"Stories are where we find ourselves, where we find the others who are like us. Gather enough stories and soon you're not alone; you are an army."
"Stories are where we find ourselves, where we find the others who are like us. Gather enough stories and soon you're not alone; you are an army."
"People who only know suffering from stories are never prepared to find themselves inside one."
Elliot, my beloved grumpy-pants who is VERY UNIMPRESSED by what he's seen so far of the magical land he's been whisked away to.
“The secret to pie,” she said, sweeping around the kitchen and peering into cupboards, “is the crust. And the filling. And the topping.”
“So the secret to pie is pie?”
“Am I wrong?”
--"The Russians Came Knocking", K.B. Spangler
(It's not currently in the Litsy database, so I opted for the next best thing.)
(Also, hi, Litsy friends! I'm still checking in here fairly regularly, but as you can see, have mostly been lurking. It's my nature.)
Reading with Jinksy!bear. (In ebook, so no book in the pic.)
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
A hundred pages or so into the book and loving it. ^_^
Claudia joined Jinksy on my lap after I settled in to read more, and stayed just long enough for me to get a halfway decent shot of them both.
#Jinksy #Claudia ##CatsOfLitsy
Just starting in on this one. ^_^ I've been looking forward to it since finishing the first book!
Jinksy, as you can see, is a heap of floof tonight. (He has a head, I promise.)
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
Digging into a novella while traveling, mainly in hopes of being free to pick up a hard copy book soon after getting home.
Antimony's first novel! (Sixth book in the series.) I already love Antimony from the novellas she narrated, so I'm very excited for this.
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
I'm not having any luck coaxing #Jinksy onto my lap, and I've taken the dust jacket off my book, and those things add up to not being bothered to take a picture right now. But FWIW, this is my current read, and I'm roughly 100 pages in. ^_^
(Jinksy was at the vet today getting some follow-up tests done. He's fine, but understandably worn out and sleeping hard in a basket.)
I'm reading Carrie Fisher's memoirs out of order. ^^; I read Shockaholic last year--the ebook was on sale and I didn't realize it wasn't the first, and thus that I was probably expected to be reading it with more prior knowledge of Fisher's life than I actually had. But given how interesting I found it despite that, I expect to enjoy this one immensely.
Most of my current heap of graphic novels from the library (my main use for the library these years, since I'm on year 3 of almost-exclusively reading novels from my purchased-TBR bookcase).
"Then I realized I hurt too much to use Twitter and that's when I knew I was dying."
(This one's a short enough quote that Swyping it was almost as easy as not, so why not.)
Wait, so the Kobo app lets me select a quote and share it in the pic format above, but not highlight-copy-paste so I can also include it as text? >.< I assume it's meant to be anti-piracy, but it'd be nice if it were easier to share quotes in an accessible way.
No book in the photo 'cause I'm reading this one on my phone.
...basically my entire timeline here is photos of Jinksy on this blanket on my lap, I realize, which pretty accurately sums up my favorite way to read.
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
Finally starting this series that so many friends love! (Via this edition that includes both The Steerswoman and The Outskirter's Secret.)
Jinksy, meanwhile, declines to face the camera.
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
"Not everyone knows their own weaknesses. One just assumes one's normal."
I've done so little reading lately. But tonight I finally finished A Madness So Discreet and am moving on to The Star-Touched Queen.
Finally finished The Young Elites tonight, after not having a chance to read at all since last weekend*, and this is what I randomly snagged from the to-read bookcase to start next.
*Technically I tried to read last night after work, but then I fell asleep for the rest of the evening.
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
This arrived yesterday! I don't think my brain is up to the work I'd been hoping to do tonight, but maybe it's up to some reading?
#Jinksy #CatsOfLitsy
I bounced out of Broken Monsters after only about 60 pages, so this is up next.
My next read, I think.
#cats #CatsOfLitsy #Jinksy
I'm roughly halfway through this now and loving it. The prose is gorgeous, but not in a way that distracts me from the characters.
Two graphic novels (Nimona and Awkward) and a started-and-abandoned novel later, I'm settling in with Girl Mans Up.
Delving into my first Kendare Blake novel (although it's not the first I've bought. I also own Anna Dressed in Blood and its sequel).
I finished the wee project I was determined to check off before starting in on this. Look at the pretty!
My book mail from a few days ago!
(Ignore the unidentifiable and unrelated book at the bottom--I'm still learning to guesstimate how much of a pic gets auto-cropped off, and was using it for height.)
"The thumbnail photo of me had been taken right after a bad haircut and a worse bar fight, which was why I kept it: Given my line of work, if someone was ever trying to identify my body it was a pretty sure thing that I'd be covered in bruises and rocking some seriously hideous hair."
--Aislinn North, Feedback
Up next, this slim little offering (children's or middle grade, I think) that I picked up a while back when I added a ton of mermaid-related books to my to-read bookcase.
(My copy of Crooked Kingdom is in the mail, so my working theory is that I'll read short things until it arrives so I can dig in promptly once it gets here.)
This was a lot of fun. *^^* Some unexpected twists here and there, and I enjoyed the characters.
Today's #bookmail! Three more of the six cookbooks I ordered recently, so now I'm only waiting on one.
(Litsy's thing where it insists on cropping photos is really annoying, but I don't see a way to make it stop.)
I called, "Hey, Jinksy, book time! Come pose with the book!", but oddly enough it didn't work.
Please, please let this book get some corrections when it gets a paperback release. It's fortunately NOT one of those sad cases with so many typos that you wonder if it was ever copyedited at all, but still too many. (Four or five that I've seen so far, and I'm within 100 pages of finishing now.)