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So You Want to be President?
So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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Presents an assortment of facts about the qualifications and characteristics of U.S. presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush.
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

“William Mckinley was so nice, he tried to stop a mob for a man who just shot him.“

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I would definitely use this book in my classroom when teaching my kids about the past presidents of the United States of America! It is a funny yet informative read for young children. It is filled with facts!

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

This is a nonfiction children's book. It is also a Caldecott award-winning book. It is about all the past presidents we have had in the United States. It is full of hilarious facts about each president. It includes how they stepped up to the office. The book was designed to teach kids about the presidents but in a way that young children can understand and enjoy.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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This NF short novel explains what it takes to be president. It also shows past presidents with fun cartoons and great explanations. IR would provide great support for projects and presentations. Besides the students creating projects they could also connect it to a history lesson. This topic could be introduced with its Voting season and explaining it to students. #ucflae3414f19

YesseniaN UDL Proving another means of representation: https://vimeo.com/127741388 video of the book being read with animations.
ESOL Explaining the text as you read to clarify vocabulary.
kradebaugh I am such a history buff. I think this is one I will have to go get for my library. 5y
JRone This book would be a great book to use if you were teaching a lesson on the different presidents and what they are in charge of doing during their presidency. 5y
Alexush This was a book i chose it was hilarious and informative. The kids will love the bath tub picture! (edited) 5y
DrSpalding This is a picture book and a great one for reading aloud or providing as an independent read/research resource during a social studies unit about the presidents. 5y
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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#ucflae3414f19 “So you want to be president?” by Judith St. George and David Small was an interesting and informative. NF (ages 7-10) . In this book you learn a lot about our past presidents and who they were. Not only do you learn about when they were serving but you learn fun stuff like the mini zoo Theodore Roosevelts children had in the White House. https://www.teachervision.com/us-presidents/so-you-want-be-president-literature-...

Alexush This website provides fun activities for kids to do with this book. The UDL I choose for this book is 8.1 because being president is a big accomplishment and this book could push kids to shoot for the stars and set big goals. I think this would be a cute RT the kids could dress like the presidents and really have fun with this book. The EL strategy I‘d use is 2 because this book would allow you to promote a lot of cooperation. #caldecottwinner (edited) 5y
kradebaugh I think this is a great book. So many uses for it. But I think it would make a great RA in a history lesson. 5y
DrSpalding Katie is correct. This would make an excellent read aloud during a social studies lesson. Readers theater is another good idea! They can learn about the various presidents and what the job entails. 5y
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

“ Another good thing about being president is the President has a swimming pool, bowling alley, and movie theater.“

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I love the idea of making something that is usually talked about so seriously and making it a little silly. Kids want to learn about things they enjoy and bringing humor into the story and making these presidents real people makes it a great book for them.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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So you want to be President illustrated by David Small and was the 2001 Caldecott award winner. I think a lot of times there is a stigma around history that it's boring but this book has comical illustrations and funny comments that make kids enjoy learning. The illustrations that look to be a mix of water color and maybe colored pencils give a new colorful light to some stiffer US characters.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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This page was funny and had a good comparison of a ratio.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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I think this is a good quote because younger children would think it‘s cool to have all those things in a house ! I was always fascinated with the white house as a child.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I do not think I would read this book in my classroom, since I want to teach early childhood education. The book is lengthy and I don‘t think the children would understand or pay attention through the whole book.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

So You Want to Be President? By Judith St. George and David Small, 2000. Caldecott Medal. This book was very informative. I think this book would be best towards an older crowd such as middle school-junior high. The text is a little challenging and lengthy. It would be a good book to read if you were wanting to learn about the past presidents and what it takes to become a president.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I like how the author compares the presidents through this book.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I thought this book was very cute and gives history about the presidents too.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

“Someone once called Lincoln two/faced. ‘If I am two/faced, would I wear the face that I have now?‘ Lincoln asked.”

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

This book I have read before, when I was in elementary school. I find this book very interesting and intriguing. The storyline is easy to follow. The dialogue in this book is repetitive, but what I think the book does best is give a brief history lesson about the United States presidents.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I love these kinds of books and i loved them growing up, i think it‘s a great book to read when talking about Presidents‘ Day! Because it looks at all of our presidents (minus the former and the current).

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

Theodore Roosevelts children didnt just have pets, they ran a zoo.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

After reading this, I realized I dont want to be president anymore.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

This book is like a nice trivial history of the presidency for kids. They get to learn simple facts like the names of presidents and the sons and grandsons that's were presidents. I think it's a nice introductory history to the presidency because every kid does want to be president.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

“To cheer up his sick brother, young Quentin once took Algonquin upstairs in the White House elevator.”

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

The illustrator did an excellent job with working with color. The characters are “cartoon-like” and really make for a fun picture book too.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I love the facts that are told in this book. It gives a fun educational spin on the presidency.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

Warren Harding " I am not fit for this office and never should have been here".

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

I thought that good had very informative of the president's and I loved the part about how Taft had to have a huge bath because he was so big.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George

This book was interesting with certain facts that I didn't know. The plot of this book was when they were comparing and contrasting the president's from anything like where they lived to the good they ate. The style that that the writer chose was a little complex and descriptive for young children, but it did get the point across. The point of view if this story is from someone that has done his/her research about the president's.

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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Great children‘s book about the presidents, there qualifications (both good and bad) & in the back of the book is the list of presidents up to and including bill clinton!

So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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An excellent guide for anyone seeking executive powers over our country. David Small's 2001 Caldecott winner details how our Presidents all have commonalities with one another and you may find some similarities with yourselves. Great read during a social studies lesson. #ucflae3414sp17 https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/so-you-want-be...

DrSpalding Love it! Super informational guide! Genre? 7y
EthanH I'm feeling narrative and expository non fiction 7y
AlanaA This would not only be great for a unit on presidents, but also if you want to teach you class about the qualities of being a leader. I'll have to check this out! 7y
LaurenMcl Excellent resource provided and a perfect lesson especially following a day like this (President's Day). 7y
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So You Want to be President? | David Small, Judith St. George
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Seems appropriate, as today is both #InaugurationDay and the day the newest #CaldecottMedal will be announced.

Librarianaut Doh!! Oops. Caldecott not announced until Monday. I (and my failing near vision) misread a Twitter post ... haha. Have to wait until Monday! 7y
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