I thought this book was absolutely amazing! I loved every second reading it! Could have finished it in one sitting if I wasn‘t pacing myself. It was a beautifully rendered sci-fi version of Anastasia, but packed full with its own unique and exciting aspects and characters. I loved how it was told from multiple points of view from the cast of characters that you can‘t help but get attached to! Brilliant! Now just bring on the sequel! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's beautifully written and easy to read. What I like most is how much we get to know Starr; as a normal teenager with all the good and the bad of the story. Even though this was a fictional representation of a problem facing society today, I believe it is a good example of getting to know someone before judging them or the situation they are in. This was a very sad and serious story, but beautifully told.
I didn‘t enjoy this novel from the beginning, but once it got to the end, I was much more pleased. I was worried that Melinda would never find her voice, and there would be no justice for what happened. I was very happy that the ending cleared things up for her and that she was able to stand up and speak out for herself. This is definitely a book that has a purpose: to speak for those who are afraid to. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
First of all, I love historical fiction! So I loved this book. I enjoyed the whole cast of characters built around Alexander and watching this story unfold. I love all the mythology and magic involved (of course appropriate for the setting.) The chapters jumping from one character‘s perspective to another made it interesting and fun to read. My only setback was that it was pretty wordy and long, but still definitely worth reading! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is another one I took on for the Popsugar reading challenge and I found this book to be very interesting. Getting to know the author and his story and this whole way of life that I think most of us who are better off tend to ignore. I was encouraged to know that he made his way up and out of the poverty that he almost got sucked into as an adult. I agree that we need to collectively step up and do something to help where we can. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I found The Hazel Wood to be really interesting. Even when I wasn‘t reading it, I was thinking about it. This was definitely a much darker fantasy than most. I definitely enjoyed the characters, but I can‘t say that I really liked or related to any of them. I‘m glad that Alice was able to discover the truth about who she is, and managed to free herself to determine her own life. All in all, I enjoyed the story and how different it was. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a really cute read! I loved Simon‘s character and their friend group, and how the plot played out. This was a really fun story, although young adult contemporary always surprises me with the banter and actions of teenagers now that I‘m no longer in high school haha! But I still enjoyed it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘ve always loved the movie Ella Enchanted, and I finally read this as part of the popsugar reading challenge. Very quick read! The story line is quite different from the movie, so much so that I never realized this was a Cinderella story! I don‘t know how I never saw it! It was very cute and I enjoyed it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
So I don‘t do a whole lot of nonfiction, but I tackled this for the 2018 popsugar reading challenge. This book was great. I really enjoyed listening to this story of this dog and all the people in his life. I‘m glad I picked this one up, it was a nice change from all the fantasy! I love animals and I love Wallace and his story. I agree that no breed should be singled out, but the individual dogs/owners. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So I have finally made it through this series. I have to say this one wasn‘t my favorite, mostly because it was slow going. Only the last 100-150 pages really got into the action. While getting to know Polly was nice, and her interactions with the other characters was interesting, I would have liked more backstory on Zachary, since he really seemed to be the main antagonist. All in all, interesting concept, but it just drug out for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Glad to finally mark this one off the tbr list! Been on there for years! That said, I really liked this one. Haven‘t read any historical fiction in a while, and I was interested in the particular historical subject matter (the salem witch trials) of this novel. I loved the flow of the story, very well written. While I wouldn‘t say it was absolutely captivating, it definitely drew me in and I wanted to keep reading. Good, quick read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed this book, however, even though its fiction, I hate that the concept and ideas displayed in this book are so true. This story makes you think. It doesn‘t matter if we agree with someone else‘s choices, but to be decent human beings we should still love and respect the people themselves. I think this book shows some light on this topic. 4/5 ⭐️ #yafiction
I thought that this book was well written. It kept me interested until the end. I couldn‘t wait to hit the play button again (listening to the audiobook). I was sad that Hannah thought her only answer was suicide. And I agreed with Clay every time he said that Hannah did give anyone, especially himself, the chance to really help her. But all in all, I was captivated by the book and the story and the characters. Very well done. 4/5 ⭐️
This book was amazing! It was everything that it needed to be! Entertaining, suspenseful, intense, witty, and wonderful! Irene manages to survive yet another crazy sequence of events (and this is the best one yet, I think!) Thank you for finally letting Irene and Kai be together, even though it took all of four books to make it happen. I need book five right now! 5/5 ⭐️
So I finally finished this one, so I guess I can hop on the wagon with everyone else waiting for book six. I like this series because you never know what the characters are going to do, and which one is going to die next with all this plotting and planning in the game of thrones. This book had a lot more dragon action, which was exciting. I enjoyed reading these books, glad to take a break for a while though. 4/5 ⭐️
I have to say this is my favorite of this series so far! I loved that this one focused on the twins, Sandy and Dennys. The story telling was just beautiful with it being set just before Noah and the flood. I thoroughly enjoyed this one from start to finish. Unlike the others I wasn‘t too lost in this one! 😊 5/5 ⭐️
I have to say I rather enjoyed this third book in the series. I‘m still lost in this cosmic universe, but this story was particularly captivating. And Guadior the unicorn was a great character! Can‘t wait to see what happens in book four! 4/5 ⭐️
Unicorns find it embarrassing to be thanked. Please desist. 😂🦄
I have to say I enjoyed this book a bit more than the first. I think that the characters were much more interesting and intriguing in this story. The concept is still a little out there for me, like the universe is so huge it‘s inexplicable, but here is this story anyway. It takes a lot of imagination to keep up! 4/5
I picked up this children‘s classic in preparation for the Disney film being released in march that looks really exciting! However, the story was so far-fetched and unexplained that I couldn‘t really grasp the point of it all. I could see where it would be invigorating to a child though so I guess I just missed out growing up. But I‘m still excited for the movie and I will probably pick up the next book in the series. 3/5
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was actually a pretty quick read for me! I‘ve seen the movie, but I have to say this book was much better! I liked really getting to know Pat, seeing everything from his POV. Everything about this book was just great, no matter how much reality gets to us we have to see the silver lining! I recommend it. Really like how the chapters were labeled! :) 5/5 stars
This book was just wonderful! I forgot just how much I love Faerie! The characters and the story was just beautiful and I loved every minute of it. Everything was just so captivating, that I couldn't put it down (even though it was 2 am and I had to work the next day)! I really liked that this story didn't have a typical happy ending. Jude managed to do something better, not necessarily good, for Faerie, but sacrificed her happiness for it.
“The best of us have a spice of perversity in us, especially when we are young and in love.” -Louisa May Alcott #littlewomen #meg #jo #beth #amy #classics #literature
So I won a copy of this book via Goodreads and the author! Thank you so much! I gave it a five star rating because it was definitely a great read and I enjoyed it! I‘m not crazy into scifi but I like it if its good. This book jumped right in and just kept going. I thought the characters were great, the main ones were pretty developed and were interesting. The plot and all the action was great, I loved the suspense and the ending. 👍 #scifi
Soooooo loved this book! So much! The story, the characters! It was just awesome! And all the banter, conversations they were all so hilarious! (I was definitely not that great at being a teenager 😂) #foolishhearts #emmamills #yabooks
This book is was a fun pleasure read. Can‘t wait to get into the rest! #vampirediaries #vampires #ljsmith
This book was absolutely amazing! Glad I finally got around to reading it. I listened to the audiobook and I think that made it even better! It was both comical and touching and I loved every word. I highly recommend this one! Just brilliant. :) 5/5 on this one! #thehelp #kathrynstockett #help
This book was totally cute! And perfect for Pusheen lovers everywhere! #pusheen #pusheenthecat #cute #adorable