 5y
BookNightOwl @NeedsMoreBooks I felt like the ending was written rapidly but I also felt like if it wasnt written that way it would have been a lot longer. Big books can be intimidating to some and would have some people say maybe when I have more time. 5y
NeedsMoreBooks @mandi1082 agreed. Some parts did seem rushed but still enjoyable. Atwood probably counted on her readers‘ knowledge of Gilead through The Handmaid‘s Take in some sections. 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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2-2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I had been reluctant to read this, with the success if the TV Series 35years after the original book was written I wondered if the story line for this would be influenced by series, and was this what Atwood originally planned for these characters?. I have to say I loved it and the way it was written from three points of view.

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Admittedly, I wasn‘t sure I wanted to read the sequel to The Handmaid‘s Tale. But, I‘m impressed by this, a continuation of Gilead‘s story that is an aftermath to the original, yet it‘s different enough that it does not have a true sequel vibe. I was spellbound and horrified. Glad I could sneak this in before the end of 2019.

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 I think I need to read these books. 5y
TheBookAddict 👏🏽👏🏽 you‘re so close! Thanks for that review. I haven‘t read it because I‘m also skeptical about it, but I think I need to give it a try soon. 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Thank God for audiobooks. Now I finally know how to pronounce echinacea. Praise be. 😅 #24B42020

alisiakae 🤣🤣 5y
julesG 😂😂 5y
Andrew65 😂😂😂 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Finally got this one back from library purgatory 😂 #24B42020

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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@Meaw_catlady. I'm so glad you said something. The print is beautiful. Thank you! #JolabokaflodSwap

Meaw_catlady Glad you like it!! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Crazeedi Merry Christmas and thank you for mentoring jolabokaflod! 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood

As a die hard fan of Margaret Atwood, I unsurprisingly loved this novel. Really fun sequel for Handmaids Tail

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I finally finished “The Testaments.” It was a good book, but I still cannot figure out WHY we needed this sequel to “The Handmaid‘s Tale.” The ending to the original book was perfect, and I just don‘t understand why we had to revisit Gilead. And if we did, I don‘t know why this is the story Atwood chose to tell. Ultimately, “The Testaments” didn‘t impact my feeling for the original book-this sequel was just…kind of…there.

marleed I liked that Ms Atwood was able to come back to her story thirty-some years later at nearly 80 years old and provide her finale. I can‘t help but wonder where Frank L Baum might have taken Dorothy or other others of books reimagined with more to the original story if they had had their own opportunity. 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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#HollyJollyReading Day 17: The #CandyCane Holiday scents of Bath and Body are a hit in my household, not to mention the 75% off sale. Bought way too many. I will still be smelling like Christmas by middle of next year.

Smrloomis 😂 that‘s pretty funny! 👍🏽 5y
OriginalCyn620 I love Bath & Body Wotks! And that 75% off sale is very dangerous! 😝 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood

Having not loved the handmaid‘s tale I didn‘t go into this read with high hopes, but was pleasantly surprised. This book provided a lot of the context and world building missed in its predecessor, and the ending was the catharsis I had been long awaiting. Not only did I enjoy this book, but it made me retrospectively enjoy the handmaid‘s tale more as a result!

The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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This was a worthy sequel to The Handmaid‘s Tale. I think your opinion on this book will greatly depend on what you think about the narrative choices Atwood makes which differ from from the first book. I also wonder how much Atwood was inspired by the TV adaption (and vice versa) in the expansion of the world of Gilead and beyond in this book. The narration of the audiobook is fantastic with 3 different main narrators and cameos by Atwood herself.

BarkingMadRead I have this on hold at the library, it‘s been a month already I think lol it will be my turn eventually 5y
Kimberlone @BarkingMadRun I‘ve had this on hold since it was released and just finally received my checkout this month (edited) 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I‘ve had the audiobook for this on hold from my library for months and it finally came in while I was on vacation. Now I only have 8 days to finish it before my checkout expires, so this is going to be my main priority for the next few days!

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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A compelling book that brings the reader on a story that expands the world and the people of Gilead. It tells compelling stories of brave women and unlikely circumstances and hope. Hope for a new and different and better. And creates questions with every piece of information.

"As they say, history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes."


The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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This is pretty much everything I could have asked for in a sequel to The Handmaid‘s Tale.

blank I loved it, too! 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Te Araroa kilometers tramped: 106.3 of 3005.3

Books completed on trail: 1

Finished this audiobook on 90 Mile Beach and the road wall from Ahipara to Kaitaia. It kept me riveted till the end.

TheSpineView Beautiful! 5y
Texreader Impressive!! 5y
Alora Wow! How pretty! 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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My final time for the #readathon ! Just over 9 hours.
I didn‘t get as many hours as I would have liked, but still pretty happy!
I‘ve been so busy with exams and projects. It was nice to have a bit of reading time to relax.
I finally finished The Institute and started The Testaments.

#MrBook1InAMillion #24B4Monday #LitsyPartyOfOne #CatsOfLitsy

Texreader ❤️😻 5y
MrBook Well done! 😎👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 😻😻😻 5y
UwannaPublishme Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Andrew65 With everything else going on for you this is a brilliant time. Well done and thanks for taking part. 👏👏👏🙌😊👍🥳🍾🥂🎯 5y
Clwojick WOOHOO!!! You did great! 🙌 And what an adorable kitten! 5y
Alora Thank you so much 😊 @Clwojick @Andrew65 (edited) 5y
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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I‘m not doing any readathons this weekend (too busy with #NaNoWriMo!) but I finally got this from the library and I hope to read a lot of it. Barely twenty pages in and my heart is already broken.