This book is sooo good so far, but maybe don't make it your right-before-bed selection or else you will have some weeeiird dreams.
This book is sooo good so far, but maybe don't make it your right-before-bed selection or else you will have some weeeiird dreams.
This note in a library book cracked me up. I won't lose your spot, Kane! :)
I only feel kinda bad I put a hold on this which is probably forced Kane to turn this book early. But I missed an Modern Mrs. Darcy Kindle sale the other week and this intrigued me. This discussion questions are hilarious and I'm thinking what a fun book this would be to go through as a book club. Unconventional, maybe, but I'm guessing it would make for good discussion.
Well, finding an author's signature in a library book just seems like a waste. Remind me how it's wrong to "lose" this copy, right?
Totally totally totally not what I pictured Fredrick Backman to look like. I listened to Ove on audio so I'd never seen an author photo before. Is it weird I've been picturing him kinda old like Ove?
This entire book was fascinating, brilliantly written, and informative. But this paragraph was my favorite. So often, Evangelicals are reported, sometimes rightly, sometimes wrongly, as shrill, hysterical, but when tragedy strikes, it's an encouragement to me to see that those who grieve with hope show a marked difference in their life.
I keep craving tall glasses of icy lemonade as I read this book.
Harper does an excellent job of making it feel dusty and dry and hot. I have a feeling this one is going to be all the rage this summer, but I'm glad I'm reading it while the weather is still hanging onto cooler days so I can place myself on those sprawling farms in Australia and practically feel prickling heat on my skin.
This is a fantastic compliment to Lent. Malcolm Guite teaches me so much — about poetry, about the spiritual pilgrimage, about doubt, about life. Read everything he ever writes. Seriously.
When I read this book last year, I just found it so-so, but I found I picked it up again to refer to and reread an important chapter. That's the mark of a worthwhile book, I think. One to come back to again and again.
Where there are boos, there's life!
I'll break my "no news after sundown" rule for election night, but I'm not turning it on for hours. In the meantime, I advocate something warm to drink, a hefty biography, and pasta for dinner. #bingecomforting
I barely put this book down all weekend. So so so glad I let some of the genius friends over at #ModernMrsDarcyBookClub talk me into this one. I'll be reading every single thing Michael O'Brien has written. It's like a literary Dan Brown-Tim LaHaye-Frank Peretti with a little Frederick Buechner and Gene Edwards thrown in. #MMDBC
I cannot wait to talk about this book on Wednesday at #MMDBookClub. SO much to talk about. I'm packing for a road trip but this is coming along in my books bag because I just can't bear to be without it (even though I'm already through reading it)!
Decades. Families. Irrevocable choices. Gin. So much drama, in the hands of a master (Patchett).