Read for book club. Great characters.
I love this book so much! It is my new favorite of 2018. Read my review at my blog https://tammysreadinglife.wordpress.com/
Loving the writing in this book. I really wish that I could take my thoughts and thinking and write like this author does
Part of the launch team for this book! I was so excited to read it early.
Available for preorder with special bonuses too!
#readingpeoplebook readingpeoplebook.com
Cookbooks make me think of summer...I have more time to try recipes!
Recommended by Rebecca from All the Books...loving it so far and impressed with some of the writing
#TGIFGIVEAWAY fav book of 2017 so far is Perfect Little World @Liberty
Reading my book in the woods!!! Picked up 11 holds at the library yesterday (insert sheepish grin)
Just finished. I liked the story and the unusual descriptions but wouldn't recommend the audiobook.
#giveawaythetruth My favorite memoir...and I love memoir. @Liberty
I am so loving this book! I am trying to start a movement!
Just finished this book. It wasn't as fun as I had hoped it would be. The 80's references were endearing to a point, but the video gaming was not my favorite setting. I had heard that even if you weren't into gaming you would still like the book...I don't necessarily agree with that idea. It was clever and intricate but not my wheelhouse.
I requested. I read in one day. I liked it! Enjoyed the relationship aspect between Captain and Johanna the most. Ending was surprising.