Too real!
🖼️ Library Comic by Gene Ambaum & Willow Payne
Too real!
🖼️ Library Comic by Gene Ambaum & Willow Payne
that last panel got me 😂
because very often I‘ll say I read an article but it was really a tiktok 🤔😜 (I fact check tho depending on the topic - so I‘m unlikely to get schooled) and every collections and reader development meeting I zone out so I don‘t snap and call out my manager on her frankly grating attitude towards the romance genre.
Here are some library patches to add to your librarian badge, @Branwen
They were part of a Kickstarter from the http://www.unshelved.com guys a few years ago :)
Well this is quite late but here's the result of my #marchunshelfing project! Things I've enjoyed that are now ready to be passed on. I'd feel proud except I still own over 1000 books. 🤦🏻🤣 @Clwojick
I need to do this desperately, so I'm thrilled to join in with #marchunshelfing. My goal is to finish four of the 13 (!) books I'm in the middle of right now, most of which are advance copies and can be passed on elsewhere. Hooray! @Clwojick
My review of this cartoon book can be viewed on my Youtube Vlog at:
Merry Christmas!
Library Love for #RiotGrams
(I always get my books back on time)
I found it!
The digital copy of all the Unshelved comics...
The very first thing that I backed on Kickstarter has finally arrived! 😱☺
*This is the final UNSHELVED collection not yet on the Litsy database.
More great #bookmail today! Somehow I had never heard about Unshelved - a comic series about a library - until the Kickstarter for this final print collection popped up a few months ago. I'm excited to dive into this. And I'm even more excited that the USB with digital copies of previous volumes is shaped like a card catalog drawer!
(This final volume isn't in the Litsy database, so I'm posting under one of the previous ones).