TBR BINGO 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #HotSix #TheBlueFairyBook #EverythingThatBurns #TheAgeOfInnocenceThisTimeWillBeDifferent #Eclipse #TheArcherArDawn #AlmostThere #GothamByGaslight #SparklingCyanide #TheRulesForDisappearing #TheOutliers #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure 💛💛💛💛💛
This was an intriguing read. It was fascinating to see how Jacob and Emma‘s relationship has changed since the first book. And new character Noor is very intriguing, and I can‘t wait to see what happens in the final book.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #booklist #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure 🧡🧡🧡
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #boozesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #Historical
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #Historical 💟
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookz #bookzesty #bookzone #bookzilla #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #Historical 💖
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #Historical 💗
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #YoungAdultFantasy #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery ❣️
#TheConferenceOfBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #HistoricalFiction
#Wardens2024 #SeriesLove2024 #ReadAway2024 #ReadMyRoom #BookSpinBingo
🤓📚Now to wait for my library hold🙄🙁.
With his dying words, an aging man named H asks his grandson Jacob to help a new peculiar (a child with special powers) named Noor to escape a hidden time loop she has been trapped in. H wants Jacob to get Noor to V, the last living hollow-slayer, for Noor's protection.
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #Historical 🖤🖤
Deep in the green-glowing bowels of a Chinatown seafood market, down a dead-end hallway lined with crab tanks, we crouched in a puddle of dark the lighteater had made, watched over by a thousand alien eyes.
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure #Historical 💜
#TheConferenceOfTheBirds #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookworld #bookword #bookwormlife #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #epicreads #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #recommendation #recommendations #bookreport #bookreports #bookreview #bookriot #booktattoo #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #Horror #Audiobook #Mystery #Adventure 💙💙💙💙💙
This book out of the series so far was my favorite‘ the most thrilling and action packed one yet. I finished this one is less than a week and it ends with such a cliffhanger! Seriously, just when you think the peculiars are safe and things should start shaping up… ransom Riggs really knows how to keep the action going! I am counting down until the next book is delivered. I‘ll be pretty bummed when I‘ve finished this series.
I finally took some time to myself this weekend to enjoy relaxation and diving into a new book. Im already half way through after two days. It was a much needed mental and physical break from everything else going on in my life right now.
Binge-listened to the peculiar children series while braiding my daughters hair this week!
This one is much better than #4- obviously it picks up the threads of the story, but this installment keeps a wicked pace going which forgives the “Enid Blyton” moments…
I could spend all my time in this world - now on to the next, I can‘t take that cliffhanger! 🦅 🐦 🦢
3-27-21: My 32nd finished book of 2021! In this 5th installment of the Miss Peregrine‘s Peculiar Children series, Jacob is reunited with all his peculiar friends and brings along a new one, Noor, a light bender he saved. Jacob, Noor and the gang have to figure out how to stop a prophecy that Noor is supposed to be a part of before the Wights get all the ingredients to make it a reality. Always a fun and quick read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👍🏼📖#️⃣3️⃣2️⃣
I loved to be back in the Peculiar Universe. It was intense, enthralling and captivating but oh my god the ending 😵 Can the next part please be published soooooner? 4/5⭐️
Sunday Evening plan: reading😍
Austria is entering the 2nd Lockdown tomorrow- so I guess my evenings will look a lot more like this in the next weeks - as everything has to close down again and you‘re not allowed outside past 8pm without a good reason.😒 hope you‘re all staying safe🤗
We‘ve moved all our stuff to our new apartement the last few days. Tomorrow I‘m going back to work, but tonight I‘m ready to dive into the world of the Peculiars once again!
Hello fellow Littens! I havn‘t been active very much lately and probably won‘t be in the next weeks. I just started my new job and next week we‘ll get the keys to our new apartement- so not much reading time for me! But tonight I don‘t have anything planned but being outside with a new book. I hope your day/evening is as lovely as mine!🤗
This book! The cliffhanger!! I need to know what happened next!!
My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:
A little fun reading with my morning coffee. I love having a few minutes to enjoy the front porch before it gets hot.
Oh my gosh, I loved this book so much! It‘s the 5th instalment in the Miss Peregrines peculiar children series. It jumps strait into the action, and there is never a dull moment. It ended on a huge cliffhanger and that‘s about all I can say without spoiling too much. I can‘t wait for the 6 one to come out!!
These books aren‘t quite the same on the Kindle as they are in paperback because the photographs are placed awkwardly. That said, I‘m grateful for the Kindle and Library ebooks to help get through this weird time.
At times I felt like it was a little disorganized, but it all connected in the end. I CANNOT wait for the next book.
Got to start the new book-into first 100 pages, and loving it!
Always worry that I might not remember the storyline,(it's been 2 years since the last installment in this series).
But kudos to Mr.Riggs it flows along easily, and you feel right at home with all his peculiars:)
How did I not know about this being released?!!
Please no one hate on me, I mostly try to support small (second hand), bookstores , but this is one of my fave series!!!!
So I splurged at Wally World....it's close enough to my b.day😁(in 2 months)!
It is raining yet again.🙄
It is a perfect day to stay inside and write reviews. This series will always have a soft spot in my heart. I actually took A Map of Days on our honeymoon to read in the car. The Conference of the Birds was a good installment. It set up an interesting premise for the next book. Check out my full review on the blog. https://readinginthewildwood.com/2020/03/04/the-conference-of-the-birds-review-b...
One of the books on this months tbr. Check out the rest here https://readinginthewildwood.com/2020/02/01/february-2020-tbr/.
Last Sunday, I met Ransom Riggs for the third time. A fun book signing event! I won a signed notebook which you can only get if you whisper the password to the person holding a Polaroid camera 💖 #MissPerigrinesPeculiarChildren #StayPeculiar #RansomRiggs #Bibliofeline
When you ask your mom to preorder you something as a Christmas gift and a few weeks after Christmas she says, "Did you see this was coming out?" Then you guilt her into buying you an extra book because she forgot... ???
Ransom Riggs is an engaging speaker.
Anyone else going to see Ransom Riggs today?
1. Physical books and Kindle.
2. Amazon, Barnes and Noble
3. Once in a great while.
4. Audible, and I sometimes I buy them on CD.
5. Such an interesting series.
Weatherchannel.com says it feels like -14° outside so that seems like a good excuse (not that I needed one) to hibernate in a blanket fort with my cats and start a new book.