Continuing on with tagged book. It's the book equivalent of a popcorn movie. Lots of action, clever comedy, and very fun. Definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of Buffy and/or the MCU.
Continuing on with tagged book. It's the book equivalent of a popcorn movie. Lots of action, clever comedy, and very fun. Definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of Buffy and/or the MCU.
Okay Group C - here are some options from my shelves for us to read. I realized that I don't actually own a lot of sci-fi fantasy that I haven't already read. But if you don't like any of these, I have a whole list on my TBR that I'm dying for an excuse to buy 😅 Let me know what you think!
#LMPBC @Johanna414 @CSeydel @BethM
In the mood for something fun. I heard about this one months ago on the Reading Glasses podcast and bought it immediately... then immediately forgot about it lol I dug it out of my kindle backlog this morning, needing something to read since baby refuses to stay in his bassinet. Off to an entertaining start!
I AM NOT a superhero.
I love this opening line. Something about it feels impactful to me. Planning to start this one this afternoon. #firstlinefridays
Evie is given an unwanted promotion when she needs to pretend to be Aveda Jupiter, San Francisco‘s only superhero, while Aveda recovers from an injury. No sweat, if only the invading demons would stop evolving, her sister would follow directions, & her grumpy coworker stopped looking so hot.
This was so much fun! Made me LOL! A love letter to pop culture & superheroes, but also about identity, family, emotional honesty, & explosions. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
No overtime today, so I am stoked to be sitting down with my #LMPBC book! Thanks @LibrarianRyan !
#Round13 #GroupQ
@LibrarianRyan It got here safely! And with just the cutest packaging! I cannot wait to get started! ❤️
#LMPBC #Round13 #GroupL
4 ⭐ Evie is the assistance to the San Franciso famous superhero Aveda Jupiter. She feels it‘s the perfect job for her. Aveda is her best friend, and she knows how to handle Aveda‘s diva tendencies. However, when a superhero needs to recover from a sprained ankle, but still appear to be a superhero, she will call on her best friend to take her place. Now Evie is moving from behind the scenes to front and center and it is not the life she wanted.
Loved it and stuck it in the mail today. Sorry it‘s late.
I loved this! Nerdy and fun and exciting. Looking forward to the next books and it is so fun to have a new series to read 😻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a fun action/urban fantasy with some romance. A world where people are inadvertently given Extraordinary Powers and fight demons, in San Francisco. I enjoyed but I‘m not rushing to continue the series. 3.5⭐️ #bookspinbingo
and just like that I have the jingle for Carmelo Koalas in my head 🤔😂
Hmm. This inability to sleep is getting to me 💛💛
I had such a fun time with this last year and read so many great books courtesy of @monalyisha, including the tagged book! Can't wait to do it again next year!
Unexpected blast down memory lane at the reference to The Heroic Trio 🎥 Recall renting the DVD from Blockbuster 📼
LOL‘d at waking someone from a nightmare by threatening to take away their Nordstrom‘s frequent shopper card! Gasp 😱
Fun, fast paced. Identity, belonging, family, friendship, and saving San Francisco from demons along the way.
Female friendships + superheroes + romance + demonic cupcakes 😍🥰
Fuzzy reading buddies are the best reading buddies!!
Super heroes? Check. Diversity? Check! Time to dive in.
Absolutely loved it! Great #newyearwhodis recommendation @monalyisha ! Spoiler-y comments about my love for Nate below 😍
Loving the complicated friendships and sister-ships in this #newyearwhodis pick. And the demonic cupcakes. I love the demonic cupcakes.
My library is really not cooperating with my #newyearwhodis reading. But I should be getting the tagged book and Difficult Women in the next day or two. And my other two I'll hopefully get before the end of the month. Though I might need to revisit @monalyisha 's list and bump some of my alternates up 😬
This was such a refreshing read and with an Asian lead too! It‘s a fast paced urban fantasy/romance read and so much fun to read. Really excited to read the next book in the series! Also, Killing Eve season 1 is so good! I can‘t wait for season 2 and am looking forward to reading the books.
The book was a slower start than I expected, and thr characters sometimes feel more at home in a YA novel, but I like YA so that's not a problem. Definitely liked it enough to continue the series!
I have a deep, abiding love for The Bangles, so I feel this quote to the bone. Is this burning an eternal flame? Damn straight it is!💖🎤🕯
Woke up to get a jump start on finishing this book. I have just a bit over 100 pages to read before book club tonight, but I think I can do it!
It's never too early for Halloween cat lights, right? 🐱🍊
I hate how easily I cry (especially when I'm mad), and I love the idea of using the time I normally spend crying and getting a stuffed up head to fix whatever it is that made me cry... unfortunately I don't think that will work for me. I mean, I tear up at certain commercials, and tv shows like Grey's, This is Us and Little House on the Prarie can reduce me to Ugly Crying almost every episode. Sigh.
Reading this for one of the many book club's I'm a part of (although this is one I don't run). Meeting tomorrow night and hoping I can finish it by then. My schedule has been hectic, and with all the balls in the air I have, I feel like some have fallen but I've just been to busy to notice... eeks!
I‘ve missed you guys! We have like no service at the cabin in Maine so no Litsy - but I got lots of reading done. Enjoying this one in bed with my cool mermaid sheets. I should go to sleep, since tomorrow is my son‘s first day of junior year and I need to transport him bright and early... but one chapter can‘t hurt... 😝
My latest purchase for the Fountain Flirt romance book club (and my latest Halloween purchase).
Entertaining and fun! Delightful characters and adventure! it was hard to stop once I'd really gotten into it. Definite page turner. And yes I am going to check out the Heroic Trio as soon as possible as follow up.
This is how I spend days off.... reading books and encouraging my cat to live her best box cat life.
Whoops, forgot to post that I was done with Heroine Complex. It was okay, but some of the characters and situations are way over the top. Especially toward the end, which kind of ruined it for me. Whomp, whomp, sad trombone. #24in48 #24in48readathon
Alright, time to catch some Zs. Not bad for day 1! #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
I'm a little over half way now and am getting that "eyes hurt, head hurts, just want a nap" feeling from being awake since 3:45am. I'm hoping to get a couple more hours in before I crash. How's everyone else doing?
#24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
I read this in a day. Fun, geeky, a little cheesy, and some good bodice-ripper (or hero suit ripper?) moments as well. Solid candy for your brain type of stuff. Thoroughly enjoyed it and happy to read the next 2.
I went into the bookstore Tuesday for the tagged book. And talked myself into the Expanse 1. Then the marked down books were HC 2 for 10. I've Read the Red pyramid but not the rest of the series.
Asian lady superheroes kicking butt! On sale! It's fun, ridiculous, and positive representation for people who look like me! #dealalert #ownvoices #authorofcolor
A book about sisterhood and friendship and lovers, all of whom know how to use their words.
Also it has kick-ass superheroics and it's FUNNY.
Definite reread potential.
Thank you so much @SamHeartCoffee for all the awesome books! I am so excited for these reads, the travel sized bottle is perfect and I can‘t wait for the cookie chocolate. The bookmark was also very nice! My #bottleandbookswap package was the perfect way to bring some happiness to a very dark and painful two days. Thanks @JoScho for organizing
@LazyLimaLife You are incredible! Not pictured: the fresh as heck wrapping and papercraft. My wife admired your scrapbooking-type skills. I look forward to the books. Thanks! #FunInTheSunSummerBookSwap @BookaholicNatty
#besfluencers & #romanceclass meet-up means BOOK STACKS!!!.
#bookstagram #diversereads
So far this is HILARIOUSLY GOOD!
I finished this before work this morning. It was fun and cute, but not quite what I was expecting. Why did I think the main character wasn‘t straight? There is a queer secondary character, but the main is definitely straight.
This is sort of a novelized comic book. It‘s got demons, superheroes with neat powers, some naughty language, and lots of sass.
It‘s right on the edge of so-so for me, but only as it‘s not my wheelhouse.
I keep seeing folks loving this on Litsy, so I got it from the library. This was the one hold I went in for, but of course I came out with three books. Diving into this tonight!! Oh hey, looks like the cover has #windows! Yay for another photo prompt, by accident! #readingresolutions
I think my level of enjoyment of Sarah Kuhn‘s “Heroine Complex” actually qualifies as “fangirling.” It‘s completely ridiculous, fun, diverse, & kinda sexy, tbh. Great if you want to shut off your brain for a bit, but still support a smart, feminist character who uses her knowledge of “subverting the male gaze” for good. Also, 2 words: “demon cupcakes.” 😈🎂
Things not to do on a plane: Do NOT take all of your books out of your bag & try to take a picture because you WILL become convinced that you dropped one of them under your seat. Your husband WILL look at you like you‘re crazy as you try to peer beneath. Your brother WILL look at you like you‘re even crazier. #sunbathingforsatan
Edit: Don‘t worry: My brother threw a chip at my head & I found the chip & my book stuck between my seat & the wall.
Vacation reading.
You know what, there aren't enough years in my life for me to keep reading a book that refers to someone who doesn't want to have sex as having a Dead-Inside-O-Tron. Especially on a day someone said "people who don't enjoy sex are dead inside" and they weren't joking.
It's cute. There's some cool stuff and positive rep. If you're ace, though, get ready to spend a book with implications that feeling like that is being a robot who is dead inside.
Love the bitey cupcakes at the start. General enjoyment. Hate the "Dead Inside A Tron" nickname for Evie's lack of sexual attraction at first. Asexuality is a thing and I kinda hoped Evie was ace. ?