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Rose Under Fire
Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
28 posts | 66 read | 53 to read
While flying an Allied fighter plane from Paris to England, American ATA pilot and amateur poet, Rose Justice, is captured by the Nazis and sent to Ravensbr ck, the notorious women's concentration camp. Trapped in horrific circumstances, Rose finds hope in the impossible through the loyalty, bravery and friendship of her fellow prisoners. But will that be enough to endure the fate that's in store for her? Elizabeth Wein, author of the critically-acclaimed and best-selling "Code Name Verity," delivers another stunning WWII thriller. The unforgettable story of Rose Justice is forged from heart-wrenching courage, resolve, and the slim, bright chance of survival.Selected praise for "Rose Under Fire: " "Wein's unself-consciously important story is timeless, ageless and triumphant." -"The Los Angeles Times " "Wein's second World War II adventure novel captures poignantly the fragility of hope and the balm forgiveness offers." -"The New York Times" * "[Wein] has crafted another indelible story about friendship borne out of unimaginable adversity." -"Publishers Weekly," starred review
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E. Wein
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There aren't as many quotes from this one that stick in my brain like there are in CNV, but that's not actually a complaint. Rose's story is just so solid, mixing the horrors and the humor perfectly, and telling a part of history that doesn't see the spotlight as much. An excellent expansion from the original book! #reread #yalit #yahistoricalfiction

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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Rose is a transport pilot for the ATA when she is forced to land in Germany and taken to Ravensbrück. Told primarily as her diary entries, this book is wholly engrossing. By only tiny quibble is an unnecessary overuse of italics for emphasis in this otherwise superb read.

Bookzombie It makes me happy to see this in my feed. I read it in 2014 and loved it. There are a few other related books, but I have only read one other 2y
Hooked_on_books @Bookzombie I read Code Name Verity as well, and it is so good! It‘s why I picked this one up in the first place. I will definitely be looking for more of these books. 2y
Aimeesue I really like Code Name Verity, but I haven‘t gotten to this one yet. Nice review! 2y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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Elizabeth Wein truly brings characters to life. I‘ve already borrowed the next in the series.

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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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I don't know why I thought this book would be less painful than CNV. I wish it had gone on slightly longer at the end, but God, this has one of the most affecting rendition of life at the camps I've ever read. #historicalfiction

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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368 pages. 2 days. I could not put this book down. Code Name Verity was amazing, but Rose Under Fire was incredible. 10 out of 10 would read again.

lahousewyfe Loved it! Cried so hard while smiling. Elizabeth Wein does that so masterfully. 5y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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Any Littens (that's what we're calling ourselves right?) read Code Name Verity AND Rose Under Fire? I haven't read Code Name Verity and I'm trying to decide if I should stop reading Rose now (I'm only 55 pages in) and read Verity first. Through the reviews I've read, this book references a character from the other throughout it. I'd hate for this book to be a less meaningful experience if I read it first. Help! Anyone?!

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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StayCurious That looks like a nice edition of The Secret Garden 5y
Andrea313 @StayCurious It's a good one! It's the old Barnes & Noble collector's edition and I believe you can still find it on Amazon. 5y
Eggs Read the Rainbow 🌈🤗💗 5y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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Elizabeth Wein never fails to enthrall me. Have you read her? #QuotsyJuly2018 @tk-421

TK-421 No, I haven't. This book looks intriguing! 6y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Wein has such beautiful writing and makes a difficult time period and subject both digestible and accurate while also making it an amazing story to read. This book didn't gut me the way Code Name Verity did (simply because of what happens to characters) but it's an incredibly solid companion book. At first I wasn't sure if Code Name Verity needed a companion but now...I'm thankful it did.

jwashreads I need to read those so bad! 6y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Alright! I'm ready! Destroy my heart again Wein!

Beckys_Books Is this the sequel? 6y
MallenNC I haven't read the sequel so I'm looking forward to seeing what you think! 6y
Eggs Both are on my wish list 6y
Bookzombie I loved both. 6y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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20 minutes left of work, then off for four days 😄

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Red, white, & blue for #jubilantjuly: three favorite books by contemporary American authors.

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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Spring Cleaning/Moving. These lovely 38 books will be going back to the library rather soon. I have a huge bag that I am already taking back tomorrow. I am rather small so it will take a few trips to return everything.

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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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So I finally finished this one and I feel like it has taken me forever! I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it though. I enjoyed the writing, and of course we all know the Holocaust is gut wrenching and tragic.. But it wasn't anything at all like the first book and I just didn't feel any "connection" with the characters. I guess I'd give it a 3.5? 4? Idk?!

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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In keeping with today's #SignedSundays theme, I also have personalized copies of Rose Under Fire, the companion novel to Code Name Verity. The first was generously sent by the author herself and the second was a surprise gift from the very thoughtful @Bunbury (bookish friends are the best).

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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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Woop woop! Great timing on deciding to put down the last book since this one just came in! I've been waiting for what feels like forever! I'm so excited to start it!

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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein

I loved Code Name Verity and was so pleased to see there was more to the story. I listened to the audio version and it was phenomenal. It wasn't the easiest story to listen to - but as Rose's fellow Ravensbruck prisoners say - tell the world. It's an important story that is so well told by Elizabeth Wein.

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E Wein
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I didn't think I'd have anything on my shelves for the #planestrainsautomobiles challenge, but it's amazing what you find on your shelves. Sorry that Anna Karenina is a little morbid... #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading

saresmoore We have the same couch! 😊 8y
ferskner @saresmoore Haha! Is yours starting to pill too? 8y
saresmoore @ferskner Alas, yes. But I also have two children and a cat, so I suppose it's to be expected. 8y
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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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While I wait for my copy of The Forgetting to arrive, I'll read this one. Goodbye, emotional wellbeing. Between empire of storms and this, I'm sure I'll be a blubbering mess for a month.

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein

This was really eye opening to lots of horrific things that were going on during WW2 that not everyone knows about. It was really good, but in terms of plot it was predictable. Saying that, I would still recommend it.

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth E. Wein
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Good follow up to Wein's Code Name Verity. The story of Rose and her "family" at the Ravensbruck concentration camp is very moving. I appreciate the research Wein put into the book and I'm glad she's continuing the work of telling the world what happened.

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Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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Very relevant right now

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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This one didn't hold up for me quite as well as Code Name Verity. Still a good read, but it didn't keep my interest as intensely.

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein

If you've read Code Name Verity you MUST read this book. Just as outstanding as her first one.

Rose Under Fire | Elizabeth Wein
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So excited to start this book! I absolutely loved Code Name Verity so I have high expectations :)

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