I enjoyed the new characters. My 10 year old wasn't as interested in this one as the first two, but he is still wanting to continue the series so it wasn't a bust for him.
I enjoyed the new characters. My 10 year old wasn't as interested in this one as the first two, but he is still wanting to continue the series so it wasn't a bust for him.
The writing is magnificent. I had a hard time reading the difficulties Anyanwu went through, but sometimes having your eyes opened is uncomfortable. I will definitely be continuing the series. I can't wait to see what happens to Anyanwu and Doro and their children. Looks like I've got a huge pile added to my tbr stack.
I loved this book! I was hesitant to read it because it's way outside of my normal reading genre, but I'm so glad I did. It blew me away. Definitely will be picking up more historical fiction and expanding my reading habits.
Loving this series more with every book. Exciting and adventurous. This one was a little different for me, but I still enjoyed it.
Again a plot twist I didn't expect. Honestly, it's really refreshing to read a series that's not the same plot as every other fantasy novel.
Interesting twist in the series that I didn't see coming. Still action packed with even more characters that are intriguing and leave you questioning who you want to trust as a reader.
Hooked. Great introduction of new characters and the intensity shot up. Very action packed while still providing great character development
This series just keeps getting better. My 9 year old son has loved the humor and legends.
I enjoyed hearing the human's point of view in this one. It'll be interesting to see how they influences the next few books in the regular series. My son liked the book, but he was disappointed that it was about the humans instead of the dragons.
We don't want to wait for the next book! This is such a great series!
This book was just as intense as the first in this storyline. We loved getting to know cricket and watching her character grow and be compassionate towards all sides during the discrimination that occurs. These books are great conversation starters for real world situations.
My son was excited to learn about new types of dragons and this book was action packed from the first chapter!
My son says 5 stars. It was funny, action packed, and discussed how even the best characters have bad thoughts and the most evil have some good. Great end to the Wings of Fire series and lead in to the Lost Continent books.
Great book! Explored sibling relationships and conflict, showed how some evil stays hidden and developed a character that before you just thought about in the background.
Great book to finish where Unearthed left the story. Just as action packed, with relationship development that is perfectly appropriate for the middle to high school aged reader while still being emotionally powerful enough for adults to enjoy.
I loved this one! The sass and hilarious comments from Peril made it my favorite so far in the series. My son enjoyed it as well and he interrupted quite a bit with comments like "no! Don't do it!" which told me he was invested in the characters as well.
My son loved the ending of this book. It was fast paced and exciting. I liked the character development and seeing the other side of a defensive personality.
It's always interesting reading short stories by a wide variety of authors. I enjoyed about half of them and thought quite a few were bordering on ridiculous. It was fun seeing stories about background characters and learning more about some species in the Star Wars universe.
Great to see the main character grow and learn from her mistakes, but still be goofy and awkward. I wish I had a book like this when I was in my middle school years to help me feel like I wasn't alone going through all the different transitions. The world building is richly detailed.
This book is so much fun! The humor is infectious and the story makes you want to learn more about the myths and legends.
Really enjoyed the second book in this series. Perfect balance of spooky and humorous. It's been great to be able to share works from my favorite authors with my son. I can't wait for more.
My son enjoyed this book more than I did. Still a great book, but it was strange for me to read about a romantic relationship to my 9 year old son lol. There was nothing inappropriate about the depiction, it was just the first time a relationship like that has come up in a book he's wanted to read. The character development in the story was incredible and led to some great discussions about why people make bad choices.
I read these out loud to my son and we both really enjoyed them. It was a very new experience being able to have a different perspective and listening to what my son picked up on that I missed while reading. We will be continuing the series for sure!
Good fantasy world and character development. Moves at a good pace and I wasn't bored with any part. It didn't have me reluctant to put it down and deal with reality like some books I've read, but I did enjoy it and look forward to reading the next two.
This is going on my permanent book shelf to be read yearly. Refreshing and to the point, it makes you really consider your life and the decisions you're making.
Just what I needed to read during this time of my homeschooling journey. Definitely a help for me dealing with the pressure of people who have never homeschooled but feel the need to tell me I'm doing it wrong. A great read even if you don't want to homeschool.
I love Bill Bryson's books. This one was like a trip with my dad across Britain. His description is thorough and his attitude is very relatable.
I did it! I finally finished this book. It was way above my pay grade, but I feel like I learned quite a bit from it anyways. It was actually quite engaging to read, just so full of information that I hadn't encountered before that it got confusing at points.
Slow to start, but picked up nicely towards the end. I can't wait to see what happens. I hate cliffhangers!
Re-read. This series just escalates! Or maybe I'm just excited because now I can start King of Scars. No, this book is definitely the best of the 3. Great ending to the series, full of emotions.
Re-read. I'm so glad I'm reading this series again! Love this book. It was great to remember everything I had forgotten.
Re-read. I'm glad I'm reading this again before King of Scars. There's so much I forgot since the first time I read this series. I don't normally re-read books because the excitement isn't there, but I still felt the feels at certain points.
Decided to re-read the Grisha trilogy before diving into King of Scars. It's been a few years and I could use a refresher.
It's going to be a long 9 months waiting for the conclusion to this series! Great book, even better than the first.
Great book that covers a vast portion of time, from Mesopotamia to today, along the silk road. It is a thorough and unbiased account of history and I found it eye opening. It was written in a manner that I felt educated, but I could still read it aloud to my 8 year old son and he could comprehend most of the information as well.
Very few words, but the illustrations are detailed and give the child something to ponder. My son used this as a jumping off point and proceeded to look up the birds in the book to learn more about their habitat and why their nests were built in such different ways. Perfect for encouraging interest led learning.
I really enjoyed this. I knew the writing would be to my taste, but I wasn't expecting to feel so drawn towards somewhere I've never been. I find myself looking up pictures of the locations in the book and imagining what people are doing there. Loved it! Best part is that it's easy enough to read in a couple sittings between homeschooling my son!
Homeschool history time. I love read aloud time with my son.
I've been reading this for 3 months and I'm only 150pgs in. The info is fascinating but it reads like a text book. I've only not finished 2 books in my life, I don't want this to be my 3rd. How do you get through books that lull you to sleep every time you read them?
While I enjoyed the writing and interpretation of Norse myths, I was disappointed that this wasn't a story. I thought it would be a retelling that was more on the fictional story end than just rewriting myths I have read several times before.
Why does it have to end 😠I loved this series. Great storytelling and characters. The format was refreshing and kept me engaged throughout.
Great read, a little reminiscent of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, but not in a bad way. Good action throughout.
This is the first time I'll ever say this, watch the show and skip the book. That's not to say it isn't beautifully written and enjoyable, it was certainly both. However, it is exactly what he says in the BBC series, and you get to see what he's talking about at the same time.