It‘s SO amusing that a book called “For Real” would have annotations that are just so… well… real. 🤷🏼♀️
#AlexisHall #ForReal #annotations #BonusMaterial #TooBritish
It‘s SO amusing that a book called “For Real” would have annotations that are just so… well… real. 🤷🏼♀️
#AlexisHall #ForReal #annotations #BonusMaterial #TooBritish
push the boat out, Hall. 🧡🧡🧡🤣😂🤣🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
#AlexisHall #ForReal #BonusMaterial #perfection #PushTheBoatOutHall #inlove
Okay. Seriously. How is this not perfection?
⭐️Also, ARH (anal retentive Hall) is now a whole mood and will be short hand for “I‘m being anal retentive… just like Alexis Hall, so at least we‘re having fun over here.”⭐️
#AlexisHall #ForReal #GreatestHumanBeingEver #ARH
So I‘ve been reading the bonus material in my all time favourite Alexis Hall book and my gods the snark is on point! 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 So I went online trying to find a picture of this amazing human being, but all I found was not amazing snark and subversion brilliance on his/hers/their website! Still don‘t have a face to go with the brilliance, but I am in love.
#AlexisHall #ForReal #BonusMaterial #snark #brilliance #needmore
Straight men, are you okay? Straight white men, are you specifically okay? This entire book is an ode to the idea that it‘s about damned time we abandon our insistence on a binary view of life, love, sexuality, attraction, and gender.
Seriously, I feel like this entire book is an argument for abandoning the binary views we have of gender, sexuality, attraction, and life.
#JaneWard #NotGay #gender #sexuality #binary #biological #cultural #gay #straight
So being friends with other men is gay, but this is less gay? Again, I‘m going to need the men to show their work on this, because the math is NOT mathing.
#JaneWard #NotGay #MaybeGay #friendship #mathnotmathing #gay
Reasons given for the acceptable practice of initiating new men into the military using homosexual sex acts. I‘m really going to need them to show their work on that second one. The other two make no sense either, but that one is extra special.
#JaneWard #NotGay #Military #USMilitary #WTF #ShowYourWork
Ward keeps using this concept of a sex terrorist to describe reasons a person may engage in a sex act in a way that is not in accordance with their orientation. Is this a real thing?
#JaneWard #NotGay #sexterrorist
Thank you, Victorian era! I‘m still waiting for a single positive thing you have added to our lives, even beyond sexuality.
#JaneWard #NotGay #normal #heterosexual #homosexual #NormalSexual #VictorianEra #Victorian #reproduction
I enjoyed The Tragedy of Heterosexuality so much yesterday, I decided to read this one today.
#JaneWard #NotGay #audiobook
There were so many points in this book that were ah-ha moments, and then once I thought about them they shouldn‘t have been. It‘s obvious. We just don‘t think about them because this is what movies, fairytales, and society have sold us - especially women - from birth. This is a real discussion starter.
This seems so obvious, and yet it‘s just not true for A LOT of men. I‘m certainly not saying every man, but the loudest, most vocal, most powerful men certainly. Not to mention all the men who look up to those men as the ideal of manhood and masculinity.
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #men #women #intowomen #forwomen #manhood #masculinity #simple
This really answers SO many questions.
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #heterosexuality #homophobia #misery #projecting
More marriage self help nonsense.
My knee jerk reaction: no wonder men need porn if that‘s what it takes to turn them on. 🙄🥃🥃
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterossxuality #YouHaveGotToBeKidding #ImNotLyingToYouToTurnYouOn #INeedAStiffDrink #MaleFragility
WHAT THE ACTUAL 🤬ING 🤬?! I‘m glad I didn‘t ever get the complete series of I Love Lucy on DVD back when I wanted to. 🙄 🤯🤯🤯
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #TheHoneymooners #ILoveLucy #INoLongerLoveLucy #RickyIsEvil
Sadly, given the state of affairs between men and women these days, I think this has just become the quiet part we don‘t actually say out loud. “Men‘s latent cruelty in courtship and women‘s receptivity to pain and domination as core heterosexual impulses.”
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #eugenics #men #women #disturbing #oddlytrue #stilltrue
Are straight women okay? No. No we are not.
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #friendship #MutualRespect #Affection #fail
How is anyone still saying this to little girls in 2025?! I mean, seriously, this wasn‘t healthy when we were kids, but people my age are now saying this to my generation‘s children! How about we stop this bull sh🤬t!
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #BoysWillBeBoys #GenderPolitics #Outdated #StopTheMadness
These are seriously legit points. I‘d be lying if I hadn‘t noticed these myself.
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #ComplaintsAboutStraightCulture
What straight folks can learn from queer folks (other than style tips - thanks Queer Eye!). Well, here we go.
#JaneWard #TheTragedyOfHeterosexuality #audiobook
I wasn‘t really surpassed to find out just how much of Catherine Read Arnold Williams‘s 19th century book was. It was really obvious from the beginning. I loved that Kate Winkler Dawson brought in a document examiner. It was interesting to see the weird and random ties to the Borden family (and just how messed up that family apparently was - think Lizzy Borden and her alleged ax).
I feel like this is as true today as it was in the early 19th century.
#KateWinklerDawson #TheSinnersAllBow #audiobook #PredatoryPreachers #VictimBlaming
@Hooked_on_books made me do this. It just sounds so interesting.
#KateWinklerDawsom #TheSinnersAllBow #audiobook
How is everyone‘s reading experience going? I greatly enjoyed the part discussing seeing without experiencing sight. I wonder what that is like.
#PeterGodfreySmith #OtherMinds #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp
This one was also hard to choose. I liked multiple nonfiction books this month.
#ReadingBracket #ReadingBracket2025
#BookBracket2025 #Nonfiction #OliverDarkshire #OnceUponATome
This was a hard one to choose. I read a lot this month.
#ReadingBracket #ReadingBracket2025 #BookBracket2025 #SierraSimone #Sinner #fiction
It took over a month to read the chapters on the final battle, this second time around. I knew where it was going, and I could only handle one chapter at a time. I still loved it. I have a better handle on what happened at the end, but of course, I still have a million questions I probably won‘t have answers to until the 5th book comes out. Two. More. Years. (to the 4th book) I‘m going to need a nap.
#RebeccaYarros #OnyxStorm
It must be so trippy to see without experiencing seeing.
#PeterGodfreySmith #OtherMinds #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
#StoryGraph I finally got out of my Onyx Storm hangover. I ended up reading more books in 28 days than I did in January. Go figure. Most of it was smut, but reading is reading. 🤷🏼♀️
I was so excited when I realised this was a retelling of Hamlet (my favourite Shakespeare play). I was very disappointed almost immediately. The main character is 11, but his thought processes seem much younger. He throws around words like “fatso” because he‘s impatient with a bank teller, and his friends are stunningly and disturbingly misogynistic for prepubescent children. He repeats words over and over like a kindergartener.
Really excited to take this one for a spin.
#MattHaig #TheDeadFathersClub #audiobook
This is between a pick and a so-so for me, but manages to come down just this side of pick. This is a hard book to get through when our country is currently a flaming mess. Arendt also has some problematic views on race that are clearly due to when she was alive. One would hope, were she alive now, those views would be different.
This is such a cool detail. It‘s also unsurprising. Someone spoke about and from a perspective he did not have, so he sought out that perspective. Plus, he reads. He reads voluntarily and happily. I‘m not sure the current resident of the Oval Office knows the difference between a stack of papers and a book. Both are to be ignored and are of no interest to him. Maybe he can identify the book as something to put his Diet Coke can on. 🙄
Oh really? No only have the former confederate states/the former traitor states been ignoring it since the founding of the nation, they are actively seeking to force their chosen ignorance upon the rest of us.
#LyndseyStonebridge #HannahArendt #WeAreFreeToChangeTheWorld
Sometimes, I feel like social media is the number one thing that is burning the world to the ground (socially of course).
#LyndseyStonebridge #HannahArendt #WeAreFreeToChangeTheWorld
This needs to be posted on every door, of every building, of every university in the United States immediately.
#LyndseyStonebridge #HannahArendt #WeAreFreeToChangeTheWorld
loved all of the philosophy. I loved the way Haig played with the many worlds interpretation. It‘s a little bit (a very little bit) like It‘s a Wonderful Life with the coolest library, but it‘s so much more than that with all the academics. I love the perspective shift from worthlessness to potential. This is almost Sci-fi philosophy, but I love both, so I really enjoyed this book.
I‘ve got to disagree with Arendt. There is not a new kind of evil, a special, radical kind of evil that started with the Nazis. Every human being is fully capable of such evil. It is our better nature that allows us to override any desire to be evil and choose to be good people. When one starts to believe that this evil can benefit one‘s better nature is when these atrocities happen.
This is concise and clear about the ways ideas are misrepresented in the Christian Bible. The book made clear again and again that the historical evidence that the New Testament was written a century or more after the events it depicts and not by the people they are attributed to; though, he never takes that step.
As a historian, this is like day one, class one of every graduate program. If you have a REALLY good undergrad prof, they might mention it then, but mostly they are focused on getting you into grad school. Go figure.
In fact, I was taught these two points in the opposite directions. Who wrote it first, then who paid them to write it?
#JoelMHoffman #TheBibleDoesntSayThat #audiobook #MartinCullen #history #historiography #whopaidforit #whowroteit
If you feel compelled to begin a debate about the literal nature of the Bible in response to the above quote that takes historical and cultural views into account, save your time and mine… just unfollow.
#JoelMHoffman #TheBibleDoesntSayThat #audiobook #oncologyreading #thebibleisnotliteral #thebibleisnothistory