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Tell Me Everything You Don't Remember
Tell Me Everything You Don't Remember: The Stroke That Changed My Life | Christine Hyung-Oak Lee
A memoir of reinvention after a stroke at thirty-three, based on the authors viral Buzzfeed essay Christine Hyung-Oak Lee woke up with a headache on New Years Eve 2006. By that afternoon, she saw the worldquite literallyupside down. By New Years Day, she was unable to form a coherent sentence. And after hours in the ER, days in the hospital, and multiple questions and tests, she learned that she had had a stroke. For months, Lee outsourced her memories to her notebook. It is from these memories that she has constructed this frank and compelling memoir. In a precise and captivating narrative, Lee navigates fearlessly between chronologies, weaving her childhood humiliations and joys together with the story of the early days of her marriage; and then later, in painstaking, painful, and unflinching detail, her stroke and every upset, temporary or permanent, that it causes. Lee processes her stroke and illuminates the connection between memory and identity in an honest, meditative, and truly funny manner, utterly devoid of self-pity. And as she recovers, she begins to realize that this unexpected and devastating event provides a catalyst for coming to terms with her true self.
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We are thrilled to announce the #ReadingWomenAward non-fiction shortlist for 2017! Find our reviews on the most recent podcast episode.⠀⠀

One of this year's picks is TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU DON'T REMEMBER by Christine Hyung-Oak Lee. ⠀⠀
“An incredible story about recovery, and hope, and how words have the power to anchor and restore what we‘ve lost.”⠀

tammysue A must read for me on a personal level, thanks for posting! 😘 7y
Ms_T Really looking forward to listening to this podcast! 7y
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So many teary moments during this one. See so many of my husband's struggles, my struggles, and our struggles, boldly on display throughout this memoir. Amazing how experiences can be so similar and yet so different. This is a beautiful book - I encourage everyone to take the time to read it.
#litsy2017readingchallenge #personofcolormemoir

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Spending #NationalBookLoversDay reading this amazing memoir. A tough read for me as so many things parallel my husband's experiences since his acquired brain injury 8 years ago. I encourage everyone to read this - she does an amazing job of really helping you feel the loneliness & frustration involved in a health condition that people don't 'see'. 'But you look so good!' is something my husband hears all the time. 😩 #ABI #TBI #invisibleinjury

UglyOldBat Yep I get told that all the time but my body hates me 7y
coffeenebula I feel you. My husband has had 4 strokes since 2014. It's so frustrating and tiring. 😞 7y
CuriousG @coffeenebula Wow! That must be utterly depleting/discouraging to experience that again and again. Sending you both my positive thoughts and hoping that you are able to find some joy in your time together. I have no doubt your lives have changed drastically in the last 3 years! 💟 7y
CuriousG @abandonallhope It must be very frustrating to have people minimize your struggles by saying that (even if it isn't intentional on their part, it still hurts). I hope you are able to find some things that help you feel more at peace with your body and less like it is fighting you. You're doing a great job already....I know this because you obviously like books and go on Litsy! Books heal our souls 💛 7y
UglyOldBat Thank you 💜 7y
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I'm glad for the opportunity to read about Christine Hyung-Oak Lee‘s life as the daughter of immigrants, her health crisis & her recovery. While it‘s inspiring memoir with beautiful passages, I also found it repetitive & felt like I never quite connected with the narrative. I‘ll remember the harrowing events of Lee‘s stroke & her healing process, but the book itself is not one that will stay with me.

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Here are some of my top #memiors from my tbr! #readingwomenmonth #memior

TheBookStacker I am Malala is so good ❤️ 7y
Jess7 I Am Malala is a must read! 💙 7y
Jess7 Hunger and scrappy little nobody are on my #TBR list too. I've read part of Bad Feminist but haven't finished it yet. I like it, but parts of it seem to go on and on. I've never learned so much about professional scrabble in my life lol 😂 7y
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I really enjoyed and was also scared by this memoir. I heard the author on NPR's Weekend Edition and wanted to read it right away. She writes in an interesting, not always chronological way.

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This book is fascinating! I'm only about a third of the way through but it really has my attention. (This is another book I found because of an author interview on NPR)

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Ran my first half yesterday, so I'm allowing myself to be lazy and recoup. So Lenore & I are going to stay in bed today & get caught up on some books. #noregrets

LauraBeth Congrats!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ 7y
bio_chem06 Thanks @LauraBeth ! Today is going great, I can actually walk today, haha! Yesterday post race was rough. 7y
LauraBeth Which half did you do? 7y
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bio_chem06 @LauraBeth it wasn't a big one. It's just a small one here in Ohio in one of the parks. I am doing a big one April 30th called the Cap City & that is downtown Columbus. But I'm only doing the half. I still have no desire to do a full, haha! When I lived in Chicago, I watched the final 3 miles of the Chicago marathon, changed my mind about running a full. Haha! 7y
LauraBeth The full is TERRIBLE and I never want to run another one again! The half is the perfect distance - still challenging. I want to run The Flying Pig over by your way one of these days 😀 🐷 7y
bio_chem06 @LauraBeth The Flying Pig is great. I did the 5k while friends did the half, I wasn't ready yet. Although, Cincinnati is so hilly, makes it so much more challenging. I wanted to do it this year, but it was the day after the Cap City, so I'll just do it next year instead. I grew up in Cincinnati so I'm more partial to it. 7y
LauraBeth Maybe we can both do it next year. I haven't done it because it always fell during the Nashville half/full but I've run Nashville twice now so it's time for something new. The ad agency I used to work with is based in Cincinnati so I got to go up there a few times and thought it'd be a good city to run (edited) 7y
bio_chem06 That sounds super fun @LauraBeth ! Count me in! 7y
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Will this be the book that breaks the reading slump camel's back? Seriously guys. This is getting ridiculous. #iambroken

Notafraidofwords No no. It definitely happens. 7y
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This book came out last month and it is about a woman who had a stroke at age 33 and then has to relearn how to be herself over many many years. It looks amazing! #shepersisted #marchintoreading

Seshat I love the cover art. 7y
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Excellent memoir. What she went through and coming back. Such a strong woman and yes you can recover after a stroke.

MallenNC I heard her being interviewed on NPR. Sounds fascinating. 7y
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#ICYMI We interviewed @xtinehlee1 about her memoir TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU DON‘T REMEMBER, out now from @eccobooks. You can listen to the interview on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts. #memoir

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So happy to have this beauty come in the mail today. Can't wait to read about Christine Hyung-Oak Lee's story. What are you reading this weekend.

charl08 Gorgeous cover. 7y
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@autumnprivett and I interviewed Christine Hyung-Oak Lee about her new memoir about the stroke she had at 33. I loved her new book and think it's so important to the discussion surrounding long-term illness. The writing is gorgeous and meaningful. I just can't say enough about this book. ❤


missevievelyn What a stunning cover! 7y
SaraFair Heard an interview with her about this book on npr. How scary for her but interesting how the brain works! 7y
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To say I loved this book is an understatement. Using SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE as a guiding motif, Christine tracks her path to recovery after suffering a stroke at 33. @kdwinchester and I had the chance to interview her for the @thereadingwomen . Available wherever you get your podcasts. 💃🏻💃🏽

Sasha728 Can't wait to listen. 7y
Sydsavvy Wow, I have a friend that age who just suffered had a series of stroke. Looks good. 7y
autumnprivett @Sydsavvy How sad. 😕 This might be a timely read for you then. Christine talks in great detail about how the mind heals after a stoke. Very helpful because it's hard to know sometimes how to help people who have trauma/illness you can't see. 7y
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autumnprivett @Sasha728 thanks. 😊 7y
Sydsavvy I'm going to order it for me and for his best friend. Timely post, thank you so much. 💔 7y
Curious1 This looks really interesting Thank you. 7y
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We are super excited to announce our first-ever podcast interview! 🎉🎊😍The wonderfully charming Christine Hyung-Oak Lee talked to us about her memoir TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU DON'T REMEMBER, which follows her path to recovery after having a stroke at 33. Download this special episode now and then go get a copy of this incredibly moving book.

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Imagine what it would be like if you woke up one morning with a headache and by the end of the day could not speak coherently. This is what happened to Christine Hyung-Oak Lee. In her beautiful memoir TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU DON'T REMEMBER: THE STROKE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE, Hyung-Oak Lee examines her life pre- and post-stroke and shows the role memory plays in our experiences. ⠀
#diverseathon #thereadingwomen

Cinfhen Sounds fascinating! 7y
EvieBee Thank you for sharing! Ordering now. I love all things neurological. 7y
Parisa This sounds so cool 7y
night_shift Sounds cool! And what a neat cover! 7y
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