Couldn't put this one down, but y'all! The tension! Could have triggers for some, but this one begs for discussion. #summerstooshort #mmdbookclub
Couldn't put this one down, but y'all! The tension! Could have triggers for some, but this one begs for discussion. #summerstooshort #mmdbookclub
Loved this one - highly recommend! I'm going to buy a copy and put it on my family's summer reading list.
Here's my May TBR from the library. Makes me want to go hide and read. 😊Think my family would mind? #MayTBR #MMDBookclub #momreads #bringonsummer
Loved this one - read it in a day! It's been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and do that.
Listened to this one, and just never could care. Anybody else read it? Did I miss something? Counting it for my Newbery winner on #MMDreadingchallenge
February reads shown above minus a couple of library books and ebooks. The Long Way Home was my favorite fiction this month, and it had some serious competition. #februaryreads #readingmyownbooks #diversebooks
First book of February. Amazed that this is her debut. Powerful story.
I love this series, but oh. My. Goodness! This one was an emotional roller coaster! It absolutely gets 5 stars, though.
Sally never fails to encourage. Found this one at my local library and have been slowly working my way through it since the first. Lots of good reminders. And, it's my O title for #LitsyAtoZ
Enjoyed this one more than I thought I would! 1932 British satire...it will keep you giggling. This is C for #LitsyAtoZ
This is my first audio book this year (I'm trying to do more audio to help with time mgmt). It's only 3 hr 59 min so I was able to listen to the WHOLE thing today. It really gripped me right from the beginning. (Be warned: the author does a brief intro & he speaks very quick & choppy - I was afraid he was going to read it that way, but it's read be someone else, who did an excellent job.) Maybe I'll keep a cleaner house this year doing more audio
Read this as part of this month's book flight for the #MMDBookClub. Counting it as my T title for #LitsyAtoZ Probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own, but did find it interesting.
Heyer's books are perfect for bedtime reading on evenings when I have no brain power. Since the endings are so predictable, it's fun to just watch for the ways she attempts to mimic Austen's style. This is my V title for #LitsyAtoZ 😊
Good cold weather comfort book. Thoroughly enjoyed (although I liked End of Your Life Book Club even more). This is B for #LitsyAtoZ challenge and my book about books and reading for the Reading for Fun #mmdreadingchallenge2017
First completion of the year! This will be my E for #LitsyAtoZ Not a lot of new things here, just reminders to stay focused as I plan goals. Had to laugh at myself...hard to read down my own bookshelf when I'm starting the year with a HUGE library stack. Oh well, the books on my shelves are used to waiting. 😊
My daughter painted me my own ideal bookshelf for Christmas this year. Favorites from across various seasons of my life. I was stunned at the level of detail! The ends are getting cropped off here, but you can see the whole thing on my Instagram. ❤❤
Love that this one returns to the Surete story line, but the agony of the ending that leaves you hanging! May have to pick up the next book sooner than I intended! Kids don't need their presents wrapped, do they?? 😜
And now for something completely different...My grandfather put me on to Michener back in the 80s. It's been a while since I read any of his books. This one has been sitting on my TBR shelf for a while. Any other Michener fans out there?
Louise Penny wins my favorite new to me author discovered this year! Anyone else discover her this year for the first time? This is the book up next for me (I'm rationing myself to one a month to make them last longer. 😊) Thanks to @annebogel for putting me on to these! #allthebooksof2016 #happyhaulidays
I'm only 38 pages in, but loving this memoir by a daughter whose father read to her nightly for eight straight years. Anybody else read this one?
#7 in the series. I just love these! Ready to visit Three Pines, eat at the Bistro and browse at Myrna's.
Could NOT put this one down! Just be warned and have some free time available when you start.
If you've got any middle grade readers in your life, check this one out. If you're a budding writer, google Beasley and read her story. I got to hear her at the Texas Book Festival this weekend and she was highly entertaining (and SO young! She and her sister are both recently published authors.)
My October completions. Don't think there was a dud in the bunch, although The Masqueraders was my least favorite Heyer to date. It ended well but the first half almost made me abandon it...not her best work. The photo actually cut out a few, but I don't know how to edit it to fit. 🤔Oh well, here's most of them. 😁
Have any of y'all read this one? I've had it on my TBR shelf since 2011! Pulling it down today to add to my November reading stack. I thought it would be a good companion for the MMD Book club flight.
This is a good one for those interested in writing. (And for those of us who are just readers who enjoy reading about the writing process!) I borrowed my daughter's Kindle while I'm taking care of my mother and am surprised by how much more I like it than I thought I would.
Wow. This is book #6 and picks up right where the last one left off. This one will pull at your heart! Highly recommend, but you really need to read these in order.
120 pages in and enjoying it so far. So glad it's cool enough in Texas today to actually enjoy being snuggled in a blanket to read! 😊#readathon
Y'all, this is Allingham at the top of her game! And, even though it is #16 in the series, you could read it without having read the others because Campion only plays a minor role.