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Wicked as They Come
Wicked as They Come | Delilah S. Dawson
5 posts | 18 read | 13 to read
First in a steampunk-tinged paranormal romance series in which a woman is transported to a world filled with vampires and magic. When nurse Tish Everett forced open the pesky but lovely locket she found at an estate sale, she had no idea she was answering the call of Criminy Stain, from the far off land of Sang. Hed cast a spell for her, but when shes transported right to him, shes not so sure shes ready to be under the spell of another man. (It didnt go so well last time with controlling, abusive, domineering Jeff.) If only Criminy wasnt so deliciously rakish. Half the inhabitants of Sang are Pinkieshumanand the other half are Bludmen, who in Tishs world would be called vampires. But they dont mess with any of the bat/coffin/no sunlight nonsense. Theyre rather like you and me, just more fabulous, long living, and mostly indestructible. (They're also very good kissers.) But when the evil Mayor of Manchester (formerly Bludchester) redoubles his efforts to rid Sang of the Bludmen once and for all, stealing Tishs locket in hopes of traveling back to her world himself for reinforcements, Criminy and Tish must battle ghosts, sea monsters, wayward submarines, a secret cabal, and thundering Bludmares to get the locket back and allow Tish to return homebut has she found love with Criminy? Could she stay in Sang forever?
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Wicked as They Come | Delilah S. Dawson
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Finished this one last night. Officially finished my first book on my ereader! It was pretty good. Not sure if I‘ll continue the series. It had bludman and bludbunnies and was lots of fun.

#Scarathlon2021 #TeamHendrix +16pts

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Wicked as They Come | Delilah S. Dawson
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I did a thing today. Well 3 days ago, but it came in today.

I bought myself a used kindle. I used to have a nook which doesn‘t work anymore. And I struggle to read ebooks on my iPad. So I figured I‘d get a cheaper kindle to see if I can read ebooks.

Results so far are promising! It‘s so light and easy to read!

TiredLibrarian There are a lot of discounts and freebies for Kindle, too! Enjoy! 😊 3y
Trashcanman ❤️ 3y
mandarchy I love my kindle too much. I have 2 and I bought each of my parents one. I hope you love yours. 3y
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Wicked as They Come | Delilah S. Dawson
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Murchie crossed his front paws from the time he was a very young puppy, and it never stopped being dainty and adorable. His mum did it, too, so I wonder if crossed paws are some sort of canine genetic thing, like how some humans can roll their tongues. #murchieplusbooks

Centique He is so dainty! He also looks a little nervous about the book title 😂😂 6y
xicanti @Centique it's kind of a scary cover, too! 6y
TricksyTails Aww he‘s so adorable! 🐶♥️ 6y
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Wicked as They Come | Delilah S. Dawson
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I ordered myself these mineral shadows inspired by Wicked as They Come for Christmas. It's my favorite steampunkish vampire #romancy series. The pic doesn't do it justice but look at the amazing samples that were thrown in as well!! #Firefly inspired shade was in there as well #shopsmall www.sweetlibertine.com

BookishMarginalia Truth or Derrida! 😂 8y
readinginthedark I see it! "Too Pretty to Die" (sign) Firefly, how I love you!❤️ 8y
josie281 I highly recommend them. The pigment is fantastic and very smooth. Their IG account is a great way to see other lines! 8y
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Wicked as They Come | Delilah S. Dawson

This is just plain fun. I loved the world and Criminy Stain is one magnificent character. It's labeled romance but there's more fantasy and adventure here than romance (gotta love how publishers market sometimes). Don't let that stop you from reading this book. It's highly entertaining. I loved it.

amandaz Ooh, this one is already on my TBR. Glad to know you liked it! 8y
CaitlinSiem @amandaz I did! I enjoyed the entire series (I'll post reviews for all the books but I didn't want to throw them in all at once haha). I liked that there was a romantic edge to everything but they weren't straight romance novels, there was plenty of meat to them 😆 8y
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