Really enjoyed Emergency Contact. Can‘t wait to start this one. Has anyone read it? Thoughts? #currentlyreading #yalit #yabooks
Really enjoyed Emergency Contact. Can‘t wait to start this one. Has anyone read it? Thoughts? #currentlyreading #yalit #yabooks
"Life is a mystery, and it should be so, for the sorrow that accompanies being human and the choices one will have to make are a burden, too heavy for most to know before their time comes."
I really enjoyed this book. It started a little slow, but by the end I couldn't put it down.
#currentlyreading a recommendation from a patron
I had learned that you could imagine anything you wanted, that the space inside your head belonged only to you. Furnished and decorated and inhabited only by you, so that your insides teemed and seethed while your outward aspect remained serene.
"I have to find myself
A place where I can breathe.
That's where poetry lives
In the oldest part of us."
"The trees are starting to rain leaves, but the air is still hot enough to swim through." #currentlyreading
An interesting examination of the intensity and fickle behaviors of girls and their friendships. Set in the early 90's in Pennsylvania, there is an undercurrent of grunge just starting to emerge, which I found accurate and relatable because I was their age in PA in that time period. The reader is taken down a rabbit hole of dark behaviors and switching loyalties that become a page turner by the end that didn't disappoint.
halfway through my December #tbr pile. Love finding quiet time to read in this hustle busyle month.
Just started reading this one. Liking it so far. Her writing style flows well and makes for a smooth read which is just what I need for December when everything is easily excitable.
Set in 1977 Virginia and sprinkled with music references, I enjoyed this nostalgic trip back to the decades of my childhood via this Southern Gothic inspired tragedy of big secrets and small town families.
"I guess that's the lesson in all of this-not to be eighty years old, looking back on your life, wondering if you made the right choice or how your life might have been different if you'd done one thing and not another."
days off are for early morning reading.
"Do you think, Daniel,” she said to him, rolling over onto her back so that she was able to look out of the window while she spoke, "that we might have reached the end of our story?"
"Usually while he detailed the broken nose or sketched a lumpy body he felt as if he was zeroing in on what it meant to be alive. He could hear his father saying: The scratches are what makes a life."
"because he is old enough now to know happiness for what it is: brief and fleeting, not a state to strive for, to seek to live in, but to catch when it comes, and to hold on to for as long as you can."
You never let go of your teen years, they circle back in strange little ways.
"Taste, Chef said, is all about balance. The sour, the salty, the sweet, the bitter. Now your tongue is coded. A certain connoisseurship of taste, a mark of how you deal with the world, is the ability to relish the bitter, to crave it even, the way you do the sweet."
"It has always been a great comfort to me that I could bring a book anywhere, to any place. To any part of my life."
"Certainly she no longer thinks of the future, because every day the future proves itself to be a duplicate of the present. So instead she roots through the past."
reading when I should be sleeping
"But it has occurred to me, on occasion, that our memories of our loved ones might not be the point. Maybe the point is their memories—all that they take away with them"
Summer evening reading. It's an interesting perspective.
These books came home with me from the library. Thanks for all of the great recommendations out there! First up, All the Birds in the Sky.
Reading and watching the storm clouds. It's been a while since I've read a graphic novel. I'm looking forward to it.
Picked this up at the library today and I'm looking forward to reading it after Boys in the Trees.
My afternoon = tea, cake, and Carly.
I have no complaints.
The point in the book where you know you've got it covered for finishing by book club deadline and can begin another book you want to read without feeling guilty.
"There is a reason for everything, and everything has a reason. Her father's words danced around her mind. Keep a close eye on life, Tilly, and you will always know what that reason is."
I enjoyed the creative perspective and the insight that Budo brought to the storytelling.