#selfiescavengerhunt a selfie with a loved one! My son has his first ever Christmas concert since he started playing the cello in September tonight and he‘s both excited and nervous for it. #teamgamesleighers @StayCurious
#selfiescavengerhunt a selfie with a loved one! My son has his first ever Christmas concert since he started playing the cello in September tonight and he‘s both excited and nervous for it. #teamgamesleighers @StayCurious
He doesn‘t play the cello, he plays the bass (no treble 🤣). He also plays the guitar, piano, and since our trip to the Ren Fair, the ocarina. I get a kick out of how big his 1/4 bass is! This boy loves his music! #gratitude30 #music
One of my favorite parts of Master and Commander is at the Galápagos Islands, with Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach on the soundtrack. During and after reading this book I went down a delightful YouTube rabbit hole watching him and others play the various Cello Suites.
Thanks to @Lynnsoprano for bringing this book to my attention!
#BlameItOnLitsy #Booked2018
For any musician or classical music lover, this is a must! There is so much to this book: biography of Bach and his sons, Casals biography, musicology, and memoir. I loved it all. This also dovetails nicely with Reinventing Bach, which I read last fall. Thank you, @hermyknee for this most thoughtful choice.
Still not feeling 100%, but I‘m leading a tour at the botanical garden today, and being there always lifts my spirits. Hubby suggested we go out for bagels and coffee before I had to leave. Of course our books came along 😄
This was a lovely read about exploring and reaching the limits of your own talents. The cello played a key role in my family's life and paralleled my own infertility journey... Wrote a short essay about it yesterday if u want to check out my post, "Cello Babies" on errinstevens.com. Incidentally, the Montagnana referenced is worth $21 million. I would never have touched it had I known! #cello #cellobabies #infertility #ivf
The last couple of weeks haven‘t left me much time to read this, or anything else for that matter. So when hubby asked if I wanted to do coffee, bagel, and books this morning, I jumped at the offer. This book is fascinating!
Starting this book today over a mug of coffee. Twenty pages in and it‘s already wonderful. Perfect for this music history nerd 🤓
I can‘t thank you enough, @hermyknee ! This is just incredible! You must have done some serious stalking, because everything is so perfect 😘 I can‘t wait to read all of these books. And the Cozy Coloring Cookbook is fantastic! I‘m more excited now than before I unwrapped it. Thanks again. #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange