@GingerAntics and I loved this series (ok she‘s a bit fanatical about it), so whenever it‘s free I have to highly recommend it.
@GingerAntics and I loved this series (ok she‘s a bit fanatical about it), so whenever it‘s free I have to highly recommend it.
I actually finished this yesterday but forgot to post. Whoops! The story is just as good as I remember it. I‘m not the biggest fan of the narrator. She‘s American, so her “Welsh” accent sounds more like a mix of someone mocking an Irish and an Indian accent. It gets worse when she‘s doing the Danes‘ accents. I‘m also not sure she knows any Welsh, so her pronunciations are suspect.
I am binging the audiobooks for this series this month, just because I bloody well feel like it. It‘s July. Try to stop me.
#SarahWoodbury #TheGoodKnight #audiobook #WelshHistory #GarethandGwen
This felt a little all over the place. I wanted to love this one, but there were so many times where nothing made sense in the story. The characters made the book worth reading though, even if I only ended up caring for them midway through.
⭐: 3
(Photo in the background belongs to Peyton Wells)
@Texreader look what was just delivered this afternoon!!! I‘m slowly but surely adding these to my physical library.
This ebook has some big fans on Litsy like me and @GingerAntics Free today.
Book ideas for #Wales for #readingeurope2020
Ebook FREE today! Hurry! Ages ago @GingerAntics and I read this one, loved the story, and went on an ebook buying splurge and read all in the series that existed at the time. (She‘s passed me way up on the books in the series that have come out since.) It was so much fun and they‘re such good books and easy reads! So I strongly urge you to go get this one now!
Look what‘s out today @GingerAntics ! I wonder if I can remember what has been happening.
Choosing one “best” of the year just isn‘t going to happen. Discovering Sarah Woodbury as an author. I adore her Gareth and Gwen Mysteries and can‘t wait for the next one. Her spin on the King Arthur legend wasn‘t bad either.
#sarahwoodbury #garethandgwen #kingarthur #wales #historicalfiction #2018 #bestread #bestread2018 #history
I really wanted to love this...a series of mysteries set in medieval Wales with a little romance thrown in. But I would probably rate it between a pick and so-so (3/5⭐️). A plus is that this was actually based on some true events. And while the mystery was fine, I found the writing a bit too simplistic and the pace too slow in parts. However there was a surprise twist ending that I didn‘t see coming.
I do plan to give the 2nd book a fair try. 🔽
Current read on this rainy, stormy Thursday in the Southeast (U.S.)...be safe out there folks! 😊
Talk about a shock at the end!!! I absolutely adored every minute of this book. The pacing was perfect. If anything it seemed to go by so fast. 4 hours (max) start to finish. I would definitely recommend this book. This is the first free book I‘ve read that has made me want to read the next book. I can‘t wait until I can get my hands on the next one.
#thegoodknight #sarahwoodbury #wales #medieval #historicalfiction #welshhistory #celtichistory
The cover of this book, a freebie on Amazon Prime, makes it look like a romance. It‘s not. It‘s a very good historical fiction novel based on real events in Wales during the Stephen/Maud civil war in England. It‘s a murder mystery based on the death of a Welsh king Anarawd. I liked it enough to buy the next three on Kindle. There are many books in the series so I‘m looking forward to it.
The year is 1143. Was the word “smarmy” in wide use then?