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The Head of the Saint
The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
7 posts | 6 read | 6 to read
A quirky story of love, mischief, and forgiveness from Brazils foremost award-winning author for young readers, in her U.S. debut. Fourteen-year-old Samuel is newly orphaned and homeless in a small town in Brazil. He lives in a giant, hollow, concrete head of St. Anthony, the lingering evidence of the villages inept and failed attempt to build a monolith over a decade ago. He didnt know what it was when he crawled into it, seeking shelter during a storm, but since coming there, he hears beautiful singing, echoing like magic in the head twice a day. So he stays. Miraculously, he can also hear the private prayers and longings of the villagers. Feeling mischievous, Samuel begins to help answer these prayers, hoping that if he does, their noise will quiet down and he can listen to the beautiful singing in peace. Ironically, his miracles gain him so many fans that he starts to worry he will never fulfill his own true longing and find the source of the singing. Filled with beautiful turns of phrase and wonderfully quirky characters, The Head of the Saint is a riotous story of faith and magic that wont soon leave your thoughts.
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The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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Head of the Saint
Jenny Han 🥰

#ManicMonday #LetterH @JoScho

JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 6y
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The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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Samuel makes a promise to his deceased mother to seek out his deadbeat father. When he finally arrives to the last known whereabouts of his father, he finds a mostly abandoned town. After being bitten by a dog, he seeks shelter in the head of a saint statue. While in the head, he can hear the prayers people make to that saint. After his wound heals, #hewontgo because he's found his purpose.

#AdelesMayMashup @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That sounds interesting!!! 6y
MirrorMask @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved it, and it was a quick read. I don't even think it was 200 pages. 6y
vkois88 Sounds like a neat concept, and that cover is interesting. I love the color scheme! 6y
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The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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I‘m intrigued by this charming book taking place in #Brazil. Samuel is a young boy and has no place to live so he takes refuge in the hollow head of a statue. He quickly discovers that he can hear the villagers whispering their prayers to the statue and he begins giving advise back to them. This brings him some celebrity, but as we all know #momoneymoproblems...

Reviewsbylola Idk that I would read this but the cover is 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
Mdargusch I think this sounds really good. Do you own this? 6y
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Cinfhen Damn!!! Another #stack 6y
emilyhaldi No @Mdargusch but maybe I should 😂 6y
Meredith3 😹😹😹 6y
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The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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1. I somehow ended up on a video of a dog learning to walk in his shoes and it cracked me up.
2. Catan!
3. No! Not a fan of heights.
4. Yes.
5. Probably Facebook.

Andrea4 Dogs unused to booties are hilarious!!! 7y
MinDea My boyfriend loves Catan. I got him the Game of Thrones version of it for xmas 7y
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The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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In what is a dramatic departure from our area we got our second “snow” this year (technically piles of ice, but I‘m calling it snow). Finished the book I started last night and now to this.

Edit* I finished and highly recommend this book. I loved it. It was a pretty quick read with lovable characters and an interesting story.

Kalalalatja Great cover! 7y
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The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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I felt like I was reading an traditionally oral interpretation of family lore. It was very intimate and I loved it. #theheadifthesaint #socorroacioli #basset #litsyAtoZ #letterH #dogdays #sickdays #yafiction #yalit #teenfiction #teenliterature #greencovers #lore #tradition #brazil #storytelling

The Head of the Saint | Socorro Acioli
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This is a really cute, short read. I had a lot of fun reading this to distract me from homework that I should've been doing.