Getting a little inspiration before I start my 80-mile backpacking trip in the North Cascades tomorrow.
Getting a little inspiration before I start my 80-mile backpacking trip in the North Cascades tomorrow.
Absolutely loved this book. I‘m a sucker for outdoor and wilderness adventures, and this book did not disappoint.
This is a great story from beginning to end. A must read for anyone who loves nature, the outdoors, survivalist stories, and for anyone who has ever thought about or wanted to bail on their corporate/office/city/9-5 life and run away to the wilderness to live off the grid.
New Book! Just in time to spark some excitement for warmer weather adventures
Not all adventures go as planned. Unbelievable what some people can endure and power through to survive. Definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys adventure, outdoor, and survival stories.
Great adventure story. She accomplished amazing things and her tale is absolutely epic.
Well I‘ve tried to cut down my book collection in preparation of a big move across the country, and I‘m stuck at around 500 books still. I don‘t think that‘s too big of a collection is it??? I almost cut it in half so there‘s that at least
Indoor hammock...check. Cozy blanket...check. Great book...check. Coffee...double check.
Michigan fall weather is typically gray, cold, and wet. But I can‘t really argue when I get to escape into a new book from the comfort of my indoor hammock next to my fireplace. Life is good.
I really enjoyed this book. Definitely made my top 3 list out of all his books. His style of humor is absolutely incredible.
Kitties, indoor hammocks, and new books. Perfect fall Saturday
Been looking forward to this book for awhile now. I absolutely love starting new books and look forward to the new adventure!
And what do all good stories do?...They kill you a little. They turn you into something you weren‘t”
Really enjoyed this book. Character development was great and the cast of characters kept me enthralled throughout.
Hanging in the middle of the woods listening to the sounds of nature and getting lost in a good book
Kitties, hammocks, and good books...perfect combination
Too hot and humid outside...no problem. I‘ll just setup a hammock inside and read.
Loved this book! I got addicted right away and had a hard time putting it down.
New week, new book to read!
Any damn fool can beg up some kind of job; it takes a wise man to make it without working.
It‘s a reading in a hammock kind of day