This book is about 4 seasons and it is described by the island that is involved in them. Great illustrations.
This book is about 4 seasons and it is described by the island that is involved in them. Great illustrations.
A great book about something that happened thosuands of years ago. The incredible story of Noah and God bringing all the animals onto a boat during the great flood.
Owl moon is an amazing book about a father and son who go watch owls. Ever since i got done reading this book it‘s made me want to build my classroom around it.
Great book that has 3 other parts i believe, they tell a great story about someone who finally stands up to oppression and stands up for all.
The sad story of a young fuck who losses his family and is all alone, the duck loses his confidence until he finally finds his family again and he is happy. Awesome book.
I read this to a class while i was on spring break and the students just loved it, they were so into it just as i was as a kid. It‘s a fun rhyming book with great pictures.
An All time classic book about giving and friendship, reading this book always brings back memories from when i was younger.
A fun loving grandpa who dances in the attic, who says you can‘t be active when you get older? This grandpa is all about fun and dance and that‘s the message he tries to send to his grandchildren.
This book is about some ordinary frogs and how a magical journey takes them through the big city
It‘s all about the alps Angeles riots, our teacher read it to us in class and it really hit home, it was a super good book though.
I love these kinds of books and i loved them growing up, i think it‘s a great book to read when talking about Presidents‘ Day! Because it looks at all of our presidents (minus the former and the current).
It‘s about a girl who gets lost in the snow , it‘s kinda like little read-risking good and a great book to read
Thee illustrations jump out in this classic book about a giant up on a bean stock and a boy named jack who believed in magic beans. It‘s good vs seemingly evil, but i always thought what the story might have been like if jack was friendlier to the giant.
What a great book, the illustrations pop out on the page in this classic tale of betrayal and family. A good book to read to any young class just to get the pages turning.
The old story of Cinderella and the lots shoe, the fight against the people who raised her so terribly. The fight to make friends and find love is all in this story. For those who wait, have the most pleasant surprise.
A great book to read to your class to make observations on. A girl loses her kitten while making a snowman, but after awhile she can‘t seem to find it. She spends the whole book retracing her steps to try and find it, all the while you can spot the mitten in every page.
I grew up on Pooh and piglet, tiger and Ehor. That was my childhood. Christopher Robin enters into a world, a wonderland where play animals come alive and are clumsy, sad, energetic and most importantly helpful and friendly. A tale of friends once thought never possible.
Who knew they made a book? If you were like me and only saw the movie, just wait until you read the book. The great story telling by Ian Fleming makes you believe you are truly there as you travel into a make believe world where anything and everything is possible.
A classic like no other. As you go into the mind of a young girl in and around her barn as she meets amazing and infighting animals. The animals talk to her and amongst themselves, this timely classic is not only a good read but a great place for a child to explore their imagination and truly paint a picture in their own head.
The life of a young boy and his dog in this award winning book as it shows their peaceful and quiet morning routine of a paper route. It shows loyalty and peacefulness, because as soon as the job as done, they go right back to bed.
We all have that crazy friend that does anything and everything. Meet rabbit and mouse. Rabbit gods on theses wild adventures and now he‘s got his plane stuck in a tree, he try‘s to stack animals on top to get it but everything fails, but guess who is by rabbits side? Friendship, loyalty and silliness is this books definition.
This award winning book helps children count objects and numbers. It‘s a great repetitive book that offers a lot of great information.
A ball for daisy shows the play of a dog and it‘s adventure with a small red ball. It encounters lots of things and shows the true sacrifice is giving up something you love for someone you don‘t know. But that everything good you do, the universe will pay you back for.
Another book that is high in repetition and shows multiple everyday objects that the children can pick up on and learn very quickly. It‘s a great read for any bed time story and you can make it your own by counting and listing off the things in your own child‘s room.
Over the ocean shows the wonder and imagination of a child. It shows just how far the mind can stretch when looking over the ocean , and how wonderful the world is in their eyes.
This great picture book explore multiple different family‘s of very diverse and different backgrounds. But at the end of the day we are all one family, no matter if we have to dads, or two moms, no matter if we have different color skin or different religions, we are still one family.
This picture book is written like a comic, not a lot of words on the pages very few at all. However, it shows a great tale of bravery, friendship and the courage to explore a new world and to have hope when you enter inside of it.
The picture book shows a chicken on her morning walk and how she eludes danger at every corner. It shows that we might not know it but danger could always be right behind us, even when we seem the most peaceful.
Brown Bear is a classic children‘s picture book. It explores many different animals and colors and has repetition which is a great tool for young children to understand certain things.
This picture book is full of imagination and creativity. It shows one little boys drive to fly. It shows at first failure but then, in his own mind success , it looks deep into the play of young children and how beneficial it truly is.
This picture book shows a distracted young duck getting lost and distracted and losing her mother. The baby duck is sad , confused and worried about if she will ever get back to her mother, the whole book is that, until she finally finds her and she is so happy.
This award winning book traps the true magic of Christmas in a few short hours. It looks at realistic life characters in a realistic setting and then goes into a make-believe land. It shows courage, bravery, and the ability to believe in something. Great read.
This award winning books takes on the tale of a jumping rabbits journey as it enters into a vast new world. It meets magical animals along the way that help him throughout his journey, but as he does that he also helps some animals while losing a part of him. It shows true courage, friendship and bravery in this book.
The last book in the Harry Potter series. So large that they had to split it into two movies. It all leads up to the the fight vs good and evil, between young and old, only one can prevail and it has all been leading to this since the beginning of the series. Great read and even better series by JK Rowling
Tragedy strikes, foes become even more powerful than once thought and teachers who seem to be evil, are your closest ally. But only you as the reader only know this. A friend falls and the character is seemingly left without anymore guides but his friends and his own intuition.
This book you see what true evil looks like. You see friends become closer than ever before as the series takes a deeper look into darkness. Once a happier book now seems to be going down a very dark ally as more people die and characters start becoming even more powerful
The 4th book in the series. It takes on a world of confusion as you wonder who the villain is the entire time, deception plays a big part in this book, and it shows that you might meet someone and they may not be the person that they say they are.
The third book in the Harry Potter series , it goes into the world of where the characters live, a magical land, Harry and his friends have to decide good from evil, and those who seem the most close to you aren‘t who they truly are.
This is the second book in the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling . It takes on characters that could exist in our real world and put them in a make believe land. It has main characters and people within it who could not possibly be real. Great read.
I loved this book and grew up on it, it was the first book in JK Rowling‘s 7 book story that made headway into theaters.