I thought some of the #PemberLittens might be interested in this exclusive Jane Austen #funkopop from Books A Million. (I‘ve already ordered mine. 😊)
Given to me by @mitch as part of #Pemberlittens #AVeryAustenHolidaySwap. I've been saving this tea for a special occasion. Celebrating Pride and Prejudice Publication on this day in 1813 seems the perfect time to sip. 🎂📖🫖
Favorite Fairytale: Cinderella, Rumplestiltskin, The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Favorite Retelling: The Lunar Chronicles, The Wish Granter, Wicked, Spinning Silver
Most Wished For: Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, Any Pied Piper Retelling because I don't own any, A Curse Dark as Gold
@Chrissyreadit #happilyeverafterswap
Mrs. Bennet in the sulky mood ☹️
#purrideAndPurrejudice #150PnPCoverParty
Join us in February to celebrate @CrowCAH ‘s 150th copy of Pride and Prejudice. Yes, she owns 150 copies of P&P!
The order of the posts follows the arc of the novel‘s storyline and there will be prizes for those who finish the entire challenge.
Stay tuned for news of the Purr-ide and Purr-ejudice photo contest. A $25 bookstore gift card will go to the Litsy pet that best impersonates an Austen character. Start making that cat bonnet now. 😆
An in depth look at all aspects of P&P. It was a fun breakdown of characters, book editions, movies and more. Definitely one to check out for Austen lovers. #readwomen #austenite
Reading this at work and someone asked if it was for school, no just for my brain. Oh are you a nerd. Indeed. #booknerd
My "thank you" package arrived from @BooksTeasAndBookishThings , for when I helped her Dear America series grow, so she assisted my Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice collection grow!!! Along with gifting me some other great bookish things!
The book sleeve and Book Shadow silhouettes both use this quote: In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."
This tribute to Pride and Prejudice was lovely and quite informative! It has some gorgeous illustrations and extensive lists of adaptations (both book and film). If you love Austen's most famous novel and want know about its history, this is the book for you!