I‘ve read this book before, but it‘s so good! I highly recommend it.
I‘ve read this book before, but it‘s so good! I highly recommend it.
Probably one of the best books I‘ve had to read for school. At times it is disturbing in a way that really makes you think about society in the age of social media. Only bad thing I have to say about it is that it is already a little outdated because it came out in 2018 and so much has happened since then.
This was a really good book. Still, I feel like there is a lot that isn‘t explained, especially when it comes to the Dark One. With that, combined with the aftermath of whatever happened at the end of the book, I feel like there is plenty room for a sequel.
I also found it really interesting that the book doesn‘t start with the initial battle, but rather it gives you details about it along the way from 10 years later.
Wow, this book was good. It‘s a chilling story that keeps you guessing as to which path it will take. The ending felt a bit rushed compared to the rest of the book, but otherwise the ending was good too.
This book started out really depressing, but it finally got better in part 3. Then it was fast-paced and exciting, and the very end was so unexpected (at least to me). It was a great conclusion to the series, and it wraps things up much better than Nevermore.
This was a great sort-of-conclusion to the series. It could‘ve been the last book, but I guess an epilogue is nice too.
This was a very good and thrilling book. The ending broke my heart though. 💔
This was the best book in the series since books 1 and 2! I‘m glad they‘ve moved on to new villains. The plot actually followed a normal trajectory rather than jumping all over the place like in the last two books.
I didn‘t hate it, but maybe that‘s because I went in with low expectations. I loved the environmentalist message, but the way it was shown was a bit tacky. Also, I would really like an explanation as to who and what the Uber Director was and where he came from.
Just as thrilling as the first two books, but it felt like the plot went in a million different directions. Still good though!
Another great piece in the Maximum Ride series! I can‘t wait to see what happens next. Just like the first book it leads right into the next.
I‘ve been hearing about this series since middle school, but I‘ve just now gotten around to starting it 😂. It was a really good book, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I also like how it doesn‘t end on a complete cliffhanger, but still leads right into the next book.
I can tell it was written for kids/younger teens, but it was great anyway. I feel like it leaves some things unexplained, but there is closure in the most important plot points. I was surprised by how timeless the story is. (Also, this book has been on my reading list since the movie came out. That‘s how long my reading list is.)
This book is amazing! Witty, quirky, and funny, but also emotional and raw. I was not expecting the ending at all, but it was great nonetheless.
At times I felt like it was a little disorganized, but it all connected in the end. I CANNOT wait for the next book.
This was a great addition to the Impostors series. Honestly, I expected the plot twist to go in a completely different direction. Also, I really want to know what‘s going on in Rafia‘s mind. Can‘t wait for the next book!
This is another excellent book. However, there were a few minor plot holes, or inconsistencies with The Girl with all the Gifts. The epilogue is perfect though. So unexpected, and it really ties both books together.
This book is AMAZING. I wasn‘t sure about it at first just because zombie apocalypses are kinda cliche, but I stuck with it and I‘m glad I did. The ending couldn‘t have been more perfect.
I wasn‘t sure what to expect with this book, but it was amazing. There‘s some dark stuff in there, and it‘s not all realistic, but the mystery is great! Definitely recommend.
Not the best book I‘ve ever read, but I love that the solution was to turn the world off and then back on again. I work at my campus‘s IT helpdesk and I cannot express how accurate that is. 😂
It was a good book, but the ending was kinda weird. Like it had some of the closure you would expect from the last book in a series, but still didn‘t seem finished. I guess that‘s what the third book is for...
This book was everything I hoped it would be!!! At 912 pages, it took me a whole semester to read it, but it was so worth it. The Shadowhunters books are my favorite series ever. I‘ve been reading them on and off (as they‘re released) since I was in about 7th grade.
I forgot how well-written these books were. I love the characters and the story. So why is it not a “pick”? Well, I don‘t want to spoil anything, but Jacob was infuriating me.
It was a lot different from the first trilogy, but it was still really good!
I could tell it was written for people 5 years younger than me, but it was still really good.