I‘ve been looking for books with themes on obsession - this was recced by lists. Got any recs for me?
#bookrecommendations #lists #fiction #lookingforrecs
Reading this v slowly because each letter is a punch to the gut haha
I haven't finished this and I don't know if I still should? And I've had 3 cookies today, whyyyy
Not reading this yet but I'm so happy I got my copy of Jackaby! Not available on local bookstores (I think? I haven't seen it!) so I got this from Book Outlet!
Still struggling with reading novels so I've started consuming stories through mangas (I used to binge watch K-Dramas too, but maybe that phase is over for this year, too 😭).
Got Volume 1&2 from the local bookstore, and good thing Book Outlet has volumes 3-5 which I got when they had their 30% off sale.
(I am still in the middle of Orange and A Silent Voice though 😅)
I'm 'auditioning' books at the moment, I can't seem to pick what to read next
My book haul arrived! Bought those earlier this year but was only shipped recently. So happy my trilogy of Wondla arrived, right on time as I was looking for an MG read! HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THIS. The book's got illustrations per chapter!
I started reading These Broken Stars today. Not sure if I could stick to it for now, I feel like I need something light 😂
So I finally bought the three-book bundle cause I can't seem to make serious progress on the pocketbook format (my eyes! 🙁). Now I have no excuse to devour these books haha 😂
#genashowalter #romance #lotu #lordsoftheunderworld #kindlereads
"I'd like to sleep in late and read as many books as I could and drink tea with lemon and eat pineapple slices for breakfast."
"No velvet dresses and diamonds?"
I rolled my eyes, then stopped when the bruise throbbed. "Ouch. And no, of course not. I don't care about that. Only books." I looked at him shyly. "And you."
I finished Little Monsters earlier so I'm deciding which book to read next. I was thinking of re-reading Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You, one of my faves, from Peter Cameron, then realized I have another book from the same author sitting on my shelf (and another title in my Kindle). I'll give this a try first.
Found this alternate cover of my fave book at a book sale - didn't get it cause the text is too tiny, plus I have the movie poster cover PB and duo hardbound edition already 🙈 I am still thinking about it tho (cause look how pretty 😍)
Books I got from #FullyBooked's anniversary sale! I'm most excited about my copy of All In, the third book from The Naturals' series!
After WTSN, I'm having another book slump (I lost my YA fantasy binge momentum 😭) so kfine, will dive back into contemporary, and change it up a bit with #LittleMonsters. Here's to hoping I beat the slump!
I watched Beautiful Creatures a few years ago and of course fell in love with Alden Ehrenreich. This is also his fault.
"My mom claims that it's not our job to make other people comfortable -- this about us, not them."
Bit slow for me to go back to contemporary after reading fantasy books (and I yearn to go back huhu) but must finish this first, then reward myself with my next fantasy book ✨
whose absence made you afraid of having someone present?
I suppose I'll say it all started with a love letter.
why are you living in an echo
when you are so much more
than the words spoken before
The heart is a muscle...it does some things like beating and loving from memory, completely on its own.
i had to abdicate my love for you so i could start loving myself
Sometimes people just leave. They realize they are on the wrong path, or that they are on the wrong story, and they just go off.
We are different people now, yes, but those girls were magic.
On bad days, I suspected...that parts of me would never be quite right - and that those were the parts that made me good at the job.
we're anything brighter than even the sun
(we're everything greater
than books
might mean)