I had to sleep on this review. I just wanted to love it. And as I wrote my review on my blog I realized that I didn't have as many points to really love it. It was good and I liked it. It was a good finale. I just didnt have as much to say about it.
I had to sleep on this review. I just wanted to love it. And as I wrote my review on my blog I realized that I didn't have as many points to really love it. It was good and I liked it. It was a good finale. I just didnt have as much to say about it.
Holy shit! That ending. Wasnt expecting that. Felt right out of the twilight zone!! This sci-fi takes you way into the future and gives you three main characters who struggle to protect each other and hide their link. They're linked like in the show Sense 8. There is so much more to the story than just that. I liked it and then loved it by the end. Looks like there's a sequel in the future maybe.
I skipped this book ahead of some others from my NetGalley list. I have really been in a Young Adult mood. So soon I will be switching I am sure. Don't mind the not elegant pictures. My desktop is the prettiest thing I could come up with at the moment. Lol.
I didnt read any of the previous books in the series, and this felt like it could have been plot filler to progress one of the more interesting characters plot. However I would still say it is worth a read if Fantasy Romance is your thing. Which is my thing so I enjoyed it a bit. I'm a little lineint when is a me kinda thing. Lol
My full opinion: http://bit.ly/2LFLbyQ
We had 3 really rough months where I had to travel a lot and I was too stressed to read. Things are finally calming down and I can finally relax a little. So I have to completely catch up on all of my #NetGalley books that are overdue. I feel horrible that I am so behind. Nothing I can do about the past. #currentlyreading #timetoplayketchup
I finally finished it. I took my time and I am really satisfied with how the series turned out. So many battles scenes and they were awesome to read. The character perspective changes were very important in this book because it made this book feel fuller than the 670+ pages. It is worth reading to the end of your YA book fan. Full review: http://bit.ly/2l0eS2r 😋😍
1. Jeanine Frost's Night Huntress series - this is my go to reread always it's just always been one to stick in my head and I randomly remember.
2. TWISTER. It is my all time favorite movie and none of my fam/friends like it lol
3. Pizza - say no more, I'll be there
4. Any of my new friends, I wanna get to know you! 😁
A sweet retelling of Beauty and the Beast set in a Regency era. I would only recommend this to my friends who are really into Regency. Jasper is the lead Male and I loved his character, but I wasn't as into Adeline herself. http://bit.ly/2kUuyJ for my full review #Netgalley #wasanARCbutitooktoolong #playingcatchup
One of my favorites from a few years back. I really love this series. #JeanieneFrost
This is the biggest book of the series and the last. I am really taking my time with this one. Finales are precious. They deserve respect and time to really enjoy what's happening. (Also, I am busy and don't have a lot of time this week.) #warstorm #victoriaaveyard #redqueen
This was heartbreaking. The perspective you get about Cal's mother is sad and almost even ends like a horror story
I think the second book is definitely better than the first one.